get free riot points, gift cards and muchmore, and make sure to use the code monk to receive an extra 50 points. what’s up, what’s going on guys, captainmonk here and in today’s game i’m playing blood moon twisted fate in the mid lane onthe pbe. it’s the brand new skin for twisted fate,one of the four. i’m sure there will be a comment makingfun of the “fourskins†that are now out. there’s blood moon twisted fate, you guysmight have seen blood moon diana that i did recently. blood moon talon is also a thing, and alsoblood moon jhin.
i think we have a blood moon jhin on our teamright now. i’ll be sure to make a video with this skinright here as well. i started off with diana and twisted fatebecause they both have the splash art available, where as in the other two, talon and jhin,don’t have that yet. but yeah, we’re playing as twisted fatein the mid lane. let’s get in to this brush here, make surethey’re not invading us. looks like we’re safe, good good. yeah, yours truly playing that twisted fatemid. also got tsm tyler2, not tyler1 of course,playing as our yasuo top.
welke playing that rammus jungle. alymew and wintergore playing the jhin andthresh dual lane. both also with the blood moon skins, they’restyling, just like we are. it looks like we’re against, what i believeis, the le blanc support, might be the le blanc mid. i think it is support with rengar top, twitchad carry, corki mid and then volibear jungle. they don’t actually have a traditional support,but they’re not going to put corki and twitch bot lane, that seems kind of dumb. whereas le blanc can go with support itemsand just go for a kill lane.
it would be kind of effective. we’ll see if i’m right. looks like i am. that is always good to see. we’ll get ourselves a few auto attacks onthe minions here, it looks like corki wants to push us in. i’m not against being pushed in, but whati am going to prefer is getting pushed slowly, not quickly. then we would have a better time getting lasthits on tower.
already 3 of 3, not too bad. he’s also 3 of 3. with twisted fate in the lane phase i wouldnormally recommend to take it easy. if you get ganked or your ultimate you canof course do some roams, that’s always good, but as far as the 1v1 matchup goes, unlessit’