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(keshe foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop) the keshe foundationis extending an invitation to medical doctors ofany practice and speciality, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop, this includes medical doctors,dentists, and veterinarians. scientists at the keshe foundation developed different typesof plasma therapies, and cures, that utilize advancednon-invasive plasma technology. the weekly privatemedical teaching workshop

educates doctors to theplasma science behind the therapies, along with the functionality and operationof revolutionary plasma medical devices. the goal of the private teachingsis to add plasma health knowledge to the profound knowledgeof medical doctors. the weekly class is broadcast liveover the internet through a secure private channel, every wednesday from 2 to 5 pmcentral european time (cet). presently the classis only offered in english, however you are free to bringa translator to the class.

if you can't participatein a live broadcast you can watch them laterat your convenience through a private internet portal. every patient's casethat is discussed in the workshop will be kept anonymous and private. this includes cataloguedfindings and data, gained from the analysisof the patient's health issues. any medical doctor in the worldwho wants to participate can do so, by sending an email to : in your email, please stateyour willingness to participate in the medical teaching workshop. if you're planning on bringinga translator to the workshop, please state this in your email as well. after we receive your email, we will contact you with the instructionson how to apply to the workshop. as a part of the application process,applicants who apply, including any translatorsbrought into the workshop,

will be required to sign the:keshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address: all applicants will be required toprovide proof of their education, and ability to practice medicine, and will also be required to passan extensive security background check, before they are granted accessto the teaching workshop. helpful plasma technology is here now. the use of which is increasingexponentially on a day to day basis,

on every continent. we encourage you to come and learnabout this revolutionary technology. apply today! [private weekly agriculture teaching] the keshe foundation is extendingan invitation to experienced farmers, agricultural specialists,and researchers, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly agriculture teaching workshops. if you fall into one of these categories, and are interested in plasma technologyintegration into agriculture,

you're invited to apply. scientists and agricultural practitionersof the keshe foundation, continually develop and applynew methods of food and fiber production, soil fertility management,plant and livestock health management, and increased farm productivity,using the most advanced plasma technology that is taught at the keshefoundation spaceship institute. in the teaching workshop, you'll leatrn the scienceof plasma technology and it's applications inthe fields of agriculture,

for enhanced andequitable global food production, while minimizing costsand external input. practicing farmers andkeshe foundation scientists will demonstrate their applicationof plasma technology in agriculture, and the ensuing resultsof such applications, thus deepening and enriching learning for all participants inthe private teachings. participants are encouragedto demonstrate their farming practicesin the teaching workshop.

the private teachings are broadcastin english live over the internet through a secure private channelevery wednesday at 10 am to 1 pm, cet. if necessary you may bring a translatorto the workshop. all applicants are requiredto provide proof of their educational and professional qualifications. must pass a security background check and are required to sign thekeshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address: (

translators that attendmust also pass a security check and sign the world peace treaty. for details on how to jointhe private teachings in agriculture, send an email to: stating that you wouldlike to participate. include in the email your educationaland agricultural experience, and reasons for your interestin plasma technology. applicants will be contactedwith further instructions and details on the application process.

the keshe foundationis proud to announce the 2nd universal counciland 2nd science conferences which will be held in romemarch 27th-31st, 2017. if you are interested in attendingboth or either conferences please go and click on new webshopat the top of the home page. you can attend the conferencesas an audience member or participate asa science conference presenter. presenters will be allocated one hour

to present products and innovationsin keshe plasma technology in any of the following categories: space technology, health, materials,energy, agriculture, transportation, the environment, gans and nanotechand any other area that applies. foundation distributors and manufacturerswill be attending the conference affording you the opportunityto build relationships to promote and market your products. the full package price for bothconferences is 1,650 euros per person which includes:daily attendance to the conferences

six-night stay in rome as well as breakfast, tea and lunchon the days of the event. accommodations for this packageis based on double occupancy. check-in on the 26th of march,check-out on the 1st of april. the full package price for two personsfor both conferences is 3,300 euros, which includes daily attendancefor two persons, six-night stay in rome as well as breakfast, tea and lunchon the days of the conferences. accommodations for this packageinclude a twin room with a king-size bed. you can stay additional nightsif you wish

at a cost of a 175 eurosper night, per person. a single ticket for those who wish to onlyattend the universal council conference which takes placeon the 27th and 28th is 750 euros, which includes the price of admissionplus two night stay in rome, in a two single-bed room, accommodations is basedon double occupancy. check-in on the 26th of march,check-out on the 29th. a two-person ticket for those who wish to only attendthe universal council conference

is 1,500 euros, which includes,the price of admission, plus two nights stay in rome ina hotel room with a king-size bed, check-in on the 26th of march.check-out on the 29th. a single ticket for those who wish to onlyattend the universal science conference which takes place on march 29th,through march 31st, is 1,150 euros, which includesthe price of admission, plus 4 night stay in rome,in a two single-bed room, accommodations is basedon double occupancy check-in on the 28th march,check-out on the 1st of april.

a two person ticket,for those who wish to only attend the universal science conferenceis 2,300 euros, which includes;the price of admission, plus four nights stay in rome,in a hotel room with a king-size bed, as well as breakfast,tea and lunch on the days of the event. accommodations are basedon double occupancy. check-in on the 28th of march,check-out on the 1st of april. if you would like to attend, and prefer to make your ownarrangements for accommodations,

the price of admission to eitherconference is 200 euros per day. we look forward to meeting you at the 2nduniversal science and council conferences in rome, march 27th,through 31st, 2017. [flint intro video] (rc) welcome everyone to the 164th knowledge seekers workshopof the keshe foundation spaceship institute and, once again we are here with mr kesheof the keshe foundation, and able to connect with him. and he has lot's of informationfor us today, with such news as ...

some news on the solid-state generatorthat the keshe foundation is putting out. as well as some pictures and informationon some of the ... activities in ghana. so, i think mr keshe is ready there now,and ... if your even in the studio today, aren't you mr keshe? (mk) yes! good morning,good day to you, as usual, whenever and wherever,you listen to these teachings. we are back home,back in the teaching room in barletta, and it's good to be back to where we feelcomfortable to teach and easy to share knowledge.

as the many ways of sharing knowledge,we have some news in what, as keshe foundationwe've been waiting for. this news has already been shared with themanagement team of keshe foundation,for past week or so. but, now we are ready to share with you,in what you stood for. and you stood by us, and you sharedknowledge, and in so many ways, collectively as a family wehave progressed to the next step. as we said before, in our5 months of stay in ghana, we brought the technology, the knowledgeat a level that is imaginable...

is not imaginable,in the west. being, workingdirectly with the officials, for them, directly testing and evaluatingthe new technology, in different aspects, they supported the technologyto be done. because, this technologyis for the world population, is not for the elite. a lot of peoplesaw the magrav systems in italy. we produced the rolls royce,the pen at 35 euro, the pain pads 40 euro,

in africa we cannot do that, the nations,the population cannot support such a thing. so, as for the first time,is the first factory, which we set up. i got personally involved,in every aspect of it, and i've set upa factory for public, i set up a structure for population,for the nation of ghana. and, the government and the officials,have responded accordingly. we've brought, what we did withsharing the patents and the usb sticks, that it had to be in thepossession of everyone. we have brought the technologyat the reach of everyone.

literally, we are affectingdaily life. what we had to do, and took time,was to get the materials we do understood by the scientific world,by master's in the art of food control, as a fda, as a standards board,which is tougher than fda, to be able to bringthe products into the market, that the population could enjoy. in that progress, and the sincerity whichbenjamin has brought in ghana, for nearly a year and a half. has brought usto a position of high respect.

has brought the keshe foundationin the position where, we have become part of the structure,of the change of the nation. i will explain to you,you understand very quickly. we explain to you that,as we develop the space for the land. for the spaceship institute,to open up the first launching pad. last friday, before i leave, the land andthe property were started, the work on it. and, you can see the banner of thekeshe foundation ghana. rick could you play that please,if you got the picture? you see, what it says and whatit's to do, and it's very clear.

can you hear me rick? (rc) ... yeah! yes mr keshei'm just getting it ready here. (mk) yeah! can you share with us,can you share with us the banner? (rc) yeah. just getting it set up. yes..ok. (mk) what we told you we are doing,now you see the part of it. this is keshe foundation ghana ltd,partnership between ghana atomic, which is government institutenuclear center and keshe foundation. "ghana meteorite risein spaceship technology." "creating a bettertomorrow today in ghana."

and"ghana enters space flight from accra". this is what we do,but this is not just a poster. can we havethe next picture please? as we said, we have becomepart of the ghanaian structure. the telephone number is there. we have put a tracker on this number. any calls will be tracked,because of the security reasons. and, as you can see we are located inghana atomic energy commission. this is the siteof the keshe foundation.

if you look in the background,we release the picture of the site. you can see if you'll open it up,it says what it is. ghana universityatomic commission. part of the research students,at university part of the nuclear atomic sectionof the ghana government. the building in the background you see,is keshe foundation building, which we released a few weeks we have become. and as you can see, part of the structureof ghanaian technology. daily life and that's, how we go.

you have another picture,which i've just sent to you. you can see, the opposite to the site,we have started the construction survey, and the planning, the topology,how we're going to build. and, if you can show thenext picture of the land please? we... you see the architects,and the surveyors are on the land. we promised you,and we are delivering. we have seen no help from no oneacross keshe foundation, to develop this, except ghanaians,what a shame. this land will becomethe home for manufacturing.

the home for the space flight launch. the home forresearch and development. and, the next sign,which is going up on the land request ghanaians with minimum master'sand phd's to join the space technology. we have seen the development,there is a map, i've sent you a plan. the rough sketch of what isgoing to be developed is in that sketch can you show it please? it's done by the architects ,we'll release the full pictures in a coming time, the full plan

and as we said he gone cost250'000'000 euros to build this. to bring ghana launch center, most probably with nasain the next 10 to 15 years. we are not investing for tomorrow,we are investing for humanity for the future. as you can see, it says: "concept for keshe foundation,space ship pad, the clinic", this is what the governmentwanted us to do. we open a clinic, and offices, the factory,research center, and the launch pad center. on the left hand side across,is what you saw the university.

so we teach we graduate and we bring backto work on this place. it says, "boarder space flight station"and this is a huge project, the beauty the way we set upit says the main road, because on the rightthe top side of the main road we can be given the sameequivalent of land, and the same behind the space shiplaunch pad. so what we are planning we have takenthe central line, that we can build on both side. we are sitting with government officials,with ministries, the ghanian the space ship committee, in parliament,has taken over, overlooking

as governmental side, in how this programwith the keshe foundation is going through. so we have become answerableto parliamentary committee, specialiced in size and technology,we responds to the ministers, we responds to presidential office, and this is the waythe structure has taken place. keshe foundation in this levelcan not operate without officials, without government officials,without direct intervention, and cooperation between the keshe foundationand the government. we are taking this step further,and that is,

we are bringing a numberof other governments, in to help. so we are changing it intomultinational organization, becausethere are different aspects to it. while i've been away since i left,we've been told scientists who work for nasa are more thanhappy to join the work. you we'll introduce them,they are professors they are high level research scientistsworking at nasa, which will join us in a space ship pad,in all sorts of developments. so what we are going is what we see,and the strangest thing is,

when we explained how the technologyis going to be developed, the whole prosess,can you move this please from here? yeah. no the picture you brought out. can you go back on the picture please,on the drawing? rick? (rc) which one do you want mr keshe the...(mk) the rough plan you had. (rc) ok. (mk) you have to understand,to start this project,

can you , put this down please, we have chosen a ghanian companyto do the structure. we are very proudthat the whole structure will be done by ghanian.part of our agreement with the arcitects, and the developer isthe whole work force has to be the structure has to benative. we are not building high risebuildings, we are building that when you walk inyou can see it. but because of the way we work,and where we are,

anyone who work with usbecomes part of the national security protection. which means all the nonsens we had,people making calls, you would like to understand, fromnow on you are dealing with governments. you're dealing with high national security,and we are proud to do it. we release it openly. you got to understand, if youlook where you see the spaceship pad, on the left hand side of this,is where the present factoryof the keshe foundation is, this is where we arealready producing material,

and now we have receivedthe report and certification which is coming infor everything we do. can you please show us the bottlesif you can? the products, which are certified,to go into the market by next week, which already been used across accraand across ghana by many people, that's why there is a plan to launch it faster,is what you see. the factory is set up,and these are some of the products you will see. this is how we market the materialinto ghana. waters, all been passed, tested by fda,by standard board,

and it carries the logo ofkeshe foundation ghana atomic commission, as keshe foundationghana ltd. everything we do, gets checked, certifiedby governmental organization, and now it gets scrutinizedby parliamentary scientific organization. you will see these across accraacross west africa, from next week. now that the certification has completed. people it's been tested by the scientiststhat they say, in one of the conference meetings we had,with the boards of the authorities,

one of the scientists who has tested thesehe said, "this water is so pure that we do not needto bring anymore liquids for injections." "it's purerthan what we bring." so, immediatelythey have found the response in what they used to import,does not need to be done. this is how we come,as i said, we started giving the technologyto the governments, patent and keys,we brought it to public, and now we brought the products.

at the level of very smallamount of money, that people can buy,a mixture of combination, certified, will bring the effects like diabetic,high blood pressure, and the rest of it. we don't promote anything but,changing the structure where the governmentsspend billions every year, for what can be solved with a few dollars,and then changes for good. when you take pharmaceutical materials,you become dependent on it, and the body doesn't changebecause it's a foreign element forcing. when what we've seen withthese kind of technologies

is that they waied are produced as part of the structureof the working of the planet, they work within the bodyas a planet. and then we see eradicationof many diseases. we have done tests,and one of the biggest problem in africa, is typhoid, andit's taken us three days to overcome it. doctors in the hospitals have takenall the test, and they've seen it, what is a killing disease or virus,now is not there. so, in a coming time,we'll release in different shape and form,

products that effect directlycertain diseases. and this is what already been tested. few thousand people in ghana,at the highest level, have been using theseon their own accord, and that's why parliamentary committeehas been set up by the order of the government, and the ministries, thatthey've been told there is a magic thing, is kept at the atomic as a secret product,why can not be in the hand of public? and that's why we are there,we become part of the structure, to release these kind of technologies.

and the cost whereyou don't have to take insulin, where you don't need to paywith the cost of your arm and leg, and in three month six monthsyou walk away with no diabetic. with no high blood pressure,with no other diseases. we process we don't treat.and now we have government behind us. they do not care when you have 6 millionpeople with high blood pressure, and about the same with diabetics,which is uncurable for them. this is a god given gift, because their own peoplein government have been using it.

