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whats's up youtube it's me rashaad. 360waveprocess-rashaad.and today i'm about to show you guys how to make money using instagram. this video isnot for everyone. alright this video is for people who have an interest in making moneyonline. you can do this method if you're in high school as well but we're not in highschool anymore alright. you cannot sell gummy worms and kool aid forever alright, so thisvideo is for people who are in college and people who are interested in making moneyonline in particular with instagram alright. lets get into the video. for this method you'regonna need a phone. you're going to need either an ios device, or an android device can do it with any one. you're gonna need instagram. instagram app. i hope ya'll readyfor this video man because umm, this is not

easy money you guys. this method to make moneyon instagram is pretty simple but it requires you to have a certain amount of followers.and so in this video ima tell you guys how to get more likes, because if you don't havelikes then what are instagram for? and then after that its gonna segue into showing yawhow to get more followers. and then when i show you guys how to get more likes and followersthat when ima show you how to make money off those followers. the way you're gonna makemoney on instagram is through brand deals alright. so you're going need a certain amountof followers in order to cash out on your followers in a sense alright. but the thingis this is a business oriented videos okay, so umm its not personal. im mentioning thatbecause i wanna let you guys know the easiest

way is to focus on a certain audience lets just say you have a instagram account and you like to post pictures about umm partiesand stuff. the only person that's gonna pay you to endorse their product on instagramis f you have a party audience are what? party promoters, party planners. you see what imean? if you have a personal account, then you're doing social media wrong. i suggestthat you get rid of your personal accounts and just turn them into business accountsokay. especially if yo're tryna make money off of it because if you're tryna make moneyoff of a personal account, a personal instagram account and its just you with your dad, walkingyour dog like, "hey guys this my dog johnny and i'm walking him guys. hit the like buttonfor me, yeah!" you see what i mean? umm its

not cool alright. its not really worth anythingto anybody, so turn it into a business account. and how do you turn it into a business accountif its personal alright. let me show you by example. my instagram account use to be personal.one800rahh alright. i turned it into a business account for my youtube. it promotes my youtubeand basically its just instagram based around this youtube channel right here that you'rewatching right now. hit the like button and subscribe! hahaha. but yeah yaw alight. yousee what i mean. if you just tryna make promote your instagram only, then you're gonna turnyourself into a instagram celebrity if you're just turning your personal account and you'renot promoting anything. without further adoo. lets get into it. alright. some of you guysmay know what im about to tell you right now.

as far as getting likes and followers andstuff, but ima start from the beginning because some people may not know these things. ifyou already know these things you can just listen and take notes or what ever. and justget in towards the end where you fit in. naw but you can get in towards the end where its going to really show you how to make

money off your instagram account okay.

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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