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josh: good afternoon, everyone,and welcome to today's webinar, "career connections, careerpersonality assessment. we are excited to have chrismiller, the wsu global campus career counselor,back with today to help us exploreour personality traits and how to use those in life, incommunication, and in the work field. well, without any further ado,let's welcome chris and turn it over to him. chris miller: thank you, josh.

thanks for that, andthanks for joining today. today, we are focusing on careerpersonality type assessment. and i know there are alot of very similar types out there, so i'm going totalk about the background for these types of careerpersonality assessments, and you know, what you shouldkeep in mind with your results, and how you can usethem going forward, and just talk a lot aboutmyers-briggs and carl jung theories in general.

and yeah, i'm thecareer counselor for the global campus. thanks for joining. i'm going to talk aboutwhat we're doing here. if you have questionsduring the webinar, go ahead and putthem in that chat box in the lower left-hand side. i will answer them if i can. sometimes i getgoing, and i miss them

but if i do miss something,i'll come back to it at the end. and then, i think it'lltake about 35 minutes. i haven't done thisspecific career assessment type before for awebinar, so that's just kind of a general guessabout the timeline. all right. so as some of you know whohave attended any of my webinar before, i just like to hiton the career development process in general first.

so we're talking aboutthe know yourself section. and for these ones,i wouldn't really necessarily pick any of theones listed on this image-- so values, intereststrance straight ambitions. with careerpersonality assessment, i would say it's notstrengths, it's not traits. but those things are definitelyan influencing factor on your personality. you know, what you're good at,know what you're interested,

what's important to you,what your future goals. that's all contributing factorsto your general personality. so taking a look, a verylimited look, at personality today in the veincareer development. and i'll talk a little bitabout exploring options. but mostly, this is all in that firstupper right quadrant there. and let's go aheadand get started and talk about the limitations. and if you attended thelast webinar, or any

of the assessmentwebinars in the past, these are just some kind ofgeneral career assessment limitations, asidentified by dick bolles, and of course, famous forwhat color's your parachute. isthe companion piece for that, companion website. no test can fully measure you,so let intuition be your guide on taking these assessments. try not to predetermine howyou want them to turn out,

if you're looking fora clue or suggestion, especially with this assessment. it's important to try outseveral different assessments. so like the previous one, whereyou take the o*net profiler, interest profiler, that is afree version any holland code type assessment. so the strong interestinventory would be the more valid assessment forthat type of career assessment. and for this one, you took thethree [? jungian ?] type assessment.

but what you want to do, if it'sa meaningful exercise for you, is take the myers briggs, whichis available for wsu students also. ok. so specific limitationsfrom general to now specific myers-briggstype limitations. and i'm not just talkingabout the assessment that you completed for this. i'm talking of the myers-briggs,and keirsey temperament

sorter-- anyone that kind ofhas those four-letter codes that you'll get that are talkingabout career, personality, and preferences. so and some of thelimitations are this is a general understandingpersonality in relation to career development,especially into relation ofcareer preferences, situational preferences,how you process information, how you energize yourself--things like that.

it's not a good assessmentof general personality. and mbti, i know itdoesn't claim to be. and that's one of theinteresting critiques of it, is that the reliability andthe validity for the mbti is not solved andsupported through research. so essentiallywhat it's claiming to measure-- preferencesand career preferences-- it doesn't really doa good job of doing that in terms of statisticalsignificance of the research.

also, that's validity. so with reliability,people aren't necessarily getting the same scores or thesame types from time to time, in an insignificantamount of time, or taking time outof the equation. so the time between takingone test and taking another. so, something to keep in mind. it's a veryinteresting assessment. i think there's a lotof good information

with the assessment. but you have to bevery careful on how you utilize those results. so something like the minnesotamultiphasic personality inventory, mmpi, that testis hundreds and hundreds of questions. i know it's been shortenedsince the original one, but it's 600, 700 questions. and that one's reallyrooting out psychopathology.