the beauty of it, is them whoare taking the technology forward not us. but, now this way,we have brought in the public level. the man cannot lose his arm and legbecause there’s no solution. to diabetic i lost one of mygreat uncles to diabetic, by amputation of the leg and the restin a hospital in tel aviv, a handful of years ago. because, therewas no cure for him. the last timei met him in tel aviv, he was on a wheelchair with legsamputated, because of diabetics.

if we had this knowledge,no man should lose anything anymore. no arms, no legs. no man shouldgo through a heart attack, because of the high blood pressure,and the brain haemorrhage. it costs less than 10 dollars. i thank the scientists who worked at thekeshe foundation ghana atomic. and, we are proud and we stand by themanagement of the keshe foundation and the management of ghana atomic,and the ghanian government. who had supported us so heavilybecause they have seen the results.

we come to another point. we promised you, that we are working on asolid-state power generator. to do this, it took a long time,you all stood by us. what we’ve done. we have released,the first batch of the first phase, of solid-state plasma power unit,in ghana. (mk) can you releasethe picture please? there are 2 or 3 pictureswe have sent you?

these… the reason we done it in this way,is to make sure you can see it. plasma energy unit, logo of the ghanaatomic, and the plasma in collaboration with it. (mk) there is another picturei sent you, please, can you show theother side of the box? (mk) this is got withall the warnings on it rick. this is the first phase of thepower generator. what we are doing, not to makethe problems which we had before when we shared knowledge freelyabout magrav system.

a lot of peopleused it to attack us. now, we do it. the product is certified,that it works what it supposed to say. it receives a certification andofficials are testing it at their homes. and common peopleare testing at homes. we released 50 this' tomorrow, there should be another 120 unitsbe released again. and then,we take it and watch. we expect the reduction up tofigure of 90 to 95%.

then we go into the phase 2,which then it brings us to 100% reduction. we still keep it connected to the,what we called a, power supply. and what we have testedand we know, we will reach 100% power throughplasma in the first 2 weeks. then, 6 units are getting releasednext week with the second phase, randomly that nobody knows, partially usedby our own scientist at ghana atomic. which means,they'll report back on the operation. so, the next phase as we've said,will come to carry 100%. that means we just need a signal witha power supply to trigger the system.

then, in 3 to 4 weeks's time,we add that to it, that we see full data. if there's any need for changes.we are not doing it to us, while we're doing itin the real condition. we release900 units into public. all the units are in the factory. all the parts and piecesare done are in the factory. it's not somethingwe're going to do. then, we watchand we release the solid state, plasma power generator

it weights around at the moment 500 grams,with the box it's about a kilo. you can, if you remember,the picture which we showed, you can do whateveryou like with it. it's a solid-state. so, you can understandthat there is no possibility of damage. we have taken in test every precautionthat any man in the jungles of ghana, or in the high-rise blocks ofaccra, can use it. all you need to do,where you see the plug inside, you plug that intothe block of the house,

and you connect one itemof the house into it, which we advise,preferably to be a fridge, because it's the only thingwhich stays constantly going. if you don't have a fridge,the system backup will support itself. this is the beauty of it. we promised you, we do it. research at this leveldoesn't come over night. research to bring plasma energy unit,which are independent units, has been the dream of mankind.

now, we are delivering's been developed. and i thank the whole ofkeshe foundation support team. i thank more or lessany of you who'd been around us. we will market this in a different way,in different part of the world. and, we announce today,that what we have planned in conjunction with a number of other programswe are running, to setup 600 factories around the worldin the coming 2 - 3 years. which means,we control all products from a to z. with support of the keshe foundations.

we are now going to ask anyone to setupthe keshe foundation manufacturing, we set it up, the keshe foundationwith the support of governments, national governmentswill set up the factories, very much like now,when toyota invests in us. toyota carries the whole titleand the work. but, we are looking to employ andbring in keshe foundation supporters to be part of the structureof the new factories. in the past,we asked and a lot of people came. they wanted to setup factories, andthen we saw the problems. which raised.

now, the structure is that,one by one, the factories gets set up, is 100% owned through the keshefoundation organization and partnership. which means, we develop all our technologiesthrough governmental organizations. we don't go to public. our negotiations, the way is plannedis government to government. is governmental investment.and with it, we recommend keshe foundation supportersto apply for a job. this is where we're coming.

we will announce a number ofthese national companies, most probably, by mid may,we should be ready. it will be done in a waythat we see the technology is shared equallyacross the world. keshe foundation supporters,those of you who are... in working with different plasmas,with different nano-technologies, a list, in the new website ofkeshe foundation to be released, i think in next few days. good morning giovannihow are you?

so, it'll be released.we go factory by factory, we release what we need,and you can apply for. do not forget everything will bedone through national securities it will be screened,and everything else which goes with it. this is how, 5 months, a year,we have gone round to develop. we have the factory in italyselling rolls royce. we have factory across the world,selling mini's and scooters. but, bought those who wanted luxury,they can buy from italian. we would not repeat the same productsas italy again.

because, it was initially done. as i said many times,to prove the technology works, and prove the technologycan get certified. the pen received the ce certification. the alkilizer received the ce certification. the pain pad received the certification. now, the liquid... which is the gans plasma... has received certification...

through organizations... which are acceptedby international fda. so, for us,we've gone through, we'll carry on through andwe will keep to our promise. what you see... is the phase 1 of thesolid-state power generator. we are not putting it in the market. those of you, hundreds of you, whatever,who applied and paid for the generator... give us a chance, it's getting tested.

we'll show the results,as data, in the coming weeks. because we have asked all the ones,who received the units, to report, in the first two weekson the daily basis... and on the weekly basis...on the reduction, the performance. for us to understand, how long we need to keepthe system running in the factory, that when weput it out, immediately it's applicable,you can use it. you see, it's a english plug.

ghana is a english speakingpart of the commonwealth. and everything is british standard. we meet all the standards,with this. we will not sell,goods out of ghana. because we have targeted, we know we have to produceapproximately 10,000 units per week. in the next 3 to 6 months,to meet the national demand. and with it, we missthe different countries, to bepart of the same production.

the beauty with this is,we do not put, limitation. it's not a 5 kw. it's not a 10 kw. it's the kw you need... and the wiring in the househas been designed for. you're not buying anymorea 2 or 3 kw power supply. you're buying demand on load. as long as the wiring inthe house can take the demand, you can load it.

we are not, what is,this is what it's getting tested for. that, we are not sellingwe are not promoting. we are not releasing a power generator. we are releasing a plasma power unit. which means it hasto meet the demand. we think accordingto what we see, 10 kw is the maximum loadany house can carry. american or middle eastern organizationswhich use this system. they look around and about 15 kwbecause they have a heavy usage...

on there is no limit. this is what we said.the energy is taken from the universe. will be there at man's disposal. the back to this,why we're doing this, is a sweet... song to the ear of,jon and armen. it means, we do not needany more battery system. we can, and this technology completed,in its totality. which is on the table now.

allows the spaceship, to be launched without connection to anypower supply on earth. this is the reason for it.this is the beauty of it. it makes us, and allows us to become, man of space withoutdependence on the earth. we don't need to connect, as we do now,our motors to a power supply or a battery. it's a plasma supply. it supplies the reactors,on a plasmatic level. which makes life much easier,for our researchers.

so, what you will see,is the simplicity of the technology. it's taken, thousands of yearsfor man to reach this stage. we are heading it.we have developed it. and this will show how thethe next step development will come. let us go back, on understanding,of what the plasma is. as, do you have any more picturesto share with us, rick? (rc) i think that's, that's it onwhat you had there, mr keshe. (mk) if you look,

we have discussed,and, we've been discussing, in the past the past few weeks, now that we are movingtowards plasma technology. that, how do we measure magrav?how do we measure units? measuring units hasbeen one of the problems, or one of the criterionthat we had to understand. as some of you know,i came back from ghana, over the weekend, and the next day,we went to romania. we just came back late last night,with giovanni from romania.

we met a scientist,about a year ago, in barletta, a very, what i call,stubborn scientist. when he came here last year,he wanted to know what magrav was? and, he wanted to put a formula to it. and, we had the pleasureto have a heckle with him, till about 2-3 o'clock in the morning,the first day of our arrival. and, he made sure,he's the last person we see, before we get on the plane yesterday,coming back from romania. we gave a lectureto what, 2 - 300 scientists,

doctors, and the rest,yesterday, in bucharesti. and, it was a pleasure to see them,to spread the knowledge, and to see how,they are more well educated than us, in plasma technology,but through the soul of the man. and, i saw an amazingformulas, in front of me, this man is a professorin bucharesti university, and he teachesplasma technology, on keshe foundation, as a degree course,in the university. so, if you want to understand,now the university in bucharesti,

you can study the magrav plasma unit,as a degree, university course, there are 5 coursesthey teach. and, in that process,in past year, since we met him, he has looked at every aspectsof the knowledge of man, in plasma, in electron,in transfer of fields. and, we are coming up,to a point, that in a short time, we will be able to deliver a formula,for measurement of magrav's, that we know what we receive as gravitational,what we leave as magnetical. and, in the hot discussion,as usually goes with the people of

no knowledge like us, about the world of space,we came out, with a lot of misunderstanding,and understanding, at the stubbornness of what it should be,and what it should not be. because, when we lay the formula's down,it will last for the life of man. so, since i met him,3 o'clock in the morning on monday night, or tuesday morning,early hours of tuesday morning, i said to him, "you are making the same mistake, aseinstein, and the rest of the scientists." einstein, who has put the thing down,the wrong way, but you have to get rid of assumptions.can i have a whiteboard, please?

the strangest thing is. can i have the whiteboard? the strangest thing is,he was tangled by the mass of an atom, and energy of the atom,and energy of a photon. it could not be done! because, einstein has made a massivemistake, limiting energy, as we all know, to(write on the board "e=mc2") but now we knowmass will stay constant. in the spaceship we travel,the mass is, cannot be changed,

because it's like a star,it's like a planet, will be kept steady. even if you load another million peopleon it, will change very little. we add to the inertia,but not to gravitational field. so, to complete, part of the energy equation,there is a biggest problem, which is,the speed of the travel or the speed of the motion,of the gravitational magnetic field. this brings us,to stop any mistakes to be made, to redefine the speed of light, but,now we call it the speed of plasma. it has to be done that way.

so, if we start evaluating,the whole structure, there is a needfor a new understanding. i gave this formula,to the scientists, i said, "if you're working,work in the real condition." on a back of piece of paper,yesterday, after the conference, i said, "this is the way you'vegot to go, to be able to do it." what does it mean? we have to considerthe speed of the plasma, at the spectrumof the whole plasma.

if you look at it,very simply, this is the c. but, we have to seewhere this strength lies? we have to understand,that we are dealing with plasma. so, i have rewritten the speedof plasma, in this way. and, hopefully, we see whatcomes from the other scientists? so, from now on,we call it the speed of plasma. we don't, consider itas the speed of light, because, light can be created, at anystrength of the plasma, in the universe. now, we have to redefine,the next step.

if, if the speed of plasmaat a given strength, is considered, let's say, like, we call it at a, has a factor order with it,which we call it k. it's the order of magnitudeof the plasma. so, it can be k a thousand,in respect to what you make standard. if you make the speed of light,as a standard, that we understand theminimum matter-state of man, the k can be a thousand, but, compared tothe reference point of the speed of light, in the matter-state,for human being.

in the future, when wemodify this, we understand, the order of magnitude,will have to have two characteristics, or, made of two parts. because,you have an interaction, a plasma, a fieldcannot travel, on it's own. it has to have a point,it is greater to, or smaller. either way,you want to look at it. a plasma, a field, a magnetic field,only travels, if it has a companion. this takes the order of magnitude, in notfour dimension, but eight dimensions.

because each one of these, has fourof itself, and two of them interact. so, we have to considereight parameters. then, in that parameter,we have to consider the following: the gravitational,and the magnetical. this is how, the new equation, inrespect to the energy, of the plasma, at any point in the universe,has to be considered. we cannot take it to be,only on it's own, we have to take it, in thedirection, we travel, which we targeted, we create agravitational and magnetic field

to be pulled into,or be repelled. so, if we rewrite, and understand,in so many ways, the speed of the travel,the speed of the plasma, has to carry all these,within it. so, we make this, as the new standard,till we can add to it, or correct it. this way, we don'tmake any assumptions. einstein, to reach, this formulae=mc2, he has made huge assumptions, all assumptions, because hewanted to prove … something, which led to mankind to moremistakes than the past

so, we get the final formula,we understand, that the mass will bethe total mass balance, between gravitational magneticfield, if you read book 1. and then, with the speed that mass, inrespect to the environment, is working on. so, in so many ways, we havewritten the first line of formulas, the first line of characteristics,of any plasma. in so many way, what is a, here, it has a companion,somewhere else, which is b, which is matching to, traveling to, orwalking away, or finding its own speed

space scientists,nuclear physicists now find out some of the problems we hadwith planck (max planck) some of the problems we hadwith photons, with this equation, with this understanding,gets solved. then, there is no assumption,there is no assumption that we're talking in whatlanguage, everything is plain. everything has to be considered,in the world of space travel, you make an assumption, and yourassumption is wrong, you're doomed! we have to!scientists like the professor we met,

and i know, there are a number of scientists,around the world, working on this, they find this equation,this understanding of the speed, redefines the whole worldof physics, and energy. it's a simple understanding of mankind,of the speed, of the motion, in the direction which goes. we do not, we cannotsee a plasma, unless it's in motion,or is interacting. it's getting pulled to, or is movingaway from one strength to join another. we cannot bulletshoot,

we cannot leave it to be left,on it's own, to where it goes. you have to understand,what this speed of plasma brings to the spaceship programme,because it's part of it's structure, it's part of it's understanding,it's part of it's operation. what does this mean?it's very simple. this is what i explained,to the professor, "in the aircraft of today, the only way we see jetliner,is seeing the craft. and, we see, what you liketo call it, it's chemtrail.

in the space technology, in thework of the spaceship programme the story is different,totally different. where, in the world of space,the spaceship programme where, the sign of existence,a plane has passed, is on it's tail. in the space technology, the craft sits on the tail,of the light you see. it's totally opposite. you always travel,in depth of the plasma, which is already, is interaction,with it's destination.

