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make money from home online data entry jobs

hello friends, my name is mann singh and today i am discussing on topic "online work from home" friends, this is such an over discussed topic on which so many videos have been made or lot have been discussed earlier and whenever a new video comes on this topic, it looks fake.. but friends let me assure you that if you will watch this video till the end then you will come to know that whatever work or platform i have shared with you is 100% genuine and professional. i am not going to discuss here programs related to "copy paste or advertisement watching or affiliate programs" whatever work or platform which i am going to share with you, is required some kind of professionalism.. the works are " suggesting new unique naming ideas or designing projects" and if i talk about work related to "naming ideas" then one must have the ability of creative thinking.. you must have the ability to think of a unique, catchy and easy to remember names for business/brand/apps etc..

one must have technical skills to participate in contests like designing of logos, webpages etc.. now, what businesses or people require such kind of creative work? first is new startups... which require for their businesses a unique & catchy name, a brand name, a logo etc.. second is existing businesses...if they want to expand from local territory to global then they require a new identity in the form of new name or logo so that it may connect globally.. third is re-branding, a lots of existing businesses rebrands themselves according to current time and trends.. now, if such businesses hire professional agencies then they have to pay heavy fee which can be even in millions... most of the times, such businesses go to crowdsourcing platforms instead of hiring agencies reason being such crowdsoursing platforms are cheaper in cost but best in quality.. on such crowdsourcing platforms , lots of creatives from different countries are registered which provides so many different & fresh ideas to choose from the best name or design and in turn the winner gets award money.. now, i am sharing with you some of the best crowdsourcing platforms..

there can be lots of platform.. but specifically i am going to discuss only about "crowdspring" and "squadhelp" .... now, lets first check how to get register on these 2 platforms.. open in browser and get yourself registered on both of the platforms... link your paypal's email ids in both of the platforms so that in case you win any contest then the award money can be transferred to your bank account via paypal.. after registration, lets check crowdspring first.. under browser tab, there are different categories on which contests are being listed.. lets check naming idea projects...

on crowdspring, each creative is allowed to submit 10 entries per contest.. and out of those 10 entries if any of the entry gets rating 3* or more then one can submit unlimited entries in that particular contest and if all entries either gets rating 2* or below or gets rejected then you won't be able to submit any more entries in that particular contests.. please submit entries only after reading contest's details carefully... and please do not submit any other's idea/work or already existing business names.. for participation, click on participate button.. if contest holder requires a ".com" name then before submitting here, please check its availability on godaddy or any other domain name checker... and provide some description of your thinking behind the suggested name.. and click this button which is self explanatory...and then click submit...

squadhelp is almost similar to that of crowdspring... on squadhelp, you need not to go to any external domain name checker's website...this facility is inbuilt in this platform.. here, a new creative is allowed to submit only 5 entries per contest..and if any of these entries gets rating 4* or above then he/she can submit more entries in the particular contest... on squadhelp, you can get the list of previous awarded contests under the tab of "examples" and "winners"... by reading already awarded contests you can get some idea about naming contests and will also get some guidance for similar kind of contests in future... being newbie, one may not get results as fast as he/she expects...reason being on these platforms some of the creative are working for years and some of them earning even $1000 or more/p.m hope, you have liked this video and will subscribe and share this video..and if you have some questions then pls do comment..

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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