viva pinata! a game made by rare that tasks you with runninga garden of living pinatas. basically, imagine if harvest moon took areally weird turn. you attract wild pinatas to your garden byenticing them with fruits, nuts, berries, and by having them fucking eat each other! watch as the pinatas savagely destroy oneanother and all come together to feast on the scattered organs of their fallen brother. it's metal as shit! if you're looking for a less murder-y wayto get some pinatas, you could always breed
them. by satisfying a few different conditions andbuilding them a house, two pinatas can have baby. then, rather than the two pinatas laying theegg, it is brought to you by storkos, the chick who can fly. watch as she takes the delicate, fragile egg,and shit drops it straight to the ground... majestic. you can also evolve pinata. the process' complexity ranges from easy toâ€Å“what the fuck?â€
for instance, one case involves feeding abird a flower, and it just kinda digivolves into a new bird. then there's the other side of the spectrum,such as going against common sense and feeding a frog a poisonous berry, causing it to getsick. then, as the frog is succumbing to poison,pull out your shovel and hit the frog. this somehow causes it to change into a weirder,purple frog. i don't know why, but it does. so, as you can see, some of the things inthis game can be bit cryptic. another weird example of acquiring a pinatais the tragic tale of the pigxie.
you get a pigxie by getting a pig and a swanpinata to fall in love and have a baby. the result is a strange mutant hybrid of thetwo that is not only suffering from a physical ailment, but is also so despised by the othermembers of it's family, that they will actively try kill it on sight. it's honestly a little messed up. with so many pinatas, your garden can startto feel a bit cramped. so, what are you to do? sell them, of course! you can sell entire, living pinatas.
in fact, it's the best way to make money. breed some pinatas, and then sell their babiesright out from under them. it's deliciously evil, and very profitable. as for what happens to the pinatas after theyare sold; i have no idea. i assume they are given to other pinata gardenersand go on to live long happy lives... jk, they're probably broken open then eaten. aside from collecting pinatas, the only otherreal objective for this game is to customize your garden. the biggest ways being changing up the terrainof your garden and dressing up your pinatas.
to which, meet marty. he's a macaraccoon that i dressed up likea bandit and he lives in a giant trashcan. i love him! it feels like i'm talking about the main characterof a childrens fable. also, i made a lake and directly in the centeris a statue of banjo and kazooie. it's aesthetic as all get out. i also took a bear pinata and gave him a backpackand named him banjo, because of course i did. now here's a shot of banjo, looking mournfullyat banjo, almost as if he's aware that he is trying to live up to a dead namesake...
oh well, let's just hope yooka laylee is good. so, that's viva pinata. attract, and tame pinatas, make babies, profit,rinse and repeat. it's a very nice, chill game. there is something rewarding about puttingin effort at your own pace and being rewarded for it. if you like harvest moon style games you shoulddefinitely give viva pinata a try. so, that's that, thanks for watching!
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