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are online surveys a good way to make money

how to make money online 2016 fast how to make money online earn work from home online no survey app apps how to earn money online cash more 2017 top best way to make 1000 dollars online legally from home 2016 how to make money online fast earn more real ways hey lazy human! how you doing! want to makesome quick cash? to take your girlfriend to watch a romantic movie? well, worry not, welcometo hi hacker, today we count few simple ways to make money online. and from home of course.our list contains sites that can pay from 10 dollars to 1000 dollars. now, before webegin. this video is not sponsored by any bullshit website. so this is not a scam, it'ssomething i would personally try when i run out of money. so this is not a scam, it'ssomething i would personally try when i ran out of money. remember, most of them requirea lot of work and sometimes a lot of dedication before seeing a return on your time. but ifyou really want to make money online, work

from home or turn an idea into a business,you can do it. you can buy an iphone if you put in the work and time. but iphone sucksanyways. so, let's begin.number one, swagbucks, swagbucks is great for earning some extra cash. you can do avariety of things to make money, from taking surveys to using their search engine. youwon t get rich, but you will earn a few bucks. if you have the time to kill, you can spendit earning some extra cash, instead of surfing the web. second on our list is, project payday projectpayday is one of those sites that has testimonials of people who have earned thousands of dollarsby getting paid to get trial offers. i m not

saying you ll earn thousands, but it is legitand you can earn some extra cash. they assume that by paying you to do a free trial, youll either like the product and purchase it, or forget to cancel the trial and get chargedfor it. if you can keep track and cancel before you get charged (if you don t want the product),then this is a great site for making some money.on number 3, it's user testing user testing pays $10 a pop for testing websites. a testusually takes about 15-20 minutes. the purpose is for a website owner to watch someone, whois new to their site, try to navigate it. the value that the site owner gets by watchingan actual user experience is worth a ton, but $10 isn t a bad pay-out.on 4, it's fiverr fiverr is a great place

to make a few bucks or spend a few bucks ifyou need some of the services people offer. basically, everything is $5. you either pay$5 or charge $5. they call them gigs. you can offer your services however you choose.if you sell art and you re fine selling pieces for $5 each, that s a gig. if you re a graphicdesigner and you want to offer your services for $10/hour, simply offer a 30 minute gig.if they need two hours of graphic design, they pay you $20, or $10/hour by buying fourgigs. on number 5, its freelance writing. now thiscan pay a lot. freelance writing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online.many successful freelancers can earn an average of 50 cents to a dollar per word. some areearning twice that!

of course, it doesn t start out like ve got to build your portfolio and your r�sum�, blah blah blah. if you re interestedin writing, i m sure you know this. if you re not interested in writing, i wouldn t recommendtraveling down this road just for the money. it takes dedication and time, though it canbe highly profitable if it s what you love. assuming it is what you love, let s talk aboutmaking money with it. before you decide to start reaching out toall of these freelance writing companies, you need to have a web presence. you needa blog (in my humble blogger opinion, of course). or you could just have an online portfolio.even a linkedin profile works to get started. here are 3 websites you can start with:

listverse listverse pays $100 for each acceptedpost. the article must be a list, it must be at least 1,500 words and you must includeat least 10 things. other than that, you can get pretty creative with it.toptenz toptenz pays $50 for each accepted post. again, the article has to be in a listformat and it must be at least 1,500 words, with few exceptions. they post often so yourchances of getting accepted are fairly high. a list apart a list apart pays $200 for eachaccepted post. they re not first on the list, because they tend to publish less articles,which means you have a smaller chance of getting accepted. same guidelines as above, 1,500word minimum. hihacker

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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