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the funniest test answers from kids. alright guys welcome to reaction time today, we're gonna be looking at some brilliant test answers from kids that basically had the last laugh you know the teachers always try to trick you on tests well these kids actually tricked the teacher instead i mean they probably got it marked wrong but the answer itself probably wasn't even wrong. it just wasn't the answer the teacher was looking for

so without being said guys let's get right into this video this is gonna be extremely funny and i hope you guys enjoy so let's get right into it! alright here we go, number 1 what ended in 1896? 1895... [music stops] it did! it did, it really did! you can't mark him wrong!

and i'm pretty sure the teacher was looking for the answer to be like the civil war cause that ended in 1896 but 1895 ended in 1896, you can't mark it wrong... okay it says: name the quadrilateral alright, this one's bob sam, tedison...

what is a tedison? you mean teddy? theodore? i don't think tedison is a real name. cait, hary. hey, she named the quadrilateral. okay?

what is the strongest force on earth? according to this kid, it's love. expand a + b to the power of n. this kid did it perfectly. look at all this space he's leaving in between. the teacher wrote "very funny, peter." you apparently got it wrong, you did it right, but you got it wrong.

aright so on this one you basically had to choose one of the two options and the answer went like this, "the man pet the dog." "you should not hit dogs." that.. that's a good... that's actually a good kid right there. learn from him, teacher, learn from him. write an example of a risk

"this" you know, kids are actually a lot smarter than they seem like this is actually genius. alright. assignment: you are to assume the role of a chinese immigrant in 1870 and write a letter home describing your experiences. and they just decided to write everything in chinese, they actually knew chinese. i actually don't know what to say, i'm speechless at this point.

briefly explain what hard water is "ice" it's ice. hard water is ice. no it's not. it.. it is technically. technically, by default. what do we call the science of classifying living things?

"racism." it works, all these work! i can't i can't do this. alright, so basically they had this problem and you have to come down to "six = 6" right, you have to come up... but you have to show how you got it.

so all you have to do is take out the n from sin. so it just becomes six. some atoms share electrons and become more stable. describe a situation where people share something and everyone benefits. "communism." freaking communism, guys. my name is frankie i earn money at home by... but i don't.

i don't earn money at home. i am a freeloader. i'm so proud. can a mouse still reproduce with only one testicle? "no, girls don't find that shit attractive." and the teacher even said, "nice try," coolest teacher in the world, they didn't actually give them detention for saying shit or anything.

find x. "here is is" oh man, if only teachers actually graded us like that, that would have been he easiest test in the world. say and write. okay, cow, put a c. bird, cat, dog, fish,

"fuck." they put "fuck." instead of duck. the difference between 180 and 158 is "22" okay, explain how you found your answer in problem 4. "math." i used math, to find my answer.

i used math, bruh. where was the american declaration of independence signed? "at the bottom." they signed it at the bottom. what is the highest frequency noise that a human can register? "mariah carey." and then he put hearts on the side. true, it's true. or wendy houston.

it's very true. tony practices the piano 20 minutes every day. what's the effect? "he is a big nerd" okay. to change centimetres to metres, you take out, "centi-" from centimetres.

unscramble the words to make a sentence. alright it said "is pen in goat my a" so they decided to write 'my penis in a goat." oh! i can't do this anymore! that's it. that... that was the funniest test answers. let me know if you guys want to see a part two. this was extremely hilarious.

you know kids are a lot smarter than they seem, it's actually pretty funny. they think a lot more logically than some adults. which is sad, considering adults have been through all this education. high school, college, and yet some of these kids just... hey, let's just make it simple. with that being said guys, thank for watching. i really hope you enjoyed it, i really hope it made you laugh,

and i'll see you guys next time on another episode. and until then, have a good one and peace out!

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