so that one's lookingfor one of the better assessment of personality. but it's that in thecontext of finding out what's wrong-- what'swrong people in terms of per abnormal psychology. so where as thatclearly wouldn't be relevant forcareer development, it's a better assessmentof personality in general, i would think.

it's not a usefulpredictor job performance. and measures preferenceand not abilities, and it shouldn't be used asa predictor of job success. so we're lookingfor probable links to job families andoccupations, kind of based on more ofthe work environments. and definitely some otherresponsibilities of the job. this is a very general wayto think of how you could fit into certain situations.

so i put jungiantypes for these. these were not the titlesthat carl jung came up with by any means. and i'll talk a littlebit more about some of the theoretical frameworksfor these theories, these career personalitytheories and personality in general. but there's kind of thiswave of carl jung, first started theorizing these things.

very shortly thereafter,myers-briggs-- it's actually kindof briggs-myers, because it's amother-daughter combo. and i'll talk about that. and then, peoplelike david keirsey later gave these titlesto the 16 different types. and there are differenttitles for the same one, depending on thesource you find. [sneeze]

excuse me. but these are some ofthe better ones, i think. some of the ones thatare a little more clear. so in this firstpart here, i will ask you to answer your fourletter type in the chat box. and i'll kind of share alittle bit about what that one is. i will put mine in here first. i am an infp most of the time. entj.

so let's do entj first. entj this would be more ofa kiersey temperament sorter type, is the field marshal. there's another title,which i'll read later. infp, that's healer. infj, the mastermind. and we have two of those. esfj, the provider. [mumbling]

a little bit more informationabout this specific type. field marshal,assertive and outspoken. they're driven to lead. excellent ability to understanddifficult organizational problems and createa solid solutions. intelligent, well-informed. they usually excelat public speaking. they value knowledgeand competence, and usually have littlepatience with inefficiency

or disorganization. infp, that is memost of the time. that's one of those reliabilitythings i was mentioning. it's probably the one iidentify the most with. quiet, reflective,idealistic, interested in serving humanity,well-developed value system, which they strive tolive in accordance with. extremely loyal,adaptable, and laid back, unless a strongly-heldvalue if threatened.

usually talented writers,mentally quick, and able to see possibilities. interested in understandingand helping people. infj, the counselor. quietly forceful,original, and sensitive. tend to stick to thingsuntil they are done. extremely intuitive aboutpeople and concerned for their feelings. now, all the [inaudible] valuesystems, which they strictly

adhere to. well-respected fortheir perseverance in doing the right thing. likely to beindividualistic rather than leading or following. and esfj is the provider. warm-hearted, popular,conscientious. tend to put the needs ofothers over their own needs. feel a strong sense ofresponsibility and duty.

value traditions and security. interested in serving others. and need positive reinforcementto feel good about themselves. well-developed senseof space and function. so these are some of the furtherdeveloped titles and concepts for these types. neither carl jungor myers-briggs-- i don't believe either of themwere involved in naming titles for these specific 16 types.

i think that wasfurther developed by kiersey and others who dida temperament sorter, which is a very similar assessmentwith similar result. the temperament and preferencesare kind of different. it's kind of a convolutedassessment area because personalityis very complex. that's the reasonwhy it's that way, and it can only bethat way really. so that's looking at someof the overall themes.

we'll get a little more in-depthwith some of these later too. but i just wanted toshare a little bit more informationabout these first, and how the dichotomy works. it scales from one to the other. so we have introverts versusextroverts on the main one. and this was one of the mainparts of carl jung's theory. pull out my iversus e. so this is

one of the most misunderstoodparts of the career assessment personalities, isthat when people think of introvertedand extroverted, they were very clearsense of what that is. and that's not necessarily whatthey're trying to measure here. so the scale or dichotomy ofintroversion to extroversion is how we interactwith the world, where we prefer to focusour attention-- so internally or externally--and from where

we derive our energy. so i know for mepersonally, some people that know me are surprisedto find that i'm an infp. they would assume iwould be an e something. but that's one ofthose things that's on the scale of howmy results come out. sometimes, i am alittle more e. but i think in general,i'm clearly more i. and a lot of that issome people might think

