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ø§ù„ù ø§ù„ù„û ú†ù…ø¨û’ ø¯ûœ ø¨ùˆù¹ûœalif allah chambe di booti the letter alif of god’s name is a jasmine flower øªû’ ù…ûœø±û’ ù…ø±ø´ø¯ ù…ù† ùˆú† ù„ø§ø¦ûœ ûùùˆte mere murshid mann wich laai - huand my guide has planted it in my heart – he! ù†ùûœ ø§ø«ø¨ø§øª ø¯ø§ ù¾ø§ù†ûœ ø¯û’ ú©û’nafi asbaat da paani de kewatering with the negation and affirmation (no god, but god) ûø± ø±ú¯û’ ûø± ø¬ø§ø¦ûœ ûùùˆhar rage har jaai – hu(watering) each vein and each pore – he! ø¬ú¯ ø¬ú¯ ø¬ûœùˆû’ ù…ûœø±ø§ ù…ø±ø´ø¯ ø³ùˆûù†ø§jug jug jeeve mera murshid sohna may my beautiful guide live forever ûøªú¾ ø¬ø³ ø§ûœûû ø¨ùˆù¹ûœ ù„ø§ø¦ûœ ûùùˆhath jis eih booti laai - huwhose hand planted this flower – he! ù¾ûœø± ù…ûœø±ûœø§ - ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœ peer meriya - jugni ji o pir of mine – spirit-being! ø§û’ ùˆû’ ø§ù„ù„ù‡ ùˆø§ù„ûœø§úº ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we allah waaliyaan di jugni jiindeed, this is the godly ones’ spirit-being! ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù†ø¨ûœ ù¾ø§ú© ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we nabi paak di jugni ji indeed, this is the holy prophet’s spirit-being!

ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù…ùˆù„ø§ ø¹ù„ûœ ùˆø§ù„ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we maula ali waali jugni ji indeed, this is the spirit-being devoted to ali, the friend of god! ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù…ûœø±û’ ù¾ûœø± ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we mere peer di jugni ji indeed, this is my pir’s spirit-being! ø§û’ ùˆû’ ø³ø±ø³ø¨ø² ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we sar-sabaz di jugni ji indeed, this is the long-living pir’s spirit-being! ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúº ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúºdam gutkoon dam gutkoonwith every breath, my heart echoes god’s name like a dove’s call ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúº ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúº ú©ø±û’ ø³ø§ø¦ûœúº øªû’ ú©ù„ù…û ù†ø¨ûœ ø¯ø§ ù¾ú‘ú¾û’ ø³ø§ø¦ûœúºdam gutkoon gutkoon kare saaeen te kalma nabi da parhe saaeenwith every breath, remembers the lord and says the kalma of the prophet ø§û’ ùˆû’ ø§ù„ù„ù‡ ùˆø§ù„ûœø§úº ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we allah waaliyaan di jugni ji indeed, this is the godly ones’ spirit-being! ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ øªø±ú©ú¾ø§ø¦ûœúº ùˆú† øªú¾ø§ù„jugni tar khaaeen wich thaal o spirit-being, share what you have with others (place your food in a communal dish and eat) ú†ú¾úˆ ø¯ù†ûœø§ ø¯û’ ø¬ù†ø¬ø§ù„chad duniya de janjaal become free of the troubles of the world ú©ú†ú¾ ù†ûœúº ù†ø¨ú¾ù†ø§ ø¨ù†ø¯ûœø§úº ù†ø§ù„kuchh neen nibhna bandiyaan naal it’s not possible to keep faith with humans

ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ øªø±ú©ú¾ø§ø¦ûœúº ùˆú† øªú¾ø§ù„jugni tar khaaeen wich thaal o spirit-being, share whatever you have with others (place your food in a communal dish and eat) ú†ú¾úˆ ø¯û’ ø¯ù†ûœø§ ø¯û’ ø¬ù†ø¬ø§ù„chad de duniya de janjaal become free of the troubles of the world ø±ú©ú¾ûœúº ø«ø§ø¨øª øµø¯ù‚ ø§ø¹ù…ø§ù„rakheen saabat sidq amaal keep your deeds true and sincere ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ úˆú¯ ù¾ø¦ûœ ùˆú† ø±ùˆûûœjugni dig payi wich rohi the spirit-being stumbled into the wilderness ø§ùˆøªú¾û’ ø±ùˆ ø±ùˆ ú©ù…ù„ûœ ûùˆø¦ûœothe ro ro kamli hoi there, she went mad shedding tears ø§ùˆû ø¯ûœ ùˆø§øª ù†ûœúº ù„ûù†ø¯ø§ ú©ùˆø¦ûœ oah di waat neen laihnda koi no one asks how she is ø§ùˆû ø¯ûœ ùˆø§øª ù†ûœúº ù„ûù†ø¯ø§ ú©ùˆø¦ûœoah di waat neen laihnda koino one asks how she is øªû’ ú©ù„ù…û’ ø¨ù†ø§ ù†ûœúº ù…ù„ø¯ûœ øªùˆø¦ûœte kalme bina neen mildi toi and without the kalma, one can’t gain release ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúº ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúºdam gutkoon dam gutkoonlike a dove’s call, with every breath, my heart echoes god’s name

