hello friends, today, i am going to show you how to make money online. there are many ways to make money online. we are not going to discuss all the ways which are available. i am going to share one particular way of making money online. one sure-fire way of making money online. and a sure-fire way of making money online is through affiliate marketing. before we go in to details, let me first introduce myself. my name is dhruv patel
and i have been earning living online since 2009. i have been doing affiliate marketing since 2009. i will show you how you can do the affiliate marketing and make money online. if you don't know what is affiliate marketing, let me give you a brief introduction about affiliate marketing. affiliate marketing is an online concept where you sell other merchant's products. you don't have to purchase the product, or offer support,
or sell it to your customers. all you have to do is, recommend an useful product to all your visitors. how do you recommend an useful product? how do you do affiliate marketing? well, by creating a website. and you put your affiliate link which is an unique link to you, on your website.
if a visitor goes to merchant's website through your affiliate link and buys the product then you get the commission from the merchant. hard to understand? it's not. let me explain you by real life example. i have been an affiliate of dreamhost hosting company.
i have made a website just to promote dreamhost. go to google, and search for the word, "dreamhost coupon dhdjdj" you will see my website dhdjdj.com now visit the site. here you can see that there is a small link which says, "click here to get $50 discount".
that is my affiliate link. if you visit that link, you will be taken to dreamhost official website. now, when a person goes to dreamhost's site via my affiliate link, dreamhost knows that i have sent that visitor to them. if that visitor
purchases any product, then i get paid. so here is the complete scenario. the visitor searching for dreamhost coupon lands on my website then she visits dreamhost
via my affiliate link and purchases the dreamhost plan. i get paid for that. i get $47 in commission per sale. i am not going to hide any thing from you. here is my dreamhost affiliate account's screenshot. you can see that i have earned $129117.91 till date.
affiliate marketing is not a simple thing. but it's a sure-fire and long lasting way of making money online. if you are here to make some quick money then you will be disappointed. because i don't recommend any "get rich quick" scheme. if you go to internet and tries to find a ways of making money online, you will see that there are lots of people showing you how you can be rich in just few days.
that simply not possible. "get rich quick" system doesn't work. in my opinion, the quickest possible way of making money online is by creating a website. if you follow any get rich quick system, then you will have to wait forever to make money online. then you will think that nobody can make money online. while the truth is, you chose the wrong path.
and came on wrong conclusion. if you take the right steps, and do the right things then you will surely make money online. now let's talk more about affiliate marketing. please don't take affiliate marketing as get rich quick scheme. instead, take affiliate marketing as an online business. which keeps making money with minimum maintenance
and even when you are sleeping. here are four simple steps for being successful in affiliate marketing. step no. 1 decide on which topic you want to make a website. well, you can make a website on any topic. but i would suggest that you make a website on a topic for which you are very passionate about. or you have a very deep knowledge about the topic. step no. 2
promote your website and get web traffic. there are many ways to promote a website. for the starting you can promote your website using your social accounts like google+, twitter or facebook. there are many advance techniques also. but we are not going to cover all those techniques in this video. for the starting, you can promote your website among your friends and relatives. step no. 3
once people starts coming to your website, find an affiliate program related to your topic. there are many affiliate programs on the internet. for almost every product, you will find an affiliate program. so find an affiliate program related to your topic get affiliate links, and integrate it on your website. always recommend an affiliate program which is useful for your visitor. never try to cheat them.
step no. 4 watch the money coming in. keep adding content to your website and maintain your website. always try to find more ways to create money through your web traffic. maintaining a website doesn't take much time. creating a website is the only way to make a sustainable online business. if you are serious about creating
a sustainable online business which runs for long term, which runs on low maintenance, gives you a freedom to do whatever you want and most importantly, makes you a good amount of money then you should create a website. to learn more about how to create a successful online business, please click on the link given in the description.
my disclaimer: the link is my affiliate link and i am being paid. you know i don't hide anything. if you have any questions, then put it in the comment below. also don't forget to subscribe my channel. see you in the next video.
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