you're an extrovertedperson, but you're driving your energy more internally. you're focusing yourattention internally. so those words are very loaded. so it's important to understandwhat they're trying to measure, and how they're describingwhat they're measuring. so extroverts are energizedby being with people, like being thecenter of attention, act then think, easy to read,share personal information

freely, talk more than listen,communicate with enthusiasm, respond quickly, andprefer breadth to depth. whereas introverts areenergized by time alone, they tend to avoid beingthe center of attention, think then act, more private,share personal information with few, listen more than talk,keep enthusiasm to themselves, respond after thinkingthings through, and prefer depth to breadth. so extroverts are usuallygregarious, enthusiastic,

expressive and auditory,whereas introverts are intimate, quiet, receptive,contained, and more visual. the next dichotomy issensors versus intuitors. so this is a mode of measuringof how we take in and process information. so sensors trust whatis certain and concrete. they like new ideas if theyhave a practical application. they value realismand common sense. they like to use andhone to establish skills.

tend to be specific and literaland give detailed description. present information ina step by step manner. are oriented to the present. and intuitors trustinspiration and inference. like new ideas and conceptsfor their own sake. value imaginationand innovation. like to learn new skills. get bored easily after mastery. tend to be generaland figurative, which

wouldn't be surprising ifyou knew that i was an infp and you attend someof my webinars. use metaphors and analogies. present informationin a roundabout way, and are orientedtoward the future. sensors are concrete, realistic,pragmatic, experiential, and traditional, whereasintuitors more imaginative, or they have a preference ofimaginative, intellectual, theoretical, and original.

the next dichotomy is judgingversus perceiving, so judgers versus perceivers. i know some of theterms also kind of have some loaded connotations. but you've got to reallythink about what they're trying to measure, and notlet the actual titles be a hindrance. so this is how weprefer to live, a structured versusspontaneous way,

how we orient ourselvesto the external world. so judgers are happiest afterdecisions have been made, have a work ethic, work first,play later, set goals more toward achievingthem on time, prefer knowing what they're gettinginto, are product-oriented, derive satisfactionfrom finishing projects, see time as a finiteresource and take deadlines very seriously. whereas perceiversare happiest leaving

options open, have a playethic, enjoy now, finish the job later, change goals as newinformation becomes available, like adapting to new situations,are process-oriented, derive satisfactionfrom starting projects, see time as arenewable resource, and see deadlines as elastic. so judgers are stress avoiders,systematic, scheduled, planful, and methodical. perceivers are polyactive,casual, spontaneous,

open-ended, and emergent. and so polyactive means likein they're stress-facilitated. they kind of enjoy thepressure, accomplishing much in the last minute rush. so they know thedeadline's there, but they're not as concernedas a judger would be. so next dichotomy,thinking and feeling. this is thinkers versus feelers. i actually think judgers versesperceivers be the fourth one,

because i believe that would'vebeen the contribution of myers and briggs, which i'lltalk about in a second. so thinking and feeling--i skipped around there at the bottom. the thinkers step back,apply impersonal analysis to problems. they value logic, justice,fairness, one standard for all. naturally see flaws andtend to be critical. maybe seen as heartless,insensitive, and uncaring.

more important to betruthful than tactful. believe feelings are validonly if they are logical. and they'remotivated by a desire to achieve and accomplish. whereas feelers, step forward,consider effect of action on others, valueempathy and harmony, see the exception to therule, like to please others and show appreciation, maybe seen as over-emotional, weak, and illogical.

important to be bothtruthful and tactful. believe any feeling is valid,whether it makes sense or not, and motivated by thedesire to be appreciated. so thinkers are critical,tough, questioning, logical, reasonable, whereasfeelers are accepting, tender, accommodating,affective, and compassionate. so that's sort ofthe dichotomy there. now, i'll show youa little bit more about the background and thetheoretical underpinnings here

of these psychologicaland typological theories. so the mbti is more known carljung's theories, just because of the timeline. so the mbti, myers-briggstype indicator, constructed by katharinecook briggs her daughter, isabel briggs-myers. and it's kind of interestingthat katharine cook briggs originally got interested init because of her son-in-law to be, the one that wentoff to marry isabel briggs.

