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ways to make money by taking online surveys

how to make money online: ten years ago seventeen percent of the world's population was using the internet on a regular basis and only ten years this number has jumped too close to fifty percent the fact of the matter is for anyone that hopes to eventually own their own business work for themselves or even become financially independent

the internet is the key there's a lot of money to be made in the first part of this video we're going to take a look at four very different methods that people are using as we speak to make money online if you want to skip ahead to a method that interests you the most you can check out the description box to skip forward after that we're going to

talk about exactly how you can learn to do these methods and start making money yourself so let's jump right into it alright so the first method that we're going to take a look at is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is essentially when you refer someone over to a product it could be a digital or a physical product and you get a

percentage of the commission so let's say for example i am interested in buying some self development books so i'm your average consumer and i type in top self-development books of 2016 and these are the search results click on the first link like most people do and it redirected to a page that's essentially a review page about what

this guy thought the best books of 2016 art and i'm scrolling down and all this book stands out so i click over here and as you can see this is actually amazon link it redirects you to amazon what this guy is doing on his website is he's actually using what's called an amazon affiliate let's say as a consumer i do decide to buy this book i added to my

cart what will happen is amazon will pay this blogger a percentage of this $17 and for amazon it ranges anywhere from six to fifteen percent let's say ten percent he makes about a dollar seventy cents and you might say well that's not that much money the great thing about amazon is if you

decide to buy another book let's say this one this one stands out and i decided by this one amazon will also give you a percentage of this book for the next 24 hours anything you buy on amazon will give this person a percentage of everything you buy another way to find affiliates is by just typing in any company and the word affiliate

we're going to use move for example move a website that sells business cards and i typed in affiliate brought me to this page and over here you can see a commission structure as you can see for every customer i bring over to move that decides to buy i get eight dollars and every time they return i get another 250 and the great thing

about failure marketing lies in the fact that you don't need to invest anything to start making money all you have to have is some form of traffic which is why the majority of youtubers the majority of bloggers all use affiliate marketing alright so the next method that we're going to take a look at is instagram

instagram is actually considered to be the most profitable social media platform because well everything is very visual think of it as window shopping so let's take a look at how this page millionaire dream with 250,000 followers is making the first thing you notice right here is that he has a link in his biography if

we click on that link let's see where brings us wow brings us to a webinar page and on this webinar page you can see that this is primarily probably his main form of income he has people sign up for the webinar only 500 spots and he probably sells a product a digital product over here let's look at another page motivation mafia these guys

have a lot more followers 1.6 million okay perfect so you can see right here this is what's called a shout-out basically he made a post and in this post in the caption he shouted out another page this agent stephen guy what this is is a way to promote another person's page and these ppl other pages are going to pay large sums of money to

have someone give a shout out to them i believe the rate is if you have a hundred thousand followers it's fifty dollars for shoutouts so if someone has 1.6 million followers anywhere from three to six hundred dollars for one shout out and that's a consistent source of income because you can post six hours ago four hours ago

two articles every two hours he makes a new post and a couple hundreds of dollars and that's all he has to do mostly guys are probably thinking well how do i get to this many followers well we're going to cover that towards the end of the video another method of making money is through sponsorships so we're on another

page gym means official and let's take a look like this is probably a sponsorship okay awesome so this guy not only did he shout out this page do even but this page do even has a website some sort of online store so this is what's called a sponsorship because this company do you even com is

paying gym means official a large sum of money to have them shout out their page and bring in large amounts of traffic going to talk about is kindle kindle is actually met the dai personally use and it brings me a decent sum of money every single month kindle is a part of amazon which is the third largest search engine in the world

let's take a look let's assume that we're a random consumer and we're interested in social skills this brings us to a page filled with books out of all these books here maybe this one and this one and possibly this one are actually you know big-time publishers every other book is published by someone like you and me let's look at

this one so this one by mr. tom benfield price point is 299 study makes two dollars off of every copy sells the cover as you can see subpar and there's not that many reviews there's actually a very easy way of being reviews but we're not going to talk about that in this video today in order to find out how much money these

guys making off of this one book we scroll down here and we take a look at the amazon best sellers rink he's like that around a hundred thousand in the kindle store which means he's making about one sale a day so he's making about two dollars a day you might say well that's not that much money well the whole point of kindle the whole

strategy behind building a candle business is to have multiple books 1020 some some people even have fifty a hundred books if you have a hundred books bringing into dollars a day that's two hundred dollars a day that's that's like a 60,000 years salary that's a decent sum of money let's take a look at a book that's right

a little bit higher if you follow methods that you can find online about how to rank your book higher you can get to a spot like this this first by right here he's selling at five dollars so he's making about four dollars every sales let's take a look at how many copies he sells parte de is amazon best sellers rank is 19,000 at a hundred

thousand you're selling one copy a day fifty thousand you're selling about two copies a day at 25 you something about 45 at 20,000 you're probably something about five six copies a day twenty dollars a day from just one book if he scales up and he has ten books like this he's making four dollars a day and this works for any category is not just

social skills you can type in anything like how to take a look at this one how to write a book how to write a book price point is that 299 he's probably selling about four to five copies a day so this book is making him about ten dollars a day and there's a bunch of different categories like this and that's basically how you make money off

the kindle alright so the final method that we're going to take a look at today is fiber fiber is actually a growing platform they've been growing dramatically over the past couple of years and the premise behind it is essentially you get to pay people five dollars to do just about anything they might say well five dollars is nothing

it's not that much money well for any of these guys were just a random category by the way any of these top sellers not only do they have multiple orders in queue which means no discovery has 20 orders lined up but they also have were called up sales basically they provide a better service usually more revisions

and three revisions sometimes a fast delivery and they charge a lot more so what you'll find is that a lot of these orders yes you know maybe half of them will be five dollars but the other half might be 20 some of them will even be 30 some of the more reason to be 40 and they can make a decent sum of money and the great thing about fiber is that they

have categories which can be automated extremely easily anything in the graphic and design category for the most part you can outsource its people in other countries the philippines india pakistan and if you can get yourself onto these top spots right here you don't need that many reviews you can have a decent sum of money coming in a

lot of these you know designs are not made from scratch there's a lot of programs out there a lot of websites out there that will allow you to develop some of these for absolutely free it's just that people don't know how to do that so they come to fiber and they are willing to pay some money to someone who does and that's fiber so what are

the exact methods i need to follow in order to start making money off of any of these methods how do i set it all up funny enough everything you need to know about making money online regardless of the method can be found online the best way to learn any of these methods is by reading a forum post or purchasing a course made by someone who

is already making money from these methods for affiliate marketing there's literally thousands of free posts and videos about setting up an affiliate website so if you're interested in doing that google is your best friend for kindle there's actually a very good course out there my guy named stephanie knows that i personally use and can

vouch for those of you who don't have much money what i would actually recommend is for you to buy the course go through all the lessons and then just ask for a refund i believe you have 30 days to refund the course once you're making money you can always pay him back by buying the course again for instagram i actually know a

guy who grew up a stool over 1 million followers all by himself so if you're interested in making money on instagram you can expect the video about how to grow your own page by the end of the month for fiber there's a bunch of cheap courses out there as well not any that i've personally tried but again look for one that is refundable by it go through

it and just ask for refund i hope you guys doing some value in this video the purpose of the video will give you a general overview an idea of the many many different ways you can make money online if you guys have any questions please leave them in the comments below and i'll make sure to answer as many of them as possible

stay tuned

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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