hi, everyone! today i would like to show you howyou can start making money with money sms app in a few simple steps which willtake you less than a minute. the first step is to find money sms app and install it.all you have to do is go to google play and input: money sms in the search menu.click on the app and press install, click accept and your app will be installedautomatically. once the installation is completed, we can now move to the nextstep which is to register and log in. once your app is installed click "open".then you have to scroll down and press "register" here. here we have to inputyour phone number and email address. just make sure that your phone number is ininternational format. here you also have to
select the country to which your phonenumber belongs to as well as network. after it has been selected you just needto scroll down and input your password. and make sure it is something morecomplicated than this then press "register a new account". now you areredirected to the main menu and the next step is to update your paypal address.just input your paypal email address, click here to update it and then returnto the main menu. now what you have to do is just to run the app in the background,have stable internet connection available and wait for our test messagesto arrive. and here is an example of how our test messages look like. as you cansee, they all start with the !test! in the
beginning of each message. if yourandroid version is below 4.4 in most cases you will not even see those messages inyour inbox, although your balance will be stillupdating. and here comes the most important part is to get paid. once yourbalance is above 1 euro, now you can request your payment. just click on the"withdraw your current balance" and we will make a transfer on your paypal account within48 hours. if you have any questions, please send us an email at info@moneysmsapp.com. thanks a lot for watching and if youliked the video please like it and subscribe.
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