so, mr. myers, andhow different he was from the restof their family. and i don't knowenough about him. but it's interesting that hewas so different from most of the people in their family,that it really kind of got her excited aboutpersonality and psychology, and started doing the researchon her own originally. and it was based on carljung's typological theories. and so, and his theory was basedon more anecdotal evidence,

clinical observation. not really highlyresearched, validated standards of psychometrics. so that is, again,one of the criticisms of these types of assessments. but this that's kindof where it comes from, his work with people. so katharine cook began herresearch into personality in 1917.

so almost 100 years ago. and carl jung'sbook was originally published-- it was calledpsychological types-- in 1921 in german. so, in germany. and then a couple years,the english version came out in 1923. and she had already startedputting some research into it. and it found that sheoriginally developed

her typological theoryas people having four different temperaments--meditative, spontaneous, executive, and social. and then she reads carl jungafter it's published in english in 1923, psychological types. and she sees thatthe research there is very similar, excepthis goes way beyond hers. so she realizes she hasa lot of work to do. and her daughter starts helpingher when she gets old enough.

and her daughter actuallytakes over completely, and that's why it's myers-briggsand not briggs-myers. and so she takesover completely. neither of them were formallyeducated in the discipline of psychology or psychometrics. so myers eventuallygets together with a bank in philadelphia. and from there,there's a mentor. and then that person opens uptheir own personal consulting

firm, and it's very successful. and there, she learnsmore about psychometrics, test construction,scoring, validation, and statistical methods,to give it at least some more psychometricallysupported results from what they're trying toassess for career personality. so one of theinteresting comparisons to what we've done in the pastwith looking at the holland codes-- and those assessmentswere kind of based

around world war iand world war ii, and how to best utilizemen either going into military positions,or returning from the war. this myers-briggstype indicator is created because theywanted to have something to help women who were enteringthe industrial workforce for the first time,and to identify the sort of wartimejob that would be most comfortable and effective.

so one of them,it's interesting, john holland, aman-- and they're looking at male rolesin the military, and how to bestutilize the event. and this one is for womanduring the same time as they're taking overthese industrial jobs as men are going off to war. so i think that'skind of interesting. the first mbti handbookwas published in 1944,

and then the name was actuallychanged to myers-briggs type indicator in '56. and it's beenrevised a few times. and it exists today in the,i think, fourth revision. so that's around now. and so some of the othertheoretical frameworks that i should point out for this isthat jung's typological models are psychological types aresimilar to handedness/ so a dominant hand and a--so left hand, right hand.

so a dominant handand a weaker hand. so people are eitherborn with or develop a certain preferred way ofperceiving and deciding. but the mbti sorts someof these differences into four dichotomies, whichwe talked about before. and none of these typesare better or worse than the others. so that's really an importantpoint for anyone to point out. but at the same time,none is worse or better

than the others, but out ofthe 16 different types, the 16 different combinations,people innately have a preferencefor one given type. and i think that's true, evenwith the issue of validity and reliability. as you learn moreabout the types, i think peoplegenerally-- maybe they say i'm sometimes a oneand sometimes a two, but they generally havemore of a preference for

one over the other. so this is also inthe same way that writing with the lefthand for a right hander. so using your non-dominant hand. so using an oppositepreference can be difficult, but you can becomemore proficient out of practice, thesame way if you're in some kind ofa situation where if you're more extroverted orintroverted in terms of things

we talked about, energy andinteracting with the world, it's not like it's impossible,it's just some things are preferred over the others. and again, this is atype and not trait. and that's one of thingsi talked about the career development process. so we're not assessing strength. we're not assessing abilities. it's just a clarity apreference of situational thing.

