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ways to make money right out of high school

a seventeen-year-old teen grossed twentythousand dollars a month by being beheaded marijuana ring addhe's been caught he i was a high school student in ohio uh... and we have a video explaining howhe did this pretty incredible it to be honest with you spray smart in looking at at this particularjuvenile if he looks like someone that would bein your church youth group but his after-school activities were anythingbut typical the seventeen-year-old who we are not identifying is accused ofhelping two ron at three million dollar

hydroponic marijuana ring investigators say he had at least sixother former or currently since it is working for him we believe that theywere pushing somewhere around twenty thousand dollars now he was working with adults not asparents is apparent allegedly didn't know about this time but the adults were basically supplying himwith the marijuana and then he had some of the students at uh... a high schoolworking for him but what's really interesting is he was smart enough tonot allow them to push the drugs on

campus all of their dealings happenedoff-campus and you know the authorities were talking about just how crafty blair was and keep in mind we starteddoing this at the age of fifteen and he was grossing twenty thousand dollars amonth and ill get me wrong i'm not trying tosay a little late out he's an american hero but i just saw it is the perfect blackon it it he could folk is his sat in this and his businessminded

behavior whatever to something that's a legal and productive all nexttime you know healy working on wall street is a you know you're a bigcapital in effect there are certain of the cayman islands uh... minds kid was saying wrote an email or writeto us payment mana you know i should haveknown that is a panel set this guy's really a factory extendedtransit known to use the money they had

to be fair to him actors whose parentsare should say he was not the one growing the marijuanathere were uh... adults at work right now one of four hand uh... and in just amile point three million dollars worth of hotmail misses the mark i think youhave another couple thing authorities also found nine thousanddollars stepped away in his room do you feel like um... fineman ninethousand dollars molly katzen ok is it like driving likei remember when i was in high school going through my stuff well what's theslot blot out you know i don't have anything to make this have limited theysounded nice to see what the hosted by

them and and and that's why he didn'twant to drop anchor exact okay and look at a height review period isover for pretty impressive you know that's that asset enterprising young man was justdirect them towards a more futbol endeavor dot abolish said that doleuh... that there is a scholar of stupidity or or lack of ambition thatcomes to drug dealers and kids about times get pushed into this woman really teams and stuff

thing is is it's a business students read like abusinesses rules the stuff that you do with the stuff you don't do it as waysyou make sure that you make money smudges it's not by accident you make money when there's so much of the competitionis tough the drug dealers are everywhere so the thing is is n you don't know whothey are in fact its power harder in his business 'cause you not on the marketyou know you not recognized for the same time yet to be dodging illegalactivities when really all this is your

folks who helped the difference is thepharmaceutical please come out and they had commercial saying take our drug isgonna do eighteen other things wrong to use to good things for you buying koreain and get the big they have to have again jim used as a smart and then in reality about this may be a wild one of thosedigimon things are fed up with public to test this kids that we've already pushed aside andsaid that they're just uses jugular stupid

evil people you don't start a businessin these guys will run the business to light billionaire status they know whatthey're doing it but i had to run this business is business and then i mean itjust as long as the educated so let me ask you know what the business is a lookat gold as the local saurabh isn't there a the businessmen in what they're doingthat's stupid pat toomey jan what you're saying is soobviously true that i find it mean

if you would say that come crematoria people think about artists and ryan dealers in a momentrecovery from a misty eyed her class those

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