you travel, with the speeds,which you set, according to the strength of,which part of the plasma, you choose. so, it dictates the speed,which you travel. when you see a light ahead,you have to look on the tail, where the spaceship is, where now, when you see a chemtrail,you look at the front, if it's a jumbo jet, or, it's a,any other kind of plane. so with the new formulawe set up. we dictate the positionof arrival of a at b, and then, we understand,that this formula,

is and become applicable,and dictates, the speed of the travel,where you have to consider a and b, a and b,on both sides. i've spent many yearsto complete this. you've got to understand,as a scientist, who work, we have a beautifulcontrol system, where the destination beinga planet, being a star, being a galaxy, be it amass plasma condition, which supports life,we want to go to,

has to have thecharacteristics, which, this... this stays always the same,and the point of destination, can be a planet, or star, or arendez-vous, somewhere in the space. with this understanding,of the speed of plasma, and understanding,why we need it the scientists now can, developthe next stage of understanding, of the spaceship programme. we have no choice!because, partially, this will affect the magneticgravitational field protection zone

which you set aroundyour craft, too. it's not a one-way traffic,it's ... you have to have a calculation,for your protection. in the craft, you can,continuously, change a or b but, your destinationis, more or less, fixed. but, at the same time, you don't wantto lose your protection. and, you want to createa condition of approach where you comeas fast as possible. but, when you approach,in space, there is no brakes,

it's not to put the thingon reverse thrust. all you need to do, you reverse,you measure the strength, of the magnetical field, of the planet,and you create gravitational field, according to the strength,of your own reactor. so, you come to a halt,at the speed of light. you can take off, at the speed of light, and the point, where the gravitational,and magnetic field, of the system, in respect to its destination, or the position, comes into operation, you usually see a flashing light,on the atmospheric condition.

go back, and look atmany videos, especially, what you see on jerusalem,on christmas day. that was one of the perfectsystems, in definition, you see a craft, a switch,flashing light, and it takes off. that confirms, the system isa flying object, and that's the only way will react. as, you call it, the pilot, changes,the gravitational into magnetical, in respect to his system, inrespect to the earth condition. you get a balance interaction,a fusion of the fields,

in what you call plankton level,to the eye of the man, that you see a photon, on that level,and then, you see a vertical lift off. as i've said in many of the talks,before, "a pilot who takes such an action, takesa lot of risk, in a atmospheric condition" but, you have to look, intothe nearest star, or planet, or the moon, which the pilot,decided to interact with. if in the future, people look at,the way, that craft takes off, and can pinpoint moon,or another star, or whatever, which is onthe horizon, of his life.

moon is too close,for these kind of things, it's like, you're travellingat speed of 100 kilometers, and trying to stopin 10 meters. it's impossible! so, you have to look in destination,the point of the travel, where the pilot has dictated,his position of reference. a man, in the future, when he takes these positions, will understand the connection,with incapacity of our present electronic and electrical systems,to control such a flight.

then, you understand, such changes,are only applicable, the same, as what we said,in the evolution of the man, that you can change your skin,to become your protection. the pilot, through the emotion, throughunderstanding, controls everything. and, he has alreadypre-planned, possible a planet, possible a star, possible a galaxy,which gives him the escape route. in some of the space technologiesof the future, these kind of crafts, when they approach, or when you are yourself part of it, you approach,you make one thing sure,

you leave a hook,in the space, that you can anchor to,that you can place yourself in. don't forget,it's not the size which counts anymore. if you place a system,the size of a pinball, with the power of a galaxy,in a certain position, it's your point of referenceto go to, it's your salvage,it's your protection. you do not need to pinpoint,to a star, or a moon, you have alreadyhooked yourself into it,

and your system, continuously gives,in respect to it. so, it's very much like a spider, who leaves a little bit, on the ceiling,and he hangs himself, and when there is a danger,he goes up there. little strings already made. this is what you will develop,this is what it'll be. in rome conference, armen will show the next step,of the space reactors. he has made one of the mostgorgeous systems, up to now.

you will see, the initial step,development of space reactors. we can produce, miniature power supplies,that make him independent. he has developed,a way for himself with a battery, which i saw this morning,it's fantastic. but, you will see, the firstinteraction, of the space reactors. then, you understand, you keepa constant speed of the interaction, in a way, between your own system. if you understand,this new link of calculating. the space travel, in the coming time,will become a game,

for those who understand,the work of the universe, and not in the matter-state. those who understand the interactions,and not the final line of approach. in so many ways, as wehave started teaching, and bringing, in so many ways, all aspects of the space technology together, those of you who work,or understand, or those of you as we saw last week,started bringing tools to measure it, now as i said,"nothing comes a day earlier,

nothing comes a day later,everything with the foundation, and the work of what we do, because we're here to serve humanity, will come exactlythe time it has to be." the professor walks in, he says, "i'vegot you the formula, i can measure it." a gentlemen walks in,with a gadget last week, which we give him a platform,to teach us more. for us to have got to realize one thing, as i said in the lecture, yesterday,in bucharesti. "we are not here to teach,we are here to inspire."

if we teach,it becomes sacrosanct and people follow. we inspire, the total collectionof the knowledge of the man comes into operation. because, then, this is howwe evolve to understand more. we evolve to be open,in the understanding of us it's not the final. is there a problem? or. want to check? (rc) there is a, there is a problemwith the audio, mr keshe! it's fading in and out,and then it comes back in loud again.

(mk) ok! i think it's to do with the the battery full? are you sure? are you sure with it? (fm) perhaps it's the auto mic settingsin zoom you have there... (mk) it's number two ... we usuallygoes weaker this, if you have any more? ok, while you get it i'll do it. so, what we see, is to understand, thenew operation of the spaceship program. we inspired you since christmas, to understand theoperation of it, in yourself. now, we mix, in different ways,the science of space with the measurement

science of space in what they saidit needs in tools to write, the equations, which a lot of youwould like to have, that you can confirm something is right... does not apply in your brain. your soul, your emotion, does not have a measurement tool, i am going off for a secondto change the batteries please, hello? hello?(rc) yeah we hear it. (mk) ok, is it better now? (vv) you have to keep talking to test. (mk) can you test it? is it ok?

(rc) sounds a little fuzzy. (mk) sound a bit what? (rc) i think a little fuzzier than it wasbefore. but let's try it and see. (mk) let's try and see. i put the systemin my upper pocket next to my heart. maybe it gets inspiration. so, what we see is, how we aredeveloping the space science through collection of the work, of different scientists, around the world. this is how it should be, this is howit will be, sharing unconditionally. i have asked the professor to release hiswork at his lecturing in his university,

the plasma technology,to teach us as a part of the teaching. so what we are going to see, is plasma physicists or peoplewho can measure and understand. we open a section. as we donewith the medical, with the agriculture. in the coming time, we open a sectionfor the space travel, and understanding of the science ofthe space by those who are evolved. do not forget: we have a numberof scientists around the world who've been workingaround this to work. now we have put and we ... try to,

not to make the mistakesof the past, to condition. a thought and understanding like this, solves a lot of problemfor the future scientists. because they workin different dimensions. as a nuclear physicist,when we use to do measurements, for different aspects, we useto work in 7,8 and 9 dimensions. now, this brings 10, 12 dimensions. for those who want to understandhow the space, each reactor, each core responds to the other.

because this is not just for space travel, in your star-formation,you have the same problem. you need to understand, the work,in so many ways, of the flow of the plasma, depending on the direction of the flow:gravitational or magnetical. and then, all this has to be considered.then when you done that, you have to consider the size ofthe plasma, the strength of the plasma. at a point of delivery, and at a point of receiving it. the science of the space technologywill bring the leading thinkers in the world of freedom of the space.

when doctors will start working on systems,or the part of manufacturing systems for health, they will consider this,they understand what this means. what energy they need to deliver tobe able to empty a virus from its energy. what energy that virus carries, that they canovercome it, not to feed it to become bigger. in a way, create near enough butbelow, that it depletes the energy. in a way now, your spaceshipis the energy of the virus. and your target, iswhat you create as a reactor. the whole understanding of the scienceof the physics of the structure of the space traveltakes a new meaning when it comes.

as i said to before, to other scientists,when you come, i enlighten. when i start putting this formula down for the professor, he said,"it makes sense". he understands. at the beginning, it was very hard, because his upbringing, and his education said,"speed of light is the ultimate". but now that he understood, there areother parameters that he has ignored, the point of approach,the interaction balance of the two, which createsall sorts of complications. you got to understand somethingwhich is very important.

if you get your gravitational wrongat the point of approach, you would not have a mass of 100 kg.your mass is 1'000'000 kg. because you absorbingso much gravitational field, that as you go gravitation minus magneticalgives you the mass. you crash into the space of thewherever you are going. so, in so many ways,this is become very relevant in the science of understanding. if you get it wrong and youabsorb more magnetical, that it becomes partof your gravitational,

excuse me sir, your approachwill release a different strength, receiving different,and god help you where you land. this is importantthat you don`t allow in approach, the zone of your interaction what you call, the shielding,to be overcome. you can approach, standa few millimeters off the ground, off the surface of what ever you want to land,but never touch. this, if you understand, gives youwhen you understand, how to operate through your soul,in protection of your body,

how, what you need to prepare yourself,through your emotion, that you land, you can walk on the planet with the physicalityof the destination. those of you who understandpast five or ten minutes of teaching, i have opened you eyes in the truthabout the space travel about what you have to considerin about what is the next step in about how the next step shall be. the problem is not the totalitybut collective comprehension of theentirety work of the universe.

it will take time, it will take many thousandsof years of man life time to comprehend a grain of knowledge in the mountain of theuniversal understanding. this is the beginning, a tip, a tip of an iceberg, in what is to come. as i said: "when the man is ready,we teach more". and when one is ready, we teach enoughthat the others can be enlightened. in the coming time, you will seethe professor teaching in these sessions,

in the public knowledge sessions,that he can inspire in what he sees, that those scientists ina space technology or in the plasma technology,can and will develop further. the beauty of it is,we work with millitary we have invited millitaryto be as part of the keshe foundation because they can provide uswith a lot of facilities which the governmentshave a problem with. i find it easier to deal, becausethey have their own military runways. they have their own military sea spaceand they have their own land mass

to test for you will see huge collaboration. between the keshe foundation,not only with the governments, but with the military forces,of the nations. we work through governmentsin sharing knowledge. we work through military to expandthe horizon of the space, landing, testing and the rest. this is how we bringthe military forces to work together, for the expansion of the space,use of the land and change of the sea conditions,for betterment of humanity.

you will see very rapid developmentin collaboration between the keshe foundation andmilitary forces around the world, at the highest level, with the waywe started with the government, that we can test. they have a lot of resources, which nowis used, what you’d call, for 'hardware'. it'll becomeknowledgeable-ware, which means, we can usethe man of research in military to become part of the researchinto spaceship, because they see what they bought as military crafts,are useless toys,

because now as we have seenwith the american system, with what, we saw in 2012with the capture of the spy plane. what we saw with the russian,may of a couple of years ago, with the what we call the ship, donald duck, ... turned out to be. this technology, gives a warning fromnow on, to the world leaders. and that is: the knowledge isin the hand of all nations, and in the hand of all the military's. in a way, the way we are going,and the way we are at this moment,

we’re allowing the armiesto disarm themselves, and arm themselves with thesharing of the knowledge. and work together in that way. i said many times: "man finds a way to escape, i find a manto become subordinate to peace". and this is what we’ll carry. the way, what you will see in rome, hopefully armen will be with us, with it,if they don’t sabotage anything, you will see,the first stages of the correction.

as i said, yesterday in romania, we cannot keep so much silent about itbecause now they know. it was... i was proud to be in romania,after some, twenty odd years. the last time i was there, it was just bythe overthrown of ceauè™escu. and yesterday, seeing so manyscientist, so many doctors. and what i said to them, i repeat: "i am relinquishing my position asthe keshe foundation head in a way, i’m there as a guidance.and, as many of you know, we have changed and we are puttingnew people with the capability to handle

the totality of thework of the keshe foundation". as i said in romania,and you all know, we keep on telling you, that we havechanged the management team of the keshe foundation and the head. we could not offer the job of heading the keshe foundation, to no onemore competent than, ella. she’s been headingthe keshe foundation, the first woman to headthe foundation, since december. and you see the changeswhich she has brought in.

and romanians were proud that the keshe foundation in essence,is headed by a woman. and secondly, by a romanian. she is an asset to the foundation and inthe coming time, you’ll understand. the other side ofthe keshe foundation, management and education,has gone to, jacky from switzerland. and we’ve seen, since he’s taken over,how he’s done. the spaceship space programis headed by armen. this gives me a free chance, to be ableto not only be involved with the research,

and different aspects, but allowsas a manner of technocrat, to be able to negotiate with thegovernments to bring them together with a free hand, knowingcompetent people in the background, are runningthe whole affairs. keshe foundation, for the management,meets on a regular basis. and we all know, how each one hasparticipated, in different ways. our, what we call, the webmaster team,with vince, with, in so many ways, capable hands of, vernie,as the security webmaster security. and stanley, as a parallel head of thekeshe foundation webmasters.

we will see changes which will come. this week, hopefully within next fewdays, you will see keshe, kf-wikiand plasma-wiki will come. they’ve been trying to do it,that they’ll be ready by the conference. the keshe foundation new look,will come into operation hopefully, by the opening of the conference. it's what they do, is their decisionand as the head of the sections, they have taken the whole structure,to a new level. the wiki and the medical aspectsis shared across headed by klaus.

and we see a new managementoperation, collectively to bring everything to be visual, to be in the waywhere we can deliver. we have stood a lot of harsh time inachieving what we achieved and now, the good times in sharingknowledge has come. so, as you will see, i stand, step down,but collectively trying to be a guideline for, what we need to doand what to come. for the management has totallychanged and you will see changes. and in so many ways, it could not be donewith one man, it was too much and we saw,we will suffer in different ways.

we will carry on the developmentbut we will show systems. and you will see mixture:of achievement, of knowledge gain, of the way we share knowledge. and we invite you to join the kesheor what is called: kf-wiki or plasma-wiki,to share knowledge. we don’t look for anything elsebut participation in knowledge. the whole structure willbe based collectively. how we share:the knowledge of plasma, the knowledge of workof the spaceship program,

the ethos of the spaceship program. i thank dr rodrigo, your excellency,in taking steps to bring together the six members of the world council,will be responded to, and you will have your own website,you will have your own zoom, to operate as an independent world government organization. the same is on the wingsfor universal council. this way, we do not interfere with the workof the world council. and they are appointedby continents. so, you can reach, the what we callthe world government

through each continent, as they are equaland as we know most of the six; their work, their participation. and they will participate and werelease all their messages and their wishes and their worklinked to different websites of the keshe foundation around the world,translated simultaneously, that no nation falls behindin understanding what is the wish ofthe world government. at the same time, what we aredoing in the background is setting the world police force.