so the person clearlyprefers introversion versus extroversion, but notsomeone who has a strength. not that someonestrongly prefers or is good at one thing or other. not that someone isgood at thinking, but it's just preferencesand clarity of preference. so people are theirown best judge. so that's really importantfor any self-assessment also. so you can read up onthe 16 different types.

maybe you don't feel youtotally fit into the assessment results you were given. so you're your own bestjudge of what type you are. there's no wrong or right type. no type is betterthan one or the other. and that's some ofthe underpinnings of those different types. and so, lookingmore in-depth now, we had-- let me scroll back up.

just to provide a littlebit more information. pull up my trusty mbti folder. so this title, i guessit might be different. so, the executive here. so entjs are tough-minded,logical, and critical, energetic, action-oriented,take initiative and get things organized, quickand decisive, articulate, and assertive. have definite opinions, areoften clever with words,

and sometimes brusque. are confident, responsible,and hardworking, and get a lot done. in terms of work style,they want their work to be challenging, andprovide opportunities to develop and advance. like their accomplishmentsto be visually acknowledged. like to setimmediate objectives, generally followprocedures unless they

interfere with accomplishinggoals and are frustrated by the lackof action or closure. on teams, they'revery goal-oriented. they want to stick tothe job and get it done. could be anxious whenthings are not getting done, and will not letthe group flounder. gregarious, but notnecessarily warm. may be uncomfortablewith small talk. often have or assume authority.

question authority whenthey don't have it. during change, willperform well in crisis. able to deal with complexityand handle multiple factors at the same timeduring conflict. see conflict as aproblem to be solved, a situation to get beyond,or something to negotiate. not comfortableagreeing to disagree, or living with tension, suchas personality differences. in terms of contribution,brought vision and the ability

to anticipate and plan forlong-term organizational challenges. initiative to move the teamorganization new directions, to attempt theseemingly impossible. may be experienced asgreat at running things, and sometimes asimposing ideas on others or making decisions for them. career and work-oriented,and sometimes are seen as being tooserious and not [inaudible].

a little bit moreinformation about entjs. i have a lot ofinformation of each type. so if you're looking for moreinformation about your type, just let me know, and i'llhave my contact information up at the end also. but i'll put it in right now. and then i don't want go toomuch into each of the types. so i know there were twoinfjs, so i'll share some more

information about that also. so infjs, what youmight notice first, are warm, cooperative, andtrusting, sensitive, tactful, and easy to get along with. they have goodcommunication skills, are persuasive, andare good listeners, are dependable and persistent. they do what they agreedto do and meet obligations, and seems to havetheir act together.

their work style is to prefera supportive environment that is friendlyand non-competitive, and where harmony andpraise are common. they see work as amission or service. they want to work to makea difference for others and want to growthrough their work. they like varietyand opportunity to be creative and dream upnew approaches to routines. in groups or on teams,they are imaginative, have

or generate ideas, arecomfortable with abstraction and complexity,and can synthesize multiple perspectivesor diverse information. they prefer to have bothorganization, structure, and concern for peopleand human values, and want the team to organizeitself around vision and value. during change,they may experience tension betweenbeing too oriented towards newness andchange and honoring

traditions and what was provento be comfortable for people. they may withdraw if theirideas are not accepted or their valuesare not respected. during conflict, they prizeand strive for harmony, take a facilitative approach. they may take and/orinternalize others' concerns, and under stress,they want to be alone. their contribution-- verystrong and idealistic belief in people, and whatthey can accomplish,

and encouragement of others,maximizing their abilities and potential. they're visionaries. they advocate theirvisions, values, and ideals. and they may be experiencedas having strong convictions, inner vision, and loftygoals, and sometimes as being singleminded and inflexible about how things ought to be. indirect and private, sothey may be hard to get now.