ùˆù†ú¯ø§úº ú†ú‘ú¾ø§ ù„ùˆ ú©ú‘ûœùˆwangaan charha lo kuriyoput on the bangles, girls ùˆù†ú¯ø§úº ú†ú‘ú¾ø§ ù„ùˆ ú©ú‘ûœùˆúº ù…ûœø±û’ ø¯ø§øªø§ ø¯û’ ø¯ø±ø¨ø§ø± ø¯ûœø§úºwanggaan charha lo kuriyon mere daata de darbaar diyaangirls, put on the bangles from the court of my benefactor (data ganj baksh) ù†ø§ ú©ø± ø¯ú¾ûœûœø§ ú©ú¾ûœúˆ ù¾ûœø§ø±ûœna kar dheeya khed piyaari o daughter, don’t revel in love of fun and play ù…ø§úº ø¯ûœù†ø¯ûœ ø¢ ú¯ø§ù„ú‘ûœø§úºmaan daindi aa gaalaryaan mother gives advice ø¯ù† ø¯ù† ù¹ù„ûœ ø¬ùˆø§ù†ûœ ø¬ø§ù†ø¯ûœdin din tali jawaani jaandi with each day, the bloom of youth is waning ø¬ûœùˆúº ø³ùˆù†ø§ ú©ù¹ú¾ûœø§ù„ú‘ûœø§úºjyoon sona kuthiaalariyaan as gold in a goldsmith’s crucible ø¹ùˆø±øª ù…ø±ø¯ ø´ûø²ø§ø¯û’ ø³ùˆûù†û’ aurt mard shahzaade sohnewomen and men are beautiful and precious ø§ùˆû ù…ùˆøªûœ ø§ùˆû ù„ø¹ù„ú‘ûœø§úºoah moti oah laalariyaan they are pearls, they are rubies ø³ø± ø¯ø§ øµø±ùû ú©ø±ù† ù†ø§ ø¬ûœú‘ûû’sir da sarfa karan na jerhethose who don’t care to save their own head

ù¾ûœù† ù¾ø±ûœù… ù¾ûœø§ù„ú‘ûœø§úºpeen parem piyaalariyandrink from the cup of love ø¯ø§øªø§ ø¯û’ ø¯ø±ø¨ø§ø± ú† ø¢ú©ú¾ùˆdaata de darbaar ch aakhoin the court of the benefactor, come and state your desire ù¾ø§ùˆù† ø®ûœø± ø³ùˆø§ù„ú‘ûœø§úºpaawan khair sawaalariyan(he) will grant prosperity to the petitioners ùˆù†ú¯ø§úº ú†ú‘ú¾ø§ù„ùˆ ú©ú‘ûœùˆ ù…ûœø±û’ ø¯ø§øªø§ ø¯û’ ø¯ø±ø¨ø§ø± ø¯ûœø§úºwanggaan charha lo kuriyo mere daata de darbaar diyaangirls, put on the bangles from the court of my benefactor (data ganj baksh) ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúº ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúºdam gutkoon dam gutkoonlike a dove’s call, with every breath, my heart echoes god’s name ø¯ù… ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúº ú¯ù¹ú©ùˆúº ú©ø±û’ ø³ø§ø¦ûœúº øªû’ ú©ù„ù…û ù†ø¨ûœ ø¯ø§ ù¾ú‘ú¾û’ ø³ø§ø¦ûœúºdam gutkoon gutkoon kare saaeen te kalma nabi da parhe saaeenwith every breath, remembers the lord and says the kalma of the prophet ù¾ûœø± ù…ûœø±ûœø§ - ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœ peer meriya - jugni ji o pir of mine – spirit-being! 00:07:24.840,00:07:30.300 ø§û’ ùˆû’ ø§ù„ù„ù‡ ùˆø§ù„ûœø§úº ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we allah waaliyaan di jugni ji indeed, this is the godly ones’ spirit-being! ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù†ø¨ûœ ù¾ø§ú© ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we nabi paak di jugni ji indeed, this is the holy prophet’s spirit-being! 00:07:36.66,00:07:42.3 ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù…ùˆù„ø§ ø¹ù„ûœ ùˆø§ù„ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we maula ali waali jugni ji indeed, this is the spirit-being devoted to ali, the friend of god! ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù…ûœø±û’ ù¾ûœø± ø¯ûœae we mere peer diindeed, this is my pir’s 00:07:45.8,00:08:05.93 ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù…ûœø±û’ ù¾ûœø± ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we mere peer di jugni ji indeed, this is my pir’s spirit-being! 00:08:06.16,00:08:09.6 ø§û’ ùˆû’ ø³ø±ø³ø¨ø² ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we sar-sabaz di jugni ji indeed, this is the long-living pir’s spirit-being!

ø§û’ ùˆû’ ù…ûœø±û’ ù¾ûœø± ø¯ûœ ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœae we mere peer di jugni ji indeed, this is my pir’s spirit-being! ø¬ú¯ù†ûœ ø¬ûœjugni jispirit-being!

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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