this is, in structure,is getting set up. we are converting the man of militaryto man of police force. they, in due time,will bring peace to humanity. and, in one way, they will bring,the world leaders, answerable to people. they cannot be exclusivityfor those who abuse at the point when they arethe decision makers. you will see in the coming timethe world police force will bring and will have the powerto bring to justice the world leaderswho have done wrong.

according and openly, the waywe done with the world council. we know and in the coming time will appoint one of the most well known,in a way, military men to head the new police force. on the banking side, we are on target to release a new concept of equalityfor understanding our finances. this brings a lot of insightin what we do. as i said before, and in many talks,we have to understand, we have to bring a minimum pointthat everybody is equal financially.

at the moment,the minimum point is the most bankrupt nationwith maximum debt, which means, if we all givethe same amount of financial support to be as bankrupt asthe most bankrupt of all of us, then, we can all startfrom a common denominator. the example of this, if you look,what we are working in the background, for financial affairs to be set correct. every child,born in the united states, roughly, has 65,000 us $ debtson his shoulder.

so, we make the most bankrupt nationas a common denominator poverty-line. because, if another nation commonpoint of debt is 60,000, so we have to give them 5,000 us $to make them as bankrupt of united states citizensthat we are all the same. so, what happens in the structurewe are looking at, is very simple. in ghana, the national debt per personis somewhere here, it's just about 1,000 $. so, in the balance of the books,we have to finance every citizen of ghana for example,to become as bankrupt as united state, they have to receive64,000 equivalent in support,

that we all start from the same point. so now you seewhen you put the figures down, the most advanced nation in the worldis the most bankrupt, so we have to all become bankrupt,that we all can grow together. now you see how we are workingthe structure of the world government. now we understand.those who stole or forced their way, now have to stay where they are,till we all become the same. but, how we'll finance this and howwe'll bring this into operation, will be discussed in the coming weeks,after our meeting with some world leaders

and understanding of the operation. if you are a member of societywho speaks indian, or hindu and you are at 2,000, for example,national debt per capital you'll receive 64,000. there is no need for manto sleep on the street of delhi. but you have to understandwhat is to come. what is the change? with the new plasma technology, you do not need to livein centre of the mayhem. you don't need to live, or be forcedto live, in the centre of new york

and pay so heavily for rent that youjust got to work to keep a shelter and maybe some food on the table. a lot of you have seen pictures ofpoverty stricken people in india, sleeping on the roads.but they never show you: it's a winter time,come with me to chicago beggars sleep, buy a cup of coffee inmcdonalds and spend the whole day sleeping and livinginside mcdonald shops. keeping away from the frost,keeping away from death. those of you who have been to chicagoknow exactly what i am talking about.

if you've been to washington dc,on the right hand side of the washington, what you call the white house,is a very black street. not less than half a kilometer,maybe less, people sleep naked in winter and inthe morning, they find frosted body. i've seen the bodywhen i was in washington. so, we cover the poverty, what we call in english,with "fur coats and no knickers" the truth is:as a human race, we all suffer. but, some have managedto cover it up with the cameras, were exposing the others to be we are all wrong.

and we have all to put it right together! i would love to know how many picturesof people cleaning rubbish bins, to have food to eat,in centre of manchester. for seven years, going to centreof manchester library, i cried for them. they look for the pieces of meat which isleft on the bone of the chicken, bought from one of the well knownchain shops, because there is nothing else. no camera man puts it there.because you cannot show: the west has achieved richesthrough robbing the others.

so you understand the needfor a new cycle, a new understanding, a new structure for a world bank,what we call the 'universal bank'. that is correct by every man. we should not allow those who are inpower, to siphon the wealth of a nation into their private accounts,and their families and their supporters, for their nation to become bankruptworse when they leave. we should not allow people fight on a position of liesbut on a position of delivery of the technologiesand the way they can change life. this is the job of the universal council,and the world council.

and setting up of the world police forceand the world universal banking system, where we bring justice. as we share more knowledge, you understandhow i am setting up the whole structure. i showed you a bottle of water, less thana dollar or two, can eradicate diabetic, it can eradicate high blood can eradicate cancer and the rest of it. where in the western world you pay150,000, 200,000 for the same thing over your timeand you don't have insurance policy, you die because of the diabetic. now, a man in new york with no moneyor the wealth of the world

will have the same position, as the man in ghana,be it a minister or a man on the street or the security guards. it's fantastic, when you walk aroundghana atomic commission, our protectors, the police, the militaryand what we call the security services which protect us, they all suffer fromall sorts of diseases. pay is not good, but they walk intothe factory of the keshe foundation, they are given the material anddays later they come back. they say: "now we can live". we've seen men with,what you call the 'burns',

the damage tissues with diabetic,which could not march, could not be part of what they wereand few weeks later, waiting for, instead of waitingfor the amputation and everything else, they are marching on the fieldsof the ghana atomic, protecting us. it's so cheap to give life back, if you understand the truth about the waywe should work. pharmaceuticals will suffer heavilythrough this technology. but it's not mine anymore, because you can go onany site of the keshe foundation it tells you how you can overcomediabetic if you can make it.

but a lot of people don't understandwhat to do it. we do it. instead of charging millions,we charge enough that we can support the rest of research,but a few dollars. you got to understand,we are bringing change at every level till we reach together. it's very much, we are coming fromdifferent roads into the same roundabout and that's the roundabout of peace. if we can bring the military,if we can bring the scientists to develop the next stepsof the spaceship program,

where we can bring world,what we call police force. that universal force,will force man not to be wrong but those who do wrongshow them how it should have been. do we have to punish these world leaders? stays the decision of the world governmentand the universal council. are we going to makethe mistakes of the christ; "tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye"? or, are we going to work in the work of the universal system; which is to elevate them, that the soul will not accept

the physicality in the conditionof the existence? the process is simple.we are entering ... next week, five days of meeting,of the universal council. we invite the universal council members,who are present and who will be present on the line,and the members of the world council on the meeting. last time, we encouraged many to come. this time, the plan is, we don't want too many to come. we want them to connectthrough their souls,

that collectively, their wish, becomes their work. we saw, in the last conference,what was came the second day of conference, in respect to syria. we see the next step of the wishes of the world council. i am setting up the structure, which not only takes man into universal community but brings peace amongst man on this planet, that they're all equal, and they're all treated the same. we don't need a rogue officer, to write whatever he likes, to serve his masters. the process has to change.we have no choice.

because what we've done up to now,has not solved the problem, and it's getting worse. and to get to worse, we use any trickand tactic, call it terrorism, call it whatever, that you can get what you like. the police officer in belgium has made me a terrorist. because the interpol says, "if you are a terrorist, why did they let you go free?" because he is a rogue.he has done so many murders. so, he got away with it up to now.

but now, the world police forcedoes not accept it. they've done whatever they like. now we see, one man, creating mayhem across the internet. because, covering up how they steal things and they've done that, they're used to it,everybody else is wrong now, we have to do it, to keep the same status quo, that we can go more, steal more, from scientist and the others and threaten them,and god knows, bully them. these things has and will come to an end.

and it has to come to an end,that the man can go to the next step. the process is simple. develop as many technologies. develop as many sciencesin the plasma. and share it, as i said in the conference yesterday: "the more you share, the more you receive." and you'll find out, in receiving more,the more peace you find in your existence. you all made a huge mistake.and i watch. the mistake you made, is what you cried for, and when we gave it to you,

you turned your back. few weeks ago, i gave you the opportunity, to what you cried: "give us the patent, you shared it with the governments, and you don't giveit to the people". when we gave it to you, you did exactlywhat the governments did. when we shared the magrav system,testing it again, you did the same thing. you took and run and a lot of you wentaround making a lot of things with it. when you were successful, you did notbring it back, because you thought, if i report, they can go to my, whatevergovernment and i have to pay taxes.

we offered you,in past few weeks, to participate in the establishment and buildingof the spaceship center in ghana. and you all paid a deaf ear. and you thought you are very clever.but, i play my game different. last time, i came from the government to the man, and you all shouted. now, this time, i'll take you back because of what you've done in the ban of the government's.and then, you cannot blame anybody. when i cannot raise the financesto build the space center, i have to go to the governments and the people who have.

and their decisions will affect your position. it's very simple. freedom has to come from the state of the soul of the man, not by the cheating of the man. a lot of you walked away from what we gave you. and you thought, as they say in english, "that's their problem, i've got away with it". but now you find out, you have to find and balance the books. now, you have to understand.

all these high-rise flats, all these millions of dollars apartments, in the coming time... as i said, few years ago, to one of theworld leaders, will worth nothing because you can live in jungles of africa and go to work in new york in a few minutes. do you want to spend your lifetime, working to pay the rent and eat little, or do you want to live a life of freedom,share your knowledge and your effort, and pay very little.because now, with this technology, you'll be able to build you own homeanywhere you like.

what has become the forces of this planet that, having a shelter has become the luxury of the bankers. now, the bankers will see the biggest crisis in their world. if you thought, you see it... you saw the crash of the property market, few years ago, in the united states, this crash will come across the planet on major cities. the time is very short, maybe a couple of years. maybe five years. you do not need to work your life,to have a shelter

and live in absolute poverty,that you can keep a shelter. the banks can keep the properties, which they own and nobody wants to have. now you understand the changes to come. what they used, to enslave man with pieces of the space in the air, on the hundredth floor, for ten million dollars. now that the space is free for them, with their structure, to be left for the birds to live in.the man will not take the bird. when you can have, pure food, as energy,

that you do not need to work, fifty weeksa year, to have two weeks holidays, you work two weeks a year,and you have fifty weeks of holidays. because you serve your purpose.the changes are very rapid. now that we have broken into thegovernmental level, in two or three governments, which we especially don't announce, that we keep you focused on, where we want you to be, till we finish our job. then you understand what we are doing, i especially kept the whole work of foundation on attention on one of the biggest criminals;

that, while they are busy, we can work our way, and you've seen what we have achieved. we keep them busy with whatever they are, they want to do, while, in the background, we establish, what we want to establish to bring: world peace,and world government, and taking man into deep space through a spaceship program. you've got to understand. to be able to bring seven billion human beings to work together, is an art.and i am a master in it.

when, you changethe whole position that there is no contamination by man,and you bring peace to yourself, you do not damage the planet. then the fish, the lion, and the birdslive a peaceful life. i don't have to be frightend as a bird,to cross over a country that i get shot, to become a food of another man. i become a bird to be free to liveamongst man with a total freedom. yesterday, the day before yesterday,while we were going on a trip, in a car we saw the birdwhich is very well known

as the birdwhich brings new babies. and he was sittingand nesting on top of a lamp post, just after the last house in the village. not in wilderness, but amongst peopleknowing that he will not be touched, because nobody has ever tried to eat him,cause in the food chain he has no worth for the manit doesn't taste right sure it's not what we are used to. and what do we call them?they bring children in a basket. in most of the western world.

(rc) you mean stork?(mk) yes. (rc) like in stork i think.(mk) yes, yes. it was beautiful to se a stork on the lampslamp post with his nestwith his baby on it, at the end of the we passed through. that's how it should be for all the birds,even the man. free to nest,and free to be, but knowing in his freedomhe has everything he needs. food, shelter, and he decides to livein the middle of a city,

or in the freedom of a desert,or in the jungle. now you understand how we are going,in one session, we start teaching you everythingfrom the science in the depthof the knowledge of the man, in the work in how we are planning to execute,in how we set up the factories, and he space centerthat we can fly from, and now we see the collaborationof the scientists. this is how it should be,it's taken years, but, it's not me who's delivering's us as the workers, as the supporters,

of the keshe foundation world wide.i'm just a name. you are the arms and the legs.without working together we can not accieve. and the biggest problem for us,is this. how not to lie to ourselves,that the most bankrupt nation in the worldis the most powerful nation in the world. if it was me, 65 thousand depth and build up everyday for another few thousand the bank will foreclose on me.who's foreclosing on united state? no one but us by our behaviour. insighting war, insighting conflict,does not help.

as i said many times,we send the message, to israeli leader,for peace within iran and israel. it's national security officer came backthe response is, anyone but you mr keshe. and i said i know why, becausehe knows i carry the banner of truth, and he will yield to peace talk.because he understand. so, avoiding each otherdoes not solve the problem. facing in to understandthat the money does not worth, and how we reorganize ourselvesis the next plan. and as i said, i'm a hearder,i know how to bring the heard home,

safe and sound. in so many ways,try to expand the knowledge, now in understandingthe work of the soul. try to understand what is been taughtin past few weeks, since january. that not only allows you through emotionto become the controler, but as we see last week and this week,scientists start making sense of it. now you have to lookat the totality. the way we look at the totality of being correct in calculatingevery aspects of equation,

we have to consider every aspects ofhuman life on this planet and beyond. to be correct. how do we interact?how do we understand each other? do we need a voiceto understand each other or do we understandthe language of the soul? and this is where it comesvery, very effective. in the yesterday meeting,in romania, i sit and i watch, 2-3 hundred people,but they are looking at one man, and the interesting point is,when you talk to people at this level,

you see every one of themtakes one point from the top. and they are happy, to be able to understandat least part which touches them. now a lot of ushave to do a lot of talking correct, sharing knowledgethrough the soul, that we all are happy to havea point of connection and interaction. now that we have set upthe structure of the space center. what we call the space ship in accra. our next target,is bringing the world governments together.

but through understandingand the work of military, that military forces do not becomethe defender of a section, but they become thedefender of the humanity. on those who do wrong,and in time, when the totality of the man changes,there shall be no room for them anyway. but they are a step toein the steps of the humanity to progress. something very strange has happenedin one of the countries, one of the top scientistshas lied to his president, and we know he's been discovered,and now the whole nation knows,

and we are watching to seehow the government responds, or the president responds. i said we hope, we don't seethe mistake of the past by execution. we don't see the pastby imprisonment. but we see the president will use,it's grace, and it's work, and understanding of the soul of the man,to elevate the soul of the person. that his knowledge, his work,become assets to the nation, and not a coffin in the ground.or a box in prison. this is been the habbit of the man.

and this is has to change. with the knowledge we have,we elevate, we do not punish. many times, i elevate the soul ofmy enemies, even those who write heavy. they are there to serve a purpose,i know. but it's the way they serve,to others seems to be wrong, but in fact it's the best way becausethose who don't understand will join in, and those who understandthey keep clear. we have no enemies,we have those who have gone, and worked in the ways

they thought is the right way for themto survive, and do what they done wrong. the only way is to elevatetheir souls and nothing else. let me explain to yousomething very simple. the man, the human kind is at a cross point. to become man of space,and equality and peace, or stay in the village of earth,and in a way to vanish. it's for us, as keshe foundationto teach the mankind to make the choise. and those who make the choice,can join the spaceship. and those who decide to carry onwith the past, they can stay behind.