they're self-critical,hard on themselves, and can tend to be perfections. that's just to highlight twoof the types a little a bit more in-depth. and i do i have a lot ofinformation about each type, if you're interested in that. so some of thestrengths, i've talked a lot about the limitations. and for most of the work ido with students, most of it

is in the realm ofcareer exploration, and not as much in thevain of team-building, or communication, orinner-organizational work. so for me, i don't workwith it as much as i work with other assessment. so generally when i'mworking with a student, i would recommend ifthey're interested in career explorations solelythat they either just do the stronginterest inventory,

or the strong interestinventory and the mbti to provide more depthto their results. so with the mbti alone, i thinkit's interesting for someone, as long as they're not in thatplace of trying to figure out the best points or careermatches for their personality. if they're using itin the vain of career development in general,it's an excellent tool. it's an excellent tool forteam-building, group dynamics, professional development,marketing, leadership training,

coaching, and couple's therapy. so for marketing, if you'retrying to think about the ways that you can provide resumecontent and resume language, it can be a helpfultool in that vain also. it's a great tool fororganizational success. and i'll show you thesample of the mbti also here in asecond in case you're interested in completing. it gives us a better lookat what your mbti type is.

so those are justsome of the things. i think it is avery useful tool. and sometimes ifeel like it sounds like i'm bashing them too much. i'm not. i think it justis misused a lot. and so, one way itsbeing used in those ways, and it's understood,and the person who's kind of sharingthe results with you

understands the preference,the clarity preference, and that it's not one isbetter than the other, and that people havethe different types, and so the whole point is tofind ways to understand others and to better communication. so peripheralorganizational success. there's a grad studentoriginally published, then. his name is david murphy. he's from universityof colorado.

he's a counselinggraduate student. just published in thenational career development association aboutusing [audio out] for organizational success. one of the interestingthings he said is, imagine a large organizationis asking four people from different units whohave never worked together to come together and decidea way to improve operations within this organization.

so you have one person,and they've never worked together before. and they've beentold independently, come up with an idea,and we'll come together. the four of youwill come together to discuss your ideato improve operations. so he had an interestingway of putting up this hypothetical situation,where one person's coming at it very logical,and is saying,

here's some proven sixsigma strategies we can use to improve operations. another one's suggestingsort of training programs to empower the employees to[audio out] full potential. the third memberoffers to establish improved interdepartmentalcommunication lines to foster agreementand prevent misunderstanding. and another, the fourthone, comes to the table, and recommends a process,an improvement plan designed

by combining three differenttheoretical process improvement plans. so it's just likeone of the ways to think about how people,these different types, they have different ways ofapproaching the world. and so, they're all workingfor the same organization. they all are indifferent departments. they're all coming together. so while that's anunlikely scenario,

and the stakeholders would havemore say in which ones they actually do toimprove operations, it's interesting in the sensethat one of the strengths really is in team-buildingand group dynamics. . you get people together. you learn more aboutdifferent types, and you understandwhere they're coming from more when you knowmore about how they interact

in the world in general. so i'm going to showyou the mbti here. i did a web tour last time, andit didn't work for everyone, so i'm going to attempt toshare my desktop, which also might not work for some people. so bear with me. i'll just do a brief look atthe actual mbti sample of it. and so just to give ideaif this is something you might beinterested in doing now

that you've had the resultsfrom this other jungian type personality assessment. so jane sample, again. jane sample was the lastperson for the strong interest inventory. it talks abouthow it is helpful. and the mbti is good ifyou really read through it. it doesn't try totalk about how it's a great assessment ofpersonality in general.

it talks about whatit's actually good for. except for choosing aspecific job or career, i don't think thereport can help you in that way standalone. but it can help you explore morein the career researching part, when you're learning moreabout work environments, or what the responsibilitiesof the job are, what the duties are, andhow your skills might be useful in thesegiven situations.

so it talks about, again,what it's good for. it talks about thisperson dichotomy, enfp. how they land on the dichotomy. so they're type is enfp. and we talked aboutthese different types. and then this is wherethis does a better job than a strong interestin inventory does. because that one has apersonal style scale also. but this one is morevalid, i would say,

in terms of preferred workedout for a work environment. so for this enfp, you can seesome of the preferred work tasks [audio out] environment. so some of the actionsteps are interesting, because that'swhere it talks more about the usefulness of mbti. so you identify a specificjob you're considering. no, no. i'm getting ahead of myself.

