well, here's a franchise i never thought wouldhave the balls to show its face around these parts again: homefront, the contemporary shooterhinging on the ever so slightly barmy premise that north korea could be a credible threatrather than the national equivalent of a talkative counterstrike player. oh but it's alright,it's an alternative universe north korea that found a whole bunch of money and militarytech in a christmas cracker or something and now wants to muscle a considerably weakercountry on the other side of the world for no adequate reason. but if you're going tomake alt-north korea so wildly different to the real world equivalent then why even callit north korea, call it bastardstan or spermany. i feel like the starting point must have beena slightly creepy desire to kill north koreans
and then they had to tortuously contrive ascenario in which the conflict wasn't totally unfair. the first homefront was a linear shooterabout as worth committing to memory as the lyrics to agadoo, and homefront: revolutionseems barely connected at all. incidentally, well done for using the single most overusedsubtitle, you fucking - oh hang on, my mistake, it's actually called homefront: the revolution.well that's alright then. carry on. in homefront world, north korea is a globalcentre of tech manufacturing and the us is cripplingly indebted to it. guys, if you wantthe villains to be china, just make the villains china. dancing a twelve foot-radius aroundit is just undignified. anyway, the people's republic of chorea call in the debt, occupyand enslave the us and you're part of a guerrilla
resistance movement to take the country back.the problem is, or rather the first problem on the dizzying pile i've prepared for today,is that while the whole alt-universe thing asks us to mentally disassociate from thenorth korea we're familiar with, we're simultaneously asked to root for america based on our knowledgeof the real-world version, rather than the deadbeat nationwide slum presented for ushere. i dunno, doesn't seem like korth norea could run the place any worse. oh but theevil lurking behind the friendly facade of the occupying force is revealed in the introsequence as our character is interrogated by a sadistic torturer before escaping andrejoining the resistance, who mistake us for a spy and take us to be interrogated by theirsadistic torturer, and i guess we're supposed
to think it's cute this time? what purpose could the 'sadistic torturerspeed dating' sequence possibly have except to establish that both sides are cocks? andthe shmorth shmoreans at least have better hygiene. so with our investment in the strugglecompletely not established, the game finally gets going, with a shuddering cough and alittle squirt of piss into its pants. homefront: the refrigerator has technical issues theway the waffen-ss had a few bad apples. this is the worst audio mixing i've ever heardin what purports to be a finished game. is that all you've got, yahtzee? do you reallygive that much of a shit about audio mixing? no i bloody don't. nobody does. so imaginehow godawful the audio mixing has to be that
i consider it important to mention. i wasbeing talked to by an npc on our way down a corridor and my fucking footstep soundswere drowning out his speech. it was like my shoes were trying to do the bane voice.but even if you're the kind of biblical messiah who can forgive the sin of bad audio mixing,the frame rate was so awful i could practically hear the clicking of the joints of the oldman turning the crank, and the game freezes for five seconds every single time it autosaveslike you're trying to watch a youtube video on an oil rig. and whenever it happened, everysingle time i would cross my little fingers and say a little prayer. "please crash. goon, you pussy. give me the excuse." no such luck, but backyard: the renovationis a sandbox game, which are at increased
risk of buggering up, so there was alwaysthe chance of it buggering itself to death at some point. it's a sandbox shooter in theinevitable 'liberate all the districts' mould, but i wonder if as the medium has evolvedwe have rather lost touch with the essential purpose of the sandbox shooter. the word sandboximplies carefree entertainment free of the restrictions of linear game design, and theword 'shooter' implies that the bang-bangs will be going into the man-mans. but it seemslike there's nothing that human: the resources wants to avoid more than those two things,with the possible exception of adequate qa testing. the game cheerfully supplies youwith shitty standard fps weapons and puts an emphasis on weapon modding and crafting,and then if you actually try to get into a
shootout to make use of it all you get a clipround the ear, because enemies just keep on coming and your health bar empties fasterthan a cake shop after your mum gets off the leash. "guerrilla warfare, yer idiot! stoptrying to have fun and go hide in a bin." the districts are split between secure yellowzones, where you use stealth to avoid having fun, and contested red zones, where you usemotorbikes to avoid having fun. the motorbikes are just there so you can quicklyget around without having to fight things, even if you try to run enemies over you gostraight through them. it takes quite a bit of effort to make motorbiking around a combatzone not fun, so well done on that front. homefront. in both kinds of district liberatingthe individual regions largely involves finding
the one slightly obscure route through a strongholdto press the 'liberate region' button, at which point the occupying armed enemy soldiersall shrug their shoulders and piss off. well, maybe all your resistance chums get so inspiredby your button-pressing prowess that they chase the baddies away, but frankly i doubtit, because i saw the resistance in action and 'inaction' is precisely the word for it.you can enlist passing resistance members to aid you, and i attempted this preciselyonce, because my new chum spent the whole time consistently standing in the doorwayi was trying to get through. yes, the buggery continues. the ai in this game would struggleto pass remedial colouring-in lessons. the characters must all have hitboxes like brickchimneys because they can get stuck on discarded
crisp packets. the one incident which was the defining momentof the game for me took place in a resistance hideout where i guess i'd forgotten to flushthe toilet properly before i left because two npcs came over and pinned me to a wall.they both stood staring at me refusing to move and every time i tried to get past they'dhurl foul-mouthed abuse. well, fuck you too, game. if i wanted this treatment i'd haveattended my brother's wedding. and if hurdy the gurdy doesn't end up in the year's bottom5 then it's a fucking depressing six months ahead. the problem, by which i mean the rancidunderlying problem upon which all the other problems scuttle and defecate, is that it'schasing a trend that we've already left behind.
no-one wants contemporary shooters anymore.battlefield has decided it's going to wring some fun out of world war 1 and good luckto them because that's like wringing apologetic tears out of hillary clinton, while call ofduty is off to fight zargon warships on the planet shithouse. meanwhile the success ofdoom and overwatch shows a lean towards good old-fashioned fast-paced fun violence on alayer of shrink-wrapped bum cheeks. homefront the revolution is just a game that's pastits time. its time was 1346 ad when the black death broke out.
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