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how do you take the survey for family feud

five years after these virtual people emerged frommy virtual loins, they still make games more fun. the mii is a brilliant concept, and forall the new ideas the nintendo wii introduced, i think that is one of the most importantand lasting. it̢۪s an immediate hook to be able to play with little caricatures of youand your friends, and it makes almost any game more enjoyable. even a game like this. this is family feud:2012 edition. released this month for the nintendo wii andxbox 360, family feud: 2012 edition would seem to imply there are prior editions. tobe honest with you, i had no idea the family

feud license was given the madden treatmentby ubisoft, but now that i think about it, it makes total sense. much to the detriment of the platform, thisis precisely the kind of series third-parties love to push on wii. why put major franchiseson the system when you can release a bunch of dancing games and game show titles? nowthat̢۪s software support. as much as i̢۪d like to rant about how publishershave neglected the system since its launch and then blamed the audience when their crapgames didn̢۪t sell, that̢۪s not the topic here. the topic here is that, if the consensuson prior editions are an indication, family feud: 2012 edition is just as bad as its budget-pricedpredecessors.

you hear that? (01;05;00) yeah, no sound.and they actually charge you for this. and yet for all its flaws, i didn’t mindthis game. in fact, i actually had a little bit of fun with it, and as i mentioned earlier,much of that has to do with the mii support. sounds lame, i know, but there’s somethingcharming about seeing my and my friends on the family feud stage...however poorly animatedwe may be. so obviously, you start by choosing your teamfrom the parade of avatars in what is probably your long-forgotten mii channel. i went withmyself, my dear friends beaver and cooter, my lovely fiancã©e stephanie...and jack black. i don’t know, i thought he could use thework.

it’s family feud, so the game plays justlike the television show. the host gives a survey question, and you have to guess whatthe most popular answers were. the game includes 48 opposing families to play against, as wellas a pool of more than 2,000 questions. make no mistake, it’s what you call â€Å“completegarbage” from a technical standpoint, but at the same’s family feud. and family feud is fun. you can play alone or with friends, and youcan also unlock video footage from the television show. in terms of features and content, that’sabout it. but honestly, i know this sounds pretty flimsy, but i still had fun playinga game of family feud with friends while we

were actually in the game. that still hasn̢۪tlost its charm to me, and although credit goes more to the console than the software,it̢۪s still nice to see the game take advantage of the feature. of course, the problem is there have beenseveral family feud games on wii, and the mii support aside, this one is indistinguishablefrom them. they all have the same poor quality, too, not to mention bad design. for example,possible responses pop up as you̢۪re typing them, a fundamental flaw that virtually breaksthe game. but hey, it̢۪s me and my friends next tosparky whitmore. and i guess that̢۪s worth something...maybe. it̢۪s family feud: 2012edition...although let̢۪s hope there̢۪s

not a 2013 edition.

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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