would a man from jungles of africawould like to be in space? yes, when he knows his and his familyhave no more room on this planet, as the life of this planet is doomed. do you stay in the house whenyou know the hurricane is on its way? or do you move? and this is the option for the mankind. we move on. we teach.we've seen the development in africa. i'm sure once we release, the way we produce things ina way which is should be,

that it's at the reach of every man,you will find out we'll change the course of's weeks away. when i can release a bottle of water,which carries all the energies man need with one cupit satisfies his hunger. he elevates his soul and he findsthe shelter within the body of himself. does the man need toprogress into understanding of the totalityof the knowledge. do we needto go further, or do we need to stopand think and carry on?

many times,many times i've said, when the man fails to dowe shall do. and now,we see the failure of the man, and, we shall do. it took me 5 months to build, to achieve position of land. buildings, factories,jobs in an african nation. when i was sitting with one of thegovernment advisers, he said it's a miracle. in such a short time you achieved,

that we did not even knowwe have the resources for. i respect the nation. i gave jobs to the top scientists,that the nation did not have a job. i pay at the rate of the europeanlevel to the scientists, which is many times morethan the national income. and i respect them.and i teach them. and in that process,we have not repeat as i said before, the job of china. get the man separated fromhis house and his wife

and his children to workas a slave in a sweatshop. for the man in the west to enjoya high priced system at the expense of theother mans life. i pay and set the examplefor the government. to look after man at homewhere he is at peace, does not need taketo the high waters and deserts to be abused by thosewhat we call human trafficking. and i keep the assets of the nationwhich is it's human resources in the nation.and this is has become the example

of the all the works we do in allthe keshe foundation's around the world. the reason we are successful,is because we are correct in conduct. because we don't talk, we produce.we don't talk, we do. absentism in the factoryis more or less zero. because they all want to be there becausethey know they are there to bring changes. and they knowthere is a purpose for their life. and this is how it should be. when we set upthe factories across the world in coming weeksyou will hear more and more.

it'll be the same ethos.where i can take a man from the factory in congo,and i can put him in new york. he lives the same life style, because he receives everything he needsthrough the operation of the plasma. and then he has enough,he does not have to worry about, moving from congointo new york to work, line of communications are there,and if your needs will be there in time to go back homewithout leaving the children behind. and secondly,does not work as a slave,

to feed another mans pleasureat the highest rate. one of the biggest problemwe see in our economical structure which we're trying to reorganize,is pensions. the biggest problemfor human race at the moment they abuse, sits with what we call pension policiesin the west and the governments. pensions in west you workthat when you are older, they can pay back to you. and in that process they only investin the companies that are most abusive, because, they abused manto show the maximum profit

but their shareholders,which is the pension companies, that this leads to more abuse. the pension organizations aroundthe the world will be reorganized. because if we can give the warmth,the wealth of the security of no hunger, to the man who has served humanityduring his youth, without him understanding,damaging another man to be without a child, and a child without a father for himto show a living. then, we break the cycle. no structure has damagedand brought the slavery to man,

than the pension policywhat we see in the west. and it's become knownin the rest of the world. its breaking the backof the governments. and they can not find a solution for it,the solution sits with what you do. delivery of energy water. in a way in the next stepas i've said before, we will deliver, we are working on itin a different way, that nobody understands how,till we complete our work. the food will be deliveredthrough the water pipes of the cities.

that no man can go hungry. that in the other placewe can deliver the medication what the man needsfor his short coming of physicality, through the waters.these are not the dreams any more. you've seen my bottles.we will repeat this across the world in the coming time very rapidlythrough cooperation with governments. where the needis not there to show profit, by the companies we'll work to seewho is serving more correctly the workers. this is part of the biggest problemof present economical world.

one is the most bankrupt nationtrying to make money to stay alive, and pretending to be the super powerand one the structure of pension policies. with this,what we saw with the military, you'll find out we have brought inthe end of rothschild family operation. it's very simplegold has no value. it's very simple.power does not exist. we end up with what you call illuminati's,or the knights of whatever. we all become illuminatedwith the knowledge, and we all become rightwith our rothschild work.

they had to be there for usto understand our weaknesses. and we have to thank them forwhat they have shown, what we have broughtin past centuries has brought us to understand wherewe are weak that we can strengthen. in the next few months you will seehow we'll change this. because this sitsat the cornerstone of the work of the keshe foundationin a coming time. by setting up what we sawat the bottle of the waters, in understanding the technology.

in understanding the workand understanding where we've gone wrong, we can correct itall together. this is the structurewe have to understand. this is the structurewhich brings a lot of thing together and there is no change. we have set the scene. they don't allow youto have the water, if you have a diabeticin united state, a small flight to ghanagives you a solution.

one of the very high priests, christian priests, in ghana sometimebefore christmas, middle of last year, was in united state. he was flown to united stateto receive the latest medication for high blood pressure. extremely connectedwith the government, well connected within the structure of theoperation of the ghanian society. his blood pressure, using the latest medicinein the united state,

was, 220 over 160. death was imminent througha stroke or whatever. the daughter of this manworks in ghana atomic. comes in touch with benjamin. says: "benjamin my father is dying,we have sent him to united states they can't find a solution for him,this is the blood pressure". benjamin says: "bring him back,there is a solution here, with us". the daughter writes,and calls her father to say:

"come back, the solution is here,it's in atomic. it's part of us." with that high blood pressure,they fly the priest back to ... ghana. benjamin suggests and gives a waterwhich is good for high blood pressure, in less than, few days, this is what he gets: [mk writes 160/90 on whiteboard] we didn't know. this man, is the manwho's taken us across, the whole governmental structure,which says, they all knew

he was gonna die. he says:"i'm the man, i am the example of it". technology works,and every body else is following it. we have seen, a cup of waterchanging a life. but the strangest thing iswe didn't know; his son, is part ofghana keshe foundation, as one of the scientistsworking with us, he never disclosed who his father is,till we found out. because the father believes so muchin the work, that his son has joined the foundation.

he is a petroleum scientist. he's a degree as a petroleum engineerand now works in ghana atomic with us, keshe foundation,for change of the course in oil spillage, and how we can dowith damages of petroleum. which we explained beforein other teachings. the top scientist in the united statescould not save the life of a man, in the most richest nation,more advanced in medicine. bottle of water in ghana, given freely,has changed the life. so, now you understand.

how we work, how we operateand how the operation should be. we have many examples like this. ghana keshe foundationhas become mecca for people to come to find salvationfrom the things, they could not find. refuge from illnesses and the rest. now we deliver theenergy systems to them. at the prices, whichghanaian can afford, and we have managed, to changevery interesting position in ghana. in italy when we put, the energy systems out,

the bankers were supposedto come in at high rate, to finance in advance. the way now we are working,is the government, is paying to the foundation, because they arepartially owner of the company, for us to supply the workers, and the workers to pay back in piecesas installments. so is not for us, but now a soldierwho had to put away, let's say, 200 cedi a month, for electricity,now, he pays more less nothing, and he pays his government back20 cedi a month,

for the pleasure of having a freeenergy of the systems, for his life. in time, we'll change these free energiesof universe to be absorbed by these systems, where they can takeenergy for their life, for food. this plasma power system is notjust a plasma system for light, for heat. if you position itand work it in a specific way, it will give you everythingyou need as food. it is very simple, you all know it,soon i'll explain. as i said, it is's amazing. the life of the man to startin africa, as a race:

and now, africa finds solutionfor it's children to save them from all the mistakes of million of give man their freedom. africa gave birth to man, and nowas mother lands of the humanity, finds the salvage, through his correctconduct, for the human race! this is howthe foundation will work, and as i said: "this is my wishand my wish, is my command". will be done,and it's getting done. you've seen the bottles,it's just water.

the scientists, in every aspectsof the ghana scientific organization, water commission board. nuclear centre, atomic centre. fda have turned this water up side down,they can't find anything in it. but they see it, how it's changing conditions. and if you look,we use the same water, to create, the energy plasma box,nothing more. that's the secret, behindthe new plasma technology. weighs less then 500g,

the total system, weighsless then 50 gram. with the attachments, round about 250,with a box about half a kilo. delivers energy,which we said, we can not putany more limitation, it's on demand what your house can carry,and receive the demand. we have delivered the first phaseof energy on demand, and i've been askedeven by armen: " can we have it forarizona factory." i said: "no.why should i"?

but you have to tell us,is got to be on the blueprint! last time i gave, nobody thanked me,they just put a lot of rubbish on the internet about me,so why i should share this time? i only share it with the militaryand the governments, but we give it to every bodyin the government and the military. they respect it, becausethey see the benefit of it. but we'll bring it outin the keshe foundation factory's which we'll set upwith the governments. which means nobody can take and runand then insult us.

i gave you the freedom. you, went to the totality ofdestroying yourself and us. now we go backwhere we came. to the arms of those who can bring,understand, and change the humanity. because the humanity, has failed the i said many times. "we try you again and againas long you fail, we go to the next step,to see if you have learned". how many of you who built the systems,the magrav systems, gave the workshops, have putanything back into the foundation?

one or two. hundreds of thousandshave been made. some people, we hear,charge 600 euro, for showing how tomake a magrav system, and, nothing is put backinto the foundation. we hear those who make magravssystems and give it freely, to the others because is savestheir time and their life. and devote their timeto serve if they are sick, they see the elevationof their position of their soul.

i know how to make gold. i showed it to the japanese. how much gold would you likeme to make by tomorrow? that will not solve the problem.that worsens the problems. so, we have to learn, to understand,where we are going as collective humanity and then we come to the (?) it's nice to be back's nice to be resident of italy. as you know, we have nowresidents of two nations, and carry the citizenship of one.

we have a full residenceand life in ghana, we have a full residence as italian, and we are the citizensof this planet. born in the most beautiful nationof the world, iran, but we are all equal. the problem is, as long as nationalism,colour, language is the barrier, man has not movedfrom the skin of the man, in so many ways, to understandthe skin touches the emotions, and it's the soulwhich has not changed. in so many ways, very few peopleunderstand what we are doing,

but by the time they understand,they'll find out they become a slave, to their own souland to humanity to serve. i don't teachand i don't preach. i enlighten that you understandthe mistakes you make. you're worried about a cup of tea,or the clothing tonight, spend some of your time, understandhow the magrav systems work, understand how the systemhas to be in its totality, you will haveeverything you need. nobody, no one could imaginefive years ago, ten years ago,

when i start teaching,that this, this material, a copper, will change the human race,by just nano-coating it. and the essenceof changing the structure, has been with man from the timewhen he made the soap, from the proteinof his own life. understanding that in theflesh of the fat which he made, from the ashes of the structureof his environment as caustic, mixing it with a soapwhich was his own protein, will become the feeder of his own protein,and closes the circuit.

no one understood how simple inunderstanding the structure of the work, of any condition in the universe,is to find the essence of the physicality at the point, and once understanding, transfer it into the energyof the plasma of itself, you can live in any positionin the universe. on earth, the physicality of the manis conditioned on his muscle tissue, that he exists as entitywhich is based on copper. so it was easy to understandyou can use the copper to feed the man, to change the manand change the humanity.

so simple! we have started the springin northern hemisphere, as the iranian new yearclocked in on monday. i hope we enter the springof the man's life to change, and clock in for peace, and as we said,understanding of the technology. in so many ways, we have come along way, but in a very short time. it took man millions of yearsto get to this point, and it's taken us three yearsto enlighten millions. a priest said: "mr keshe,it took christ three hundred years,

to achieve so many followers,you have done it in three years. public teaching, you have changedthe course of humanity". but is not me, but is us,by enlightening we can change. the keshe foundationhas more followers in its short time, than any prophets of the past,has ever managed to gather in that time. and you can imagine now,what we will deliver. it's you who got to change, to find a way,not us, because those who understand, will change the coursefor it, not us. it has to be correct, it has to beunderstood, and it has to be

implemented, according tothe laws of universal councils, and the laws of the universe,not the man for benefit of his pocket. now, i put it to you again. become and work towards one wayto bring peace and knowledge, and you will see the benefit of it. and in so many waysthose who think can stop the process, those are the same ones who havenever understood what we are up to and what we are here to do, and how we will changethe whole structure.

any questions?and i'm sure azar will be the first one. (rc) i actually i'm gonna try to geta question in for... (mk) we got the ... echo ...voice...(rc) there's an echo from... (mk) you got the echo in your package.(ab) good morning mr keshe (ab) happy new year. ???(mk) happy new year. ??? (ab) rick if you want to ask yourquestion go ahead, because then i can... i don't have a question,but i wanted to say a couple of things. (rc) ok...let's just get it lined up here,we had a question from josh in the q&a when you were doing the formula for theplasma speed of light, and so he asks:

"would you please write the full formula,of the plasma speed of light in space?" (mk) there is no's understanding the parameters, and parts of the structurewhich you have to consider. my biggest problems is:i don't like formulas. i find them limitation to the brainof a lot of people. once they have it,they don't think anymore. if you go back, when you dothe atomic mass, whatever you do. if you go back,this is what we were discussing with the scientists, the other day,energy with whatever you do.

you have to understand everything isbased on gravitational-magnetic field, of a given condition, in transition,or in respect, to a given point, in space or time. but the reality isthe time does not exist in the space. so, the only thingyou can consider, is the transmutationfrom one state of energy to the other. so, if you do thatand you consider the totality, you'll find the weight, the energy inequality, will createthe biggest dilemma for man. because he does not understandif he has a mass or is he an energy?

and that's where the problemhas sat with man for years, for centuries. scientists who never understood the totality,try to put some figures around it. look at all the constantswith all the assumptions which has been made, trying to createsome sort of formulas. you have the speed of light. but we know a plasmahas a speed in every spectrum, and if you are in that positionof given time, of the space of given position,you are light. yesterday, i explained in a conference.some of you might have heard before.

many years ago, many years ago,caroline put a candle in front of the door, on a table,and then sat me in front of it, she said: "look into the light, you will see!" and i said:"i am the light". and the candle weighed nearly a kilo,just flew off. because when you understandits position, if you understandthe strength you carry, you are the light at any point in theuniverse, in respect of the position, as the strength you carry,according to environment you are,

in its interactionsin the difference in its strength, will create a light, will create a residual which manifest itself, you call it a photon of a plasma, or plasmatic photon in motion. i spoke and taught many years as a physical making of a system, making ganses but if you want to speak in the languageof the science and equations, i can teach you more about the science of the universe than you can ever imagine. but the scientists have to take a lotof restriction out of the assumptions. the biggest mistake, has been madein the world of science,

up to now, has been assumptionsby other scientists. they assume and assumeand assume and assume and they dismiss whatit doesn't suit them, to get to an equation which theywant to prove is theirs and it works. and then, they make machinesto prove it. how many of us, as scientistswhen understood the first and second law of thermodynamics,we threw it to the window? is nothing but nonsense! but they work with itand they make nuclear reactors

and the cooling systemthe rest of it with it, because the, all the mistakes they make, at the end, leads,all the assumptions they didn't count it, to the explosion of the nuclear reactorsand the rest of it. how much assumption has madein the world of medicine, that this thingwill do this and that? as they never understood the wholeconcept of the plasmatic interaction, you get what you call'side effects' and all the dangers which comeswith the interaction of the matter-state,

in injections,or tablets or the rest. if you understand the process, you interact with the field,not with the matter. then, you write the equation.but when you do these things, when you make, trying to put figuresor words to explain the process, or a measure of a process,look at the totality, and remember one thing,from now on: consider one position: any state of theplasma in the universe cannot exist if there is no interactionof that plasma

with the other plasmas,in its environment. then, you understand how simplethe knowledge becomes. write a formula, no problem. but now you workedin the order of magnitude, now you worked in multipleintegration of four and six now you have to work in the integralsand god-knows-what of many, many... because up to now, in all the calculationsof the scientists up to now, we considered this is the only thingand that's why we made all the mistakes. now, we have to consider this existencehas a position because of this

because of this, because of this,and this and many others i bring you something which is here,i don't know if you can see it, can you go downto the bottom of this? on your screen, you can see the spaceship,it has no physicality. when i see this here in this lab, so many times, i tell myself,when are they gonna understand: you can have this physicalityanywhere in universe, as long as you have a gradient, potential differencebetween the environment outside and environment inside,that inside can keep to its existence

irrespectable what is outside,but you can make a barrier that the both can coexistwithout one destroying the other. does man needall this nonsense? in so many ways, we do not so many ways, in confining ourselves to be ableto trust something we can replicate, has become our biggest problem, and this will come in so many waysas part of the structure. i'm getting messages with giovannisending it out he wants me to tell something i don't know what you'retalking about...

ah okay you want meto send it forward? this is.. what is... giovanni wants me tosend you is, yesterday with very very famousis a famous doctor in romania. i'll send it to you rick, is coming fromour romanian colleagues most probably listeningin the background. it'll be nice if you can send us thepicture of the audience as well. i send it to you rick, you can... see it.and what is interesting, is that how us, as human being,have decided to ignore a lot, to confirm what wewould like to confirm.

how we, as human being,have ignored a lot. if you want you can sharethe pictures in the background even if you look at the image you see,in the teachings, ... now which is, i shared with rick,rick if you want to share the pictures... this is what we said, we were inwhat you call it, bucharesti, yesterday. (rc) yeah i got the picture up, okayi got the one picture up now. can you see it there?maybe it's not switching over on your end. (mk) yes is coming up,(rc) okay (mk) the conference which wasorganized, we were in bucharesti.

thank you very much for our colleagueskeshe foundation romania and the supporters of the foundation,which runs into apparently, 1000 of them. you gotta understand something very simple,even what you see as a image, is a interaction of field of plasma,it's the image of the interaction of the soul that it gives the image of the face. and if man understand this, he wouldunderstand very much, what is involved and how he can use thisto be able to help itself. in so many ways in change of the coursein so many ways in understanding how he can manifest itself, how he can understand the totality.

i've send you another picture. the ... the romanian keshe foundationwants these pictures out, they're sending.. you better send it directly to rick thensending it to me and i have to send it to rick. so you've got another one coming see in the... next picture, we don't look at space, we don't lookat time, we don't look... would you like to put the next picture up?we just sent you. in so many ways, is the waywe would like any of us, to be shown to be,in that space of time to be us. blonde, blue eyes as somebody yesterdaywas amazed with the green eyes

and the blond hairthey call her the green-eyed lady. in so many ways, these are all scientists.this is the professor, on the left hand side where you see is doing the mathematicalwhat you call, calculation. this, these are all man of scienceand they share their knowledge freely. they are not waitingfor a peer review, a paper to be published,but sharing it allows them to do. it is interesting how we willand we have shown ourselves why one of us is white,one of us has a black hair, why some of ushas different shape and color

we have mutated to show the strength of our emotion of our souls in the physicality presentation. if we manage to do that to ourselves comingfrom one essence of the original man, then we have missed something. if we can change ourselvesall coming from the same man to start with and we have takenthese colors and shapes and sizes, then we know how to evolve,and we know how to survive in the span of universe. it's us what have to understandwith the knowledge which we have now.

we cometo the next step. how we can speed it up that in secondswe can become the next in the deep space to be shown to be amongst othersbut still be part of the others. knowing inside we have been createdon earth. this is the beauty of what it sits, it'sthe beauty of understanding the totality. if we have managed to mutate fromone entity to split to two to be ableto create conversion between the two to lead to the creation of this, what we call offspring and the offspringsin wanting to be different

and living moving to different locationhas changed, from a black skin black hair,to some keeping a black hair. some of them keeping a black skin,but we have manifested ourselves through the emotion controland through our soul, in different shapesand colors. the most funniest thing isif we all of us in this picture, move to planet zeus,would be able to keep the clothes on? where these materials in planet zeusin the strength of the field of it, we will not lookall this way,

but through our souls we knoweach one of us. we are the passengers of the universefrom planet zeus. we come in as planet earth.what are you sending me, more photos? (mk) ok, no problem. but understandthe totality. we have mutated, we have decided to changethe plasma in different strength, and now, we appear as different entitiesin front of one picture. in space instead of millions of years to changecolor and shape to be independent, to be us.

we only shall see the soul of the man fromthe earth, and we say, i know that one! that soul is the wayit is created on earth, even though on other planet, will beof the different features and structure. it's very interesting, how man has evolvedand man has forgotten how to evolve, because it is doneby so many others and this is the beauty of it. and this is how it shall be.we have to learn what we missed, or we have to understand what we missedthat in space, we change ourselves to fit,

to survive to be the entity, thatit can communicate with the other souls. the next question sorry about thisbut it's important for us to understand. can i have my white board back that i cango to the gentleman with his questions? you asked about what we calledthe totality of how to write a formula. you have written a formula, nowyou considered the speed of the motion of the plasma which you are created,or you travel within, or you are part of. the other problem you have is howdo you again go on understanding your ... what you call the mass. don't forget your own massis internal.

but, in its internal operationhas many dimensions. when you consider, the mass itself is magneticand gravitational based. itself has to have a limitationout of itself, which is the body of the man, and itsenvironment which allows it to grow into. now your dilemma becomesa little bit bigger, because what has createdthe mass itself, it dictatesthe speed of it's motion too. not only internally but in respect tothe environment which it is operating in.

in many of the teachings i explaina simple way, simple word, and nobody have understood. it is in the booki think number one or two. i always say,i think it's maybe in book number three, that, "the universecannot grow in the unicos, unless the other universesdo not give the space for it to exist. this comes out of the present theorythat the universe is expanding. it can only expand to the limitthat the others allow it to exist

that it does not endangertheir existence. in so many ways the onlycondition of the existence of the mass, is the magrav positioning of the othersin respect to each other, and the universe we exist. it can only grow and it can only existin that space and nowhere else, because, if the spaces oflet's say f and d does not createmore than 5 cm gap, this gentleman here cannot bemore than most probably 4 1/2 because it has to fit in here.

even though it has it's own massbut its mass in respect to position has partially gets dictatedby the environment it is in. do you gain more mass by absorbingmore energy from the environment of where your'e trying to coexistor do you reduce mass? so the mass in the universal plasmaconstant does not exist. and this is another assumption,which is made by einstein. this is where when you think and workin universal condition, now that you understandthe totality work of the universe, have to understand the reality,and it can not ignore.

what is the transformation,the transition, and the total existence of the fieldsin so many ways of the whole environment in this part. then maybe then,maybe then, you can write an equationfor the energy of the entity in a given point,in a given condition, in respect to a given strengthof the plasma. working with plasmaunderstanding it is easier than measuring itand formulising it

because, you run into huge problems, the way man has made his own mathematical formulas, with a lot ofassumptions from the beginning of the time when the scientistsstart putting things together. because they worked on the matter-stateand we can tangibly feel the matter-state we have accepted it to be the sacrosanctand that's the only way it is. but now that we understandthe work of the plasma, now that we understandthe positioning of the plasma, now that we understand each plasma, at a given point can have characteristics of many, many entities depending on whatstrength your standing to look at

then you find out... (mk) can you hear us? hello.(rc) yes, go ahead mr keshe. (mk) what we explainedthey tell me the sound has fallen out. so what we understandin the totality when we consider writing a formula,we have to understand the totality work of the fields,not only internally, but externally too. it goes backto the pictures we saw. man inside throughthe strength of his emotion, would like to be different,in respect to the environment,

which is conditioned itself,it changes its colour and its appearance. so, we've seen itin the life of the man on this planet. and there is no differentin the space. how do you write a formulafor energy conservation? is to understand the whole totalityof the energy conversation. if you don't do, it's the easiest wayis to work with no formula! the way, the rest of theuniversal community works. you feelthe strength of the soul, the strength of the source,the strength of the totality.

and in desire, it dictate the positionwhere you want it to be. if the will is not strong enoughto trust in the conversion, we take into the hands and the boardsof what we call, 'spaceship'. if we don't know how to drive, but wewant to get from a to b, we get a taxi. it's the same. we don't understandthe work of the strength of our soul. we join a spaceship which carriesthe ethos of our soul. in so many ways, a spaceship, is a ship for the manto cover the space of universe. but, first of all, he has to understandthe space of his own soul.

otherwise, he doesn't exist. now, you write the formula. ignore thermodynamic because in so manyways, it does not exist in the universe. ignore the assumptionsmade by so many, and use your own understandingof the totality. try to take it a step further.try to understand it totally. and maybe, you can writea formula of life, in the universe. because it cannotbe so simple. as i said; "i deal with the childrenin the kindergarten who like to play,

i give you the cores, and i give you thegans making machine, and nano coating." you speak at the level of thewhat i call first and second year, i write you and give youthe knowledge of the universe, understanding of total of knowledge. and when you grow up to understand more,i'll give you the secret of life. which sits and embedded in theunderstanding of the creation, as a physical entity,at any levels of the creation. what might be surprise to you,but i've explained many times before, is this,and then you might understand.

if you look at the plasma. i am manifested at this, while i'm manifested at this, while i'm manifested at this,and while i'm manifested at this. i am the same, but accordingto the eye of the observer, at that point, i am everything. i am the beginning.i'm the end. depends, are you standing here,or are you here? so, a plasma to you, might look greenand running as the speed of light. but, to another observer,at the point of b,

he's doing at thousands of timesthe speed of light, because it's at a higher strength. so, do we, or are we, observersof multi entity in the depth of the space of the universe at any point? the answer is, yes! now, the only wayyou can write a formula for it, is to understand the strength of the soulof yourself and in that strength, decide in which point of the strengthof your soul, you like to be observed. so, so many people speakabout multi dimensions to be,

at the same place,in the same time. as a plasma you can be, butit depends on the point of the observer. do i see you as a humanin position a? and do i see you as a martianin position b? (vv) is that due to transition points,mr keshe? (mk) no. it's always's a point of observer. observation. we have to rewritethe world of the science of the man, if you understandwhat is on the board. because now we deal withthe reality of existence.

we deal with the essence of creation.we understand no assumption and we understandthe coexistence of the totality is within the structure of theone self. this is where, human racehas had a lot of problems. how far do we go? how deep we go to understandthe reality without assumption? and the only placethat you can exist without assumption, is within the soul of the man,because through the emotion you manifest yourselfaccording to the filter strength

which you have put in there. if you understand, this isthe structure of the soul of the man. a is venus, where b is earth, and then ifyou like to be c, you end up to be saturn. but they all coexist in the same thing,from the same soul which is the center of the sun'sgravitational-magnetic field. if you understand this, you understandeven our sun manifests itself in different shapes,in different position. why shouldn't be the capabilityof the soul of the man? there are no exceptionsin the world of creation.

it's for us to understandthe totality then, we shall prayto no churches and no mosques. because we are aware of thereality of the existence. some need formulas to confirmtheir own level of understanding. some need to understandthe strength of the soul of themselves, they do not needno formulas. and some will escape, 'i don't understand.let the others do it. when they finish,i'll have a bite of it'.

any other question? (ab) mr keshe? (mk) yes.(ab) this is azar, that's why i, last time i spoke to you andi said that definitely we are decaying then. (mk) pardon? (ab) i mean, we are decayingthe earth is decaying. because we can no longer functionwhere we are in the universe, because there is nothing to hold ushold us in place. because we have to...(mk) hold on, hold on.

why do you thinkyou are decaying, why don't you think you are gainingsomething from the environment? that.. (ab) no,i'm not saying we are decaying, i'm just sayingwe are giving birth to a new earth, and that's why the earth has to go, that'sthis no longer can function the way it is. (mk) the thing is, partially the changecomes through the interaction of the fields, partially we are partof the transition time, partially we happened to bein this mass of the fields at this point of timewe call our life.

everything has a cycle of its own. depends, where you are sittingat the point of the observation, life,(ab) and mr keshe, also i want to tell you the knowledge you brought usactually is so massive, i mean the understanding of itis not easy, i mean, i can give you analogy.imagine, there is an island, two hundred years agoand there are people in that island. and we found a plane and we looking aroundand we look inside it, we find the seat we find the cockpit,the only thing came to our mind,

to put rope on the ringand put people in it and pull it fromone side of the island to the other side, and taking people from one side to anotherside, we don't understand how to fly. i think that's what i'm thinking, your knowledge is so just i mean just understanding it,a lot of people just unimaginable, it has, it's gonna take timebut it's humongous i mean, i don't know when people gonna get it but,god knows when. (mk) don't forget we don't teach the mannowadays, we teach across the universe. man in time will understand.

(ab) mr keshe, also i wanna bringabout a couple of points, is, right now keshe foundationis getting huge and i think we should havea structure in place, so people have a guideline because,people being committed to the foundation, and they wanna make ganses,they wanna make magravs, but then you spoke one timeabout if the ganses pure, or the magrav are correct, so i'mthinking about if you can get a system, we need two system in place,one system how to i give you an example, if 10 people already made gansesand magrav,

they can, you already know they are makinga good gans and magrav, and then two of themdecided to have a workshop so the two people make the workshop,they should be given the equipment how to do analysisof other people's ganses and magravs so if they teaching 100 people,so they can check those people magrav and ganses,so that`s correct. then 20 of those people want to do a workshopthen that 20 people gonna be given the equipment...(mk) you see azar, azarjan. the problem is that organization,physical organization, is beyond

the work of our some of you might know, the teaching on the workshop levelnow is headed by brett. he's bringing everything togetherbecause farhad couldn't do it, it's to big so brett with his experiencehas taken over, he's been given the, what you call it the opportunity to be ableto bring all the workshops under one banner and you'll see it on the new website. how you do it is how individually are prepared to accept, what knowledgeanother person can give you, and in receiving itdon't consider us to be the ultimate,

the only way, but add your own flavourof understanding to it. then i hear a lot of people going to theworkshops, and they do a lot of work and then they saythis is the way we taught by so and so, and it's wrong,the wrong comes from you, who do not extendthe knowledge by yourself that, there is another way,i have to think to do it myself. i've been shown the rope but,it's for me to decide which cliff i go up, and which cave i go down into.and learn from it. (ab) mr. keshe, that's correct,but that has to do with basics,

with gans making and nano coating,these are basics. but then each of ushave our own essence. but if you can if you put aworkshop on a shoulder of one, one person cannot handle but if you make itlike each group can do their own way... (mk) that is somethingfor you lot to organize. many languages, there are many languages,there are many people, there are many cultures and many got to understand, i give you an explain azarjan, in africa, we wanted in ghanawe wanted to do some tests.

and to you and me, you're a dentist,it's very easy to give blood. we do it to understand it to understandthe position of our entity. in ghana, people havea huge problem to give blood. especially if you want to usea blood for a specific research. the belief is that you can use that bloodto make a voodoo and control their soul. this is one of the biggest problems we havein ghana now, in part of our research. in ghana nobody gives you a nail cut,they won't give you a hair of their body, because you can use it, and abuse itaccording to how they psychologically is being positioned, and understood,that they can use it to control you.

very strange, when you walk in ghana,when you look at ghanean women, they don't shave their leg,where in europe it's very normal and i couldn't understand, what wrong,even with very highly educated people, and i asked the question.and when i was told this is the reason. they say"you can do anything,we do anything for work, but don't ask us to cut,just give one hair". because they're conditionedin mentality in that way. we have to understandwhat culture and how we teach each other. and how much is acceptable withoutcrossing the boundary of the acceptance.

in that culture, in that way. we can workshop teach,we can do a lot of things. but we cannot push peopleand this cannot be one person just because it shows. our knowledge seekers teachers,our workshop teachers, are just there to inspire. and any of them pushes, this is the only way, you've got to say, "i have my own way of doing it.i have the freedom, of being a passenger of the space,i decide which part of the space i take."

(ab) mr keshe, that's correct,what you are saying is correct, for example i was gonna say,we can raise money for the building the ghana center very fast. for example, each of us have our own essence. for example, i came over thatmany ideas how can i work, i'd make a alkalizer to go, i can textureit as sports clothes, things like that. so for example,imagine i make a alkalizer to go. initially i don't have the moneyi start from home, and what i do, i send my alkalizer to you,to ghana center, or any place you ok it.

so i told youi'm gonna fabricate this, and you say,"azar this is good go ahead with it." so, i start making at home,i sell hundred of them. i make, say, the first year, first month, or coupleof months, i make four thousand dollar. the second year i can make a factoryhave 15 workers. so i put a wide jobfor 15 workers, and i say i make 4 million dollars, 4 million dollars, 2 million goes to keshe foundation, i have 2 million dollarssitting in the bank.

and that,(mk) azar, let me stop you somewhere. (ab) can i finish, ok again.the 2 million dollars i have in my possession i can use maybe hundred,hundred twenty thousand for myself. i have, a million eighty, one millioneighty eight hundred in my possession. so already doctor rodrigo sayi also i have a project i have to run. i have no money i sayrodrigo here, this is the money. so, each of us can, we can have a central bank that everybody can use, to create a product, market it and then,those knowledge, anybody has a essence, those essence gonnaget to population

and we gonna flood the populationwith all the plasma. somebody make a soap,somebody make a clothes. somebody make a shoe,somebody make something else. but we are all connected in a very organizedway it's not a hutch putch anymore. (mk) i don't know, it dependshow people see to do it. we don't lookand we don't go in that way, to see how people what and the waythey do and what they put back in. i, we had a very recent example,i was recieving so many communication that such and such a person,is doing such and such a thing,

he's not putting back to such and such a thing,with the foundation and the rest of it. i said time will tell, whenthey run into trouble, they come back. and they say bla bla bla,we've seen them, many of them. (ab) but mr keshe forget about the people.(mk) that's not our job, listen azarjan. we don't go into this, i don't go into this because this is nothing to dowith our teaching of today. but we have to leave itfor people to decide. if you speak aboutthe space centre in ghana we need a lot of financial supportto build it.

but we will build it, it'll be builtin a very short time. you've seen it.i said this is going to be. you've seen it,we are in the most prime position. we have received a lot of support, and we will bring thisinto international support. but when i giveto the governments, it will be very hard forpublic to get it back. you ignored it. you have not done.i don't stop working. i have a target. i have to build the space ship set-up.

work with it, bring what itneeds to be done. but, it's for man to decide.and we don't interfere. doesn't matter if you waittill you make your 4 million, by the time you make the 4 million,we are already finished the product. there's no need for it. the process has to bethat we can sustain. we can sustain teaching.we can sustain development. we can sustainthe progress of the knowledge. we can sustainto change the course of humanity.

i was in presidential palace, last week.and a guy said to me: "hello mr keshe". i didn't know him.i said "i don't know you sir". he said: "i've been to your lecture,i'm so and so, from national security. welcome to the presidential palace". i said: "thank you very much,but i can't remember". he said: "do you remember i talkedto you about this and this". i said: "do you know what we need"to myself, "without all this, we need support, thatwe can bring that there are no palaces". that the earth is a palacefor the human race.

not the building. to translate that to reality,will take a man a long time. we work amongst each other as equal. but it's us who hasto understand the difference. it's us who has to understandwhat sort of priority. or do we consider it as a priority? i said to benjamin:"do you remember this guy?" he said: "yes, you rememberhe talked about this and this." i said: "i have no recollection"

because to me, the ultimate goal is,to bring peace. it's for the man to choose the path. do i go into atomic, in a factory?i sit with my people in the factory. i make the same thing as they do. they get shocked when i go in there andi clean the floor. i do something else. but, it's equal. i don't sit there.i'm in, it's got to be done. i pack things with them. i make things.i make coils with them. i do everything with them. when it comes at 4:15, when they have15 minutes to clean the factory,

i get a sweeper. i clean with them.and they say: "no, no you cannot do" why shouldn't i. when a man changes his position,is the man who's lost the position. i know what i've got to do.and i know is the way it has to be done. but it's for the others to understand,what it needs to be done. last week, before i leave ghana,i invited the whole of the staff, which is under what we call,the production, all the scientists, for a dinner. they were shocked.

i invited them to a very nice placeto have dinner. after a couple of days,they had a question. ... it was burning them inside. because they got the habit;the guy doesn't give if he doesn't take. if somebody does something foryou in africa, they say: "what has he given you?what bribe have you taken?" so, ultimately the day beforei was taking them out for dinner, they couldn't stop it, i was on the tablewith them, they were making this things, and they said:"why are you taking us for dinner?"

i said: "you know why? because,you have not learned the art of high level of scientistsyou come across, and have not seen the way you have to behave,as one of the scientists of the keshe foundation inpublic world of the foundation. i don't want you,that when i take you out, or you go to a conference with thekeshe foundation around the world, say "look at that african, he doesn't evenknow how to sit or hold a fork and a knife". is not the responsibility your just givingthem higher wages that they have a life,

that they don't become a to teach them that they become equal that they do not stand for the wrongthing, but they stand for the knowledge and the beautythey bring to human race. managing is not just by talking. managing is understanding the pain andthe pitfall of your... whatever you are in. if i send, one of these so calledmanagers of the different sections of the keshe foundation in a conference,let's say in rome or in new york, or anywhere else, and they don't knowhow the etiquette of life is internationally, they stand out like a sore thumband they lose their respect.

does not matter what knowledge theycarry, this is the fault of the human race! for me, i have accepted not theirparticipation in change of ghana into a high level but in teaching themthat they stand equal. and i'm doing the same thing in my teaching of the knowledgeinto space technology that when i take man, mandoes not stand out like a sore thumb. and every man he sees,or entity he sees, become god because he knowssome more than he does. it's the responsibility of all of us,to remind all of us, that we are equal.

even though we might have differentcolour of skin, different colour of hair, a slightly different understanding all inthe narrow path of the science which we are interested in.arrogance is the end of the life. so, how do you want to do it?how do you want to teach? how do you want to change it?is your responsibility, not mine. it's you who have to understand andteach how for the human race to change. and do it, not by force.but do it according to the love of man and what you give,you don't expect anything back. we need huge amount of money.

the ghana space ship centreis the first of many. or, if i announce today that we're goingto build a, let's say romanian space ship centre, romanians onlycontribute because it is their nation. this is what i say. we haven't receivedmore or less, any donations. very, very little, from anybody as such,for the development and all of you have enough to do. so where does it go?do i sit there and say i don't do it? i'll find a i negotiate with governments. but when the governments come in,then you'll see a different ball game.

don't cry, why now, you can't.because you were given a chance. you wanted a chance for a patentas i've said, you did nothing. you were given a chance to can keep the work of, what we call the centre, independent from thehand of any government, you are not supporting it. i have to go through a back door to do itand then when that back door comes, to help you, to have that,they want their say in it. but i try to keep everythingas balanced as possible. i can open the books.

how many, any of millions of peoplelistening, "oh he's collecting money" because one god knows what,writes whatever he likes. how many people we support,how many people we let go, because we seentheir misconduct? do i come and say this and that,no, we carry on. i went to dubai, everybody saysoh he escaped to dubai now because they wroteand they called many. now, the meadle eastern governmentbegs for us to go back in. because they realisedthey listened to a lot of rubbish

if an african nationnow has a factory and can do these things, what did we,why did we listen to these people? they ... the workis not the way you see it, the work is the way it's operating itselfin the background. we do not interfere. we do not go on bash thing about. we needed to keep your concentration, on certain way that we could do our jobwe done our job. we don't need to bother.

we try to teach.nobody listen what we need to be done. if i become open a church, and say blah blah blah and show magiceverybody puts money in it because they want to a magician. that time is past. the magic comes through what youput in the society of the human race. we work we'll we have a beautifulconference next week. we most probably have a more beautifulconferences in the next 2-3 weeks. we open the space center

with inaugurationof the space center in the coming weeks. will be what we callthe traditional ribbon-cutting with, by the president of the nation in conjunction with otherambassadors and world people that they invite to showghana has joined the space program, these arewhat we have. you do not even knowwhat is set up to come. we don't open the center you seen it donewhen we move the first soil. the place will be opened upby the president of the nation.

and maybe two or three other presidentsnext to him. it's all getting set up. it should be a banner:"the funds with this site has been raised, by the keshe foundation world wide." and we haven't seen any of it. you're all waiting for meto show how we make the magrav system, to cheat your nationfrom taxes. so you are thief by nature. we haven't seen any contributionand we don't ask for it because,

soul has to do it not ustelling this is going to happen, you gonna go to hell andit's the end up of the world, no. the plan is we have started itdignitaries, world ambassadors, will be on that landto start the program. the ribbon of the keshe foundation ghanaas a center for a spaceship, will be cutby the president of the nation. they are proud to have,they are proud to receive the knowledge, they're proud to seethe change in the structure, that the nation does not needto spend more money to bring in medicine

from what you have so manyside effects and so many other problems, and so many resources ofthe nation are drained from it. the reason we are respectedand sided kept in positioning ghana, because we have brought dignity,integrity, and value to the nation, and nothing else. when they asked for one thing,simple thing. i said to benjaminand all the staff: "even if you give a power unit to thepresident, you invoice the president", that one day they don't tell usyou're bribed.

and when i did it benjamin said cannotbe done, i said this is the way is done. i keep the foundation very cleanin total across it's work. so you keep on telling uswhat's next what you gonne do? "oh there's gonne bea space center." a lot of people are sitting for handoutsfrom the foundation. why are you in trouble?because you didn't put what it was suppose or putting in was tintedwith the wrong intention. the whole foundation is going througha turmoil at the moment i watch, but i know whyand where.

we haven't opened a slot,you pay 10 euro you can join the workshop, the knowledge is free. wwhat you take from it,when i make a million i give half of it. no, i give half of what i haveand i'll reach the million. this is the way the more you givethe more you reach. and nobody understand it. it's not materialistic. teaching, sharing, giving the knowledge, giving the gans waterto somebody who needs it,

you understand it you can help itthrough the energy to exist to survivewithout hurting his soul, his physicality. so the rest is upon you, not me. i work by the ethos and i live by the ethos,and whenever there is a problem, i share the problem with the wholekeshe foundation team. they know we are going to a transition,there's going to be harsh time because we had to invest a lot becausewe receive no support from nobody. unless we sell something!unless we teach. we receive hardlyany donation from anyone.

you're nothing but bunch of thiefs,you steal from your soul, and you expectto reach somewhere? it will not's your problem not mine. we'll still survive we here nearly 20 years,and we have achieved as priest said: "in three years of public teachingyou receive more than christ, and mohammed put togetherin 300 years." the sword of me is the soul of me,and nothing else. i cut with love and tendernessand sharing. it's you who cannot handle it,and separation is your problem.

what's the next question? (rm) hello mr keshei am rahm from france i should like to tryto provide an answer to your questionlast week. how can wemeasure the strength of plasma water? as you know a french douser using pendulumhave given some results concerning coils. i did the same job not with coilsbut with gans themselves. i find very interesting results

with gans with water ganses,and with amino acids. thus i could see for instance,that when we add water, over a gans we need at least 10 hours,before obtaining a water gans, which hasthe normal, the usual strength. ... this is one of my results. (mt) can you repeat the last coupleof sentence? (rm) ... you know, i wanted to know, how long do we need to put water over gans,so that this water when we take take it outand use it as water gans.