there we go. so your type strengths willhelp you think of the ways. i'm getting aheadof myself again. challenges and strategies. this is where it's helpful. those are the action stepsbelow that i was looking for. so you may have ahard time focusing amid all of the possibilitiesa suggested strategy. first group, all ofthe possibilities

into three categories--high, medium, low-- and then work to prioritizethose in the top group. so for all of thesesuggested challenges four types, because people havepreferences one way or another, or have the challenge, astrategy, and an action step. so these are the actionsteps i was talking about. and again, that's more justunderstanding your type. from here, let'sgo to the bottom. i might have to come uphere under standard four.

and when they do a joboption for the mbti, it's using aself-selection ratio. so i would say pay moreattention to the job families, and not the specificjob titles listed below. so personal care and serviceis a general job area, where this personsuggested would rank high because of their preferences. but don't pay so muchattention to a logic manager, personal trainer,hairdresser, child care

provider. that's more, i think,important would be occupational themes of thestrong interest inventory. so, look at those andthink about-- they talk about the strengths and thechallenges ahead before this. so think about how theyhave to play a role in each one of these areas. some of these areas might bemoderately attractive-- excuse me-- and least attractive.

oh yeah. so self-selection ratio. so they look at typeswithin certain occupations. and they say, so the proportionof your type in this occupation that enjoy thework that they do, divided by theproportion of that type and the population in general. so that's kind of how theycome up with these job lists, is they find those people wholike the job, like their work,

like what they do, and youhave a similar type as them compared to the prevalencein the population in general. career trends,again, this is where they're coming up withthose career list things-- that self-selectionratio i mentioned. and then, i think that takesus to about the end there. so here's the tips of someof those action steps. so for this person, can you useyour preferences productively by creating a specialrole in which you

do a certain set of tasks, orby finding a niche for yourself in a particular environment,or with a select group of coworkers who youenjoy working with. so think of thatfor each position that you're researching. working to understandingor communicating with others whose preferencesare different from yours. find other opportunities, suchas in your leisure activities, to express your preferences.

so that's just a brieflook at the mbti. and that is an option foryou if you enjoy these career personality assessments. jump back over here. so again, forcareer exploration, i talked about theoccupational outlook handbook. i'm not going take youon tour of it today. but that's the websitefor it, so in terms of your results,for any kind of career

you're researching, you takeyour strong interest inventory results, and you're lookingat some of the specific job matches, potential matches. think about the work they do. think about the workenvironment and some of the similaroccupation listed. that's really where moreyour mbti type results can come into play and be a factor. so these are, again, some of theother career assessment types.

we talked about careerinterest assessment. this is a personalityassessment. i think work values is alsovery interesting assessment, and helpful for those peoplethat don't find the perfect job matches or dreamcareer ideas, they can assess what's importantto them in any given career, and find some differentoptions given those results. so that should takeus to the end there. thank you so muchfor joining today.

if you have more questionsabout your specific type, or you're looking for moreinformation, just let me know. send me an email,and i will provide with much more informationabout your specific myers-briggs type. and there's more ofmy information there-- the career website,the career blog. and i'll hand iover to josh now. thanks again.

i'll stick aroundfor some questions. and josh will havemore information some upcoming improvements too. so thanks a lot. josh: hey, everyone. thanks for joiningthis afternoon. i hoped that you alllearned a little bit more about your personalitytype, and how to apply that to bothcommunicating with others,

and communicating, especiallywith those in the career force with success. i would like to inviteyou next tuesday. we're having scottbarlow come back. he's on the secondwebinar of this three part series of how not to justwork, but to love your work, and how to discoveryour strengths, and use youranti-strengths, also known as weaknesses, toreally get ahead and enjoy

what you're doing. so visit our websiteat to learn more about that. and i hope you all havea good rest of your day. thank you.

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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