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hi! i am j3 patino, founder of where i teach filipino employees,executives, entrepreneurs, ofw's, skilled workers, freelancers and students and professionals how to conveniently invest in the stockmarket so that they can finally have a strategic andsustainable way of achieving financial freedom andabundance. i've been teaching how to invest in the stock market for two yearsnow and i've learned that the secret to

investing in the stock market is thatyou have to learn it properly: in a specific order. it's justlike math wherein, for example, you'd like to learnmultiplication. you can't start off the bat and memorize the multiplication tables: seven times one, seven times two, seven times three. you first need to know how to count andthen how to add then how to add double digits. then, that's the only time wherein youshould be even thinking about learning how to multiply. now it's thesame thing with the stock market

wherein you first have to learn mindset, strategy and then tactics. now i'm gonnago through this, very briefly, so that you have an idea onhow to go about it mindset is all about how your mind has been programmed to believe thingsthat may or may not be true about the stock market. so for example, ifyou think that the stock market is risky,if you think that it's complicated if you think that it's stressful or youneed a lot of time to do it well those are all of the wrong mindsets and

if you believe those things you'll end upwith the wrong strategy. now, strategy is all about how you integrate or how you add the stock market into your currentlifestyle. you have your schedule, you have your dayjob, you already have your routine. and when you add the stock marketinto it, it shouldn't interrupt. it shouldjust complement whatever it is you're doing right now. now there aredifferent strategies on how to invest in the stock market.there are people who engage at it

8 hours a day. now of course, that may or may not be for you: mostprobably it's not. there are people who do it just once a week. i do it just once amonth. there are people who do it just once a year. so the important thingis that you pick the right strategy. it'sjust a little something that you add on to what your currentlifestyle is. ok well the tactics are all about the specificsteps

that you need to take in order to startinvesting. these tactics answer the question "what stocks tobuy, what stocks to sell, when to sell them, how to create an account, what buttons topress and all those nitty-gritty details. i've always wanted to invest in the stockmarket so right after graduation i searched theinternet on how to invest in the stock market and ifound a bunch of these articles so i was reading articles, i was reading blogs, i wasattending seminars

and i had a lot of information to consume. i was bombarded. the problem there was iwas getting bits and pieces of information everywhere and i felt that i never knew enough because i was scared of losing my money. it took me six long months- sixfrustrating months before i had the courage to start investing and finally when istarted i found out that i already knew enough

to start earning from the stock market. here i was; i was stuck in the learningphase wherein i could have been in the earning phase. now i don't want this to happen to anyone. that's why icreated 5 training videos that will teach you how to conveniently invest in the stock market. in the firstvideo we're going to talk about the goals of investing: why should you beinvesting and why should it be in the stock market?in video number two, we're going to talk about the basics ofthe stock market.

in video number three, we're going totalk about the different strategies when you're going into the stockmarket. video number four, this my favorite it's called practical investing and thisis the most convenient way anyone could be investing in the stock market. i wouldreally want to start with this but you know we need torespect the order of learning. in video numberfive, i'm gonna teach you the specific steps:the specific actions that you need to take in orderto start

investing. now, to get all of these videos, all you have to do is put your name andemail on the side and you'd be taken directly to the firsttraining video. for those of you who are, you know, who have slow internetconnections and really don't like watching videos but don't worry i haveyou covered because i wrote the book called the "stockmarket jumpstarter" and it answers the most frequently askedquestions about how to invest in the stock marketand the way it's structured

is that first is we talk about mindsets. the goals, why should you be investing then we talk about the differentstrategies and then we go into the detailed step-by-step actions that you need totake. so it's just like the training videos,only it's on paper. and to get this ebook, again all youhave to do is put your name and email on the side and the download link to the ebook willbe sent into your email.

i'm very excited to see you startinvesting in the stock market so to get the fivevideos, to get the free ebook. put your name andemail on the side and i'll see you on the next training video. until then,work hard, work smart and make your money work hardfor you

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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