this water should have its strengthi mean it's vibrational rate. so, my experiments consistsin trying how long it must stay over the gans,before recovering this strength. i found that it needs at least10 hours stay. (mt) we are testing if, if i show you, you seen the bottles. we have filled up this bottles nearlya month, and a lot of it is getting in recyclegoing out to different people, and we haven't seenany change of a strength,

in the plasma strengthof the water. (rm) but how do you measurethe strength? because you know, using.. this is what is,what we ask last time. (rm) yes. (mk) we need to develop technologiesat what strength, in what magrav strength we call it the strengthwe need to have or to get. (rm) okay. (mk) measuring it, we saw the system,hopefully the gentlemens will come back

and they teach us morein the coming days and weeks. but... is there another wayto measure the strength? or can we usea point of reference? i have tried many ways to do it.(rm) okay. (mk) some fails, some you see results,some you see partial result. but it's for us totally all together to finda system that we all agree with, that is the standard,that's the minimum. do we compare it to a fixed environment,fixed condition,

as a standard that we canreplicate it around the world. or the universe, what we call the tritium,or do we accept deuterium? considering thatwe lose a lot with tritium, but deuterium stays mainlyin the same structure for a longer time. and then we measure the rate of the conversionfrom tritium to deuterium. and then if that conversion is constant. and how much energy is transferredfrom one to another that allows the division of the, or the creation of the conversionof one element to another.

as bahã¡â€™u’llã¡ said bless his name. "man matures when he understands the totality of the mutation of the elements." so, how do we measure it, thatwe can directly convert gold into silver, and silver into dust? and are we strong enoughto see the dust to become a silver, and goldand back to nothingness. this is, how do we measure it?how do we create it? then all the factorswill create gold, because now we madethe standard strength of it.

these are the machineryand systems which has to be built, developed by the keshe foundationsand the others. we have this dilemma now in ghana. the standard board fda have asked usyou have to set a standard, how we gonna measure it? that's why it came tokeshe foundation worldwide. tell us what we are gonna do?how are we going to measure it? we need these answers from you lot. from those who are enlightened,

that we can set the standardsfor what is to come. (rm) mr keshe, dancing is probablythe language of the soul (mk) pardon?(mk) dancing. using a pendulum, (mk) yeah is probably a languagecoming from the soul. (mk) yeah but the thing islet me explain to you. you have a matter-state,you want to measure a plasma with it the, the scale we saw last weeki wanted to explain this, thank you very much for bringing it upjust i've got to explain this.

those of you who are setting up systemsto, or developing techniques for us to follow in measurement. we seen that pendulumand we seen everything else. your pendulum is hangingand is connected to whatever. your material is nanocoatedon the platform of the plate or whatever. if you are trying to measure the strengthof the coil, and nano-coated coil. you have to remember two things. the main thing is. your whole system has to be nanocoated,that you measure same with same.

you cannot now measure this asa nanocoated, contact with a matter-state, where this is a matter,you are trying to measure whatever. the problem become biggerwhen you start measuring plasma. so those of you who are developing,or you are scaling, you have to consider change your pendulums toa condition and material, which is itself works in theat least partial field strength, not matter-state withthe field of the plasma. even when you do it hang your systemfrom the same position. because then the common denominatorstrength starts from the same place.

you will see most probablydifferent measurements, and this is exactly whatwe started teaching today. it has to be a real condition, and all thefactors been taken out of any mistakes. so our friends who showed us how tomeasure it, it was wonderful learning, but sitting and thinking about ityou are measuring two different things. you measured a copper non nanocoatedwith a non nanocoated material. when you measure the next timeyou nanocoat it, you have to nanocoatethis entity too. if you are measuring a plasma,your material has to be made of plasma,

then you see a realistic, so because nexttime if my pendulum is made of aluminium the reading is totally different,but if my pendulum is made of the plasma of the same thing,it standardizes it. these are the corrections we need to dowe are learning together we, is not a mistake,it's the things we have to consider. is the plasma in the same position height,because you have gravitational magnetic field of the earthhaving a saying in the field. as i explainedlast time. let us do it correctly all of usor at least, we see problem, we do it.

i would loved for those who start the wiki,kf wiki, to put a section for tools of measurement, suggestions,nobody is wrong, nobody can say, this has to be taken outbecause does'nt make sense, because maybewe don't understand it. the wiki, keshe kf wiki, plasma wiki,has to be open platform, for all school of thoughts. not dictated by moderatorbecause he doesn't understand it. because you're as guiltyas the others, cutting out what we can inspiresomebody in the future. as long as you don't get nonsenseas long as you don't get

what i callpeople who are disrupting, all knowledge is under wikihas to be transparent. and this is one of them. the people who come up with newunderstanding and when you put your input in the wiki, try to be gracious,don't insult each other because i know more,the man who says i know more is already finishbecause he know's no more. then if you go that way,there is no animosity, there is no breakage of i knew morehe's wrong because i know,

what you know you don't see whatthe other guy has in his understanding. so one of the things you got to dowith this measurement tool, it's fantastic, this gives idea,it gives us the consideration to understand, but how, try to bring everythingyou measured in your last measurement, a pendulum made ofcopper. your material on the tableis made of copper. you change this one, to nano ... coatedand you want to still measure with matter. what happened if i might change my,this pendulum? the copper will not changethe nanocoating,

if somebody elseuses a different kind of pendulum is, they never get what you got. so try to when you do these kind of things,to consider all aspects, the positioning, the height in respectto where you're going, because slight mistake,can end you up in the deep seas, or in as deephot volcanos. because you made, you did not understandthe totality of the work. next question. how much time do we have?

12.45. we got 15 minutes beforethe transmission line on the... (ab) mr keshe if you can see the aurathen you can see the energy you don't need even use anything.(mk) maybe not, maybe not. (ab) very easy to do it, it's very simple,i mean, you can feel it. (mk) maybe not. are there any other questions pleaserick? (bh) mr keshe, it's brett hedley here man.(mk) yes. (bh) i have something to share with youthat we've been working on for quite a while, it's called a website called8020 marketplace

(mk) pardon?(bh) it's called, (bh) it's a website called 8020 marketplace.(mk) yes. (bh) so what we're trying to achieveis equality between people from one country to another,so what we're trying to do, is create a placethat people can sell things no matter whether it's a piece of clothingor a shoe or whatever and give money backto the foundation. so, i would really like you tohave spend a little bit of time in looking at what we're doingbecause i believe that,

it's really important, so essentiallywhat we do is that we have a monetary system,it's an alternate monetary system so we allow money to comefrom paypal into a digital technology and then back into paypal, so somebodyin india that has a shoe to sell, they put it on the websiteand then the foundation gets cut of the money of the sale of the shoe, so it's about sharing in technology, and we have this thing calledpointings forward. so somebody that doesn't have moneymight give a day's labor as associated, so it's likean alternate monetary system

so what we're trying to do, is the abilityfor people to be able to share. no matter whether they're in india,china, america, australia, new zealand, it doesn't matter,we all get the same, because we're usinga digital currency in between. so it doesn't matter where you are,you get the same value for your work. (mk) thank you very much for the idea,it's up on people, try and they see if they see in what you doand they want to support it. but anything like this,if it's set up to support the foundation, you have to get in touch withthe people who manage the foundation,

which is mainly, with ella andthey be brought up to the management team of the keshe foundation,every saturday they meet at nine o'clock. and it's a decision how to incorporateyour work into the work of the foundation. we need the support,but we have to be correct too. (bh) yeah, we are about being correct ... (mk) you have such a programthat is set up to support the foundation and not to line your life using ourposition and ... (bh) no no (mk) no, no let me explain thisbecause we've seen this many time. i am not saying anything out of line.

so that, it helps to give you a lifestylethat you are happy to live with what you bring back into thefoundation there is no problem with it. but, send these ideas, you set things upto the webmaster@keshefoundation and then it'll be brought to the board,when we meet every saturday morning. so some time meeting goes for 3-4 hoursat the moment. and the management team of the foundation,will decide who will handle, who will be interface between thesuggestions and the work, and everything else. the management team of the foundationis well known who we are and how they run.

you have armen, you have vince, it's rick,you have stanley, you have kevin. ella as the head of keshe foundation,you have the head of the education, which jacky head's, who else, you havevernie as part of the management team. we are adding threeor four new members with the things whichis been discussed to the team. and if you have the direct numb..what you call it communication line contact them, put your suggestion to them.(bh) yeah i can contact them yeah. (mk) yeah and we support you, we give you,because if you have such a thing, you can get a linkto the new website.

if they see (bh) it's up and running the only thing (mk) but the thing is ... if you... (mk) let me, let me explainwe are trying to support in every way, people's idea and we understand a lot ofpeople are working around the foundation not only to support foundation butthe time they put to support themselves. (mk) this is understandableis respected. ( bh) sorry i don't under...i've got an income... (mk) let me, let me, can i finish please?(bh) sure. (mk) if, if you have such a thing,which you have set up,

somebody to come and find youon the internet is a lot of job, but if the management team seesas the way that it helps to be correct, it can be linkedto the website of the foundation. we have, golden age of gansrun by mark house. we supported, we direct people to it,and at the same time it allows a lot of alternative ways to come in to,people bring a lot of things there, we see across golden age of gans,which mark house runs, that he helps a lotof keshe foundation supporters. it brings a new ways,a new,

the people leave their testimonialsand everything else, we don't go and cut that all is up, he's taking something no,we emalgamate a lot of things. now with brett especially on these things,we bring a lot of you in. now that the website is sorted took us 2 years to sort out the website now with stanley and vinceand ella, it's been sorted. it'll be tested the next few days, youwill see a totally different new website. all these things has to be parametered in,and the board of management of the keshe foundationhas to have his says on how it's done.

how we see it if you want slight changes,you might get somebody might pass you. but if we see the way you work,is to the benefit of humanity, and it can serve to bring more peoplebecause of it they can see benefit by it, and it spreads the knowledgeand the work of the foundation why not. i see a lot of good in what you are doingbut we give you composure. (bh) thank you mr keshe.(mk) thank you! please get in touch with any of our team management team,who are at the helm. if i missed anybody in the backgroundplease bring it out. (bh) yes sir i'll do it through thewebmaster, but i really appreciate it.

(mk) send it to webmaster orany of the management team, they will advise you where to go,we cannot be expanding in a way that, we need to expand the team, the teamwill go to the whatever is needed, and the discussions are very openand frank, on saturday mornings, it takes sometimes 3-4 hours5 hours, it goes on, till everything, everybody is happy withwhat we achieve, what we are going to do. there is a huge platform opening up, andthat's the, what we call correct conduct. and if you're, we've seen people who came gave us a lot of thingsi'm doing this and that,

and then we found that it was just toline their pockets, and brought a lot of bad things for us,so we are avoiding it. it's getting done the proper way,we saw a hand for peace, we saw that there are problems with it,because it got infiltrated by those who have actually have awrong intention regarding the foundation. we are looking at it wemight even take it off the list, or we advise them what therehas to be done, that is correct, that people don't get ledto different places. (???) is a valuable tool for teaching

but it's got hijacked very quicklyby those who wanted to have a different thingsagenda on it. the newspaper which is comingout of arizona, "the plasma news", is the center for you to ask them, to putthis on it when they read the plasma, you want to contributeexplain what the site does why not. there is more and more exposures,the websites of different countries, different languages are coming upall be uniform. i know ella is working in the backgroundgo onto kf ghana, keshe foundation ghana,and look at the website

it's going all change,it took two years. now with the new structure of the web site management with vince and stanley together, andella in the background set up foundation they are changing everything,to suit all of us to make it easier... (rc) mr keshe will there be... doddy for people to pay with either paypalor credit card and that sort of things other then, i understandthey can go to the kf usa site now united states site to card and that kind of things. (mk) yes kf ghanais set to do the same.

but at the moment kf, keshe foundation usaaccept credit cards and paypal. and he comes, you have to put as donationbecause the part which belongs to arizona would be transfer to arizona for what they are putting in the market and then we transfer the rest ???keshe foundation headquarters for what we need to doacross the world. don't' forget keshe foundation ghanaand the project we have is one of the projectswe are heavily involved with. we are involved in tokyo,in a very big way. you will see the results.

the cancer research resultsand very soon, the radiation contaminationresult will be out. those of you who are worriedin coast of united states, north of canada, north west of canada,in china, in the coast line of the west, south america which have been contaminatedcontinuously by radiation by fukushima we will give you a wayto decontaminate. it'll be done. we were hoping for it to be readyin the conference next week but due to actually,circumstances beyond the control,

because some of the mouses from thepresent technology, did not respond. we had... the whole thinghave to be reset to be done. most probably we release the thing. one of the most important thingyou have to understand and i explained is, when we came to fdawhen we came to the standard board when we came to authorities. when we submittedthe research papers on non-toxicity, and the research papers on cancer to fdahe was accepted immediately. they said they never seen such a beautifulreport, so much in details, released.

and for the first time keshe foundationpapers and the spaceship institute, has been acceptedas a valid paper, for the approval of ourown certification of our own product. they didn't want to do independent,because the independency came from university, stateof the professors who done the research. fda and the scientists, immediatelyaccepted the keshe foundation paper as a solid baseto issue documents. that's how to produce this kind of paper,to produce this kind of data it cost a lot of money,he cost a lot of effort

and we have taken it,we see the benefit of it now. if we didn't do it in advance in the wayis done, now we go to fda, we have to do test ourselves,we have to do non-toxicity, we have to dothis and that. now, our papers are thepapers which will be introduced in the conference next week,become published. the first conference in ghana,the papers are getting written, getting approved, and then they will bepublished as a scientific papers. because, the papers you saw in ghanabecame the backbone of the application

for water treatmentand what you saw the bottles. so, the position is thatwe need all support. all of youwhatever you research in. we validate it, if it's correctand it's acceptable we published it. come to the conference,teach us. don't come to the conferencejust to see the papers. come to the conference that you takefrom the soul of the conference. not from the word of the conferencethat's how you get enlightened. (rc) ... mr keshe, i'am told thereis like a 30 second warning

that, we have to end things here. so...(mk) okay! thank you very much. (rc) thank you very much i do see in the chat, there is dennisis pledged a 100 dollars a month to this development starting april 2017,so there is some results already. (mk) we need around15 million euros minimum. and the costs, you run itonce we open it it'll run. thank you very much for today. (rc) thank you mr keshe.(mk) i hope we learn more than we expected. we'll see you in the conference in romein a few days time.

(rc) very good. okay! that ends the164th knowlege seekers workshop for thursday march 23 2017. and, as alwaysthank you everybody for attending. and hold any residual questionsfor next time around. okay! bye for now.

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