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can you really make money from paid surveys

in this short video, i answer the question‘what is panda research about,’ and i detail the risks you might encounter if youjoin panda research. hi! i’m gary horton. thanks for joiningme. i’m a member of an online community of writers, webmasters and affiliate marketers. we teach people how to make money online,the right way. we’d be delighted to teach you how to makemoney online too and we’ll help every step of the way, but you have to take the firststep. to learn more, go to: in the panda research terms and conditions,they specifically state “members won't be

eligible for cash incentives by only completingthe surveys.” at the top of the panda research home page,it boldly claims . . . “receive cash for each successful offer/survey completed!” the operative words here are “successfuloffer/survey.” when we look at a few details buried on thepanda research terms and conditions webpage, you’ll see how they not only don’t payyou, but they will take your money if you let them! while panda research might appear to be asurvey site, what they really do is much different. what panda research actually does is trickyou into buying products and services.

they offer you something that looks like asurvey but it ultimately leads you to give them your credit card information and to signingup for a trial offer for a product or service. if you cancel during the free trial period,it costs you nothing, but you don’t earn anything either. if you don’t cancel duringthe free trial period, your credit card is charged and panda research might pay you afraction of the commission they earned on you. you don’t really make money for trying outa product or service. it costs you money. take a look at paragraph m of the panda researchterms and conditions below. please read it carefully because you are now looking at theheart and soul of panda research.

“pandaresearch offers cash incentives tomembers in exchange for completing surveys and signup for trial offers. members won'tbe eligible for cash incentives by only completing the surveys. signing up for the offers, advertisedby our partners, is necessary in order to be eligible for cash incentives.” did you see that? “members won’t be eligiblefor cash incentives by only completing surveys.” wow! it’s not about the surveys at all.the surveys are just a come-on so you’ll buy the products and services. fortunately, there is a better way to makemoney online. the only proven way to consistently make afull-time income online is to have your own

business. with the right training and support, makingmoney online is easier than you think. i’m a member of an online community of writers,webmasters and affiliate marketers. we teach people how to make money online,the right way, based on proven business principles and rock solid ethics.we’d be delighted to teach you how to make money online too. our starter membership is absolutely freeand we’ll help you every step of the way, but you have to take the first step. i’m gary horton and i’m here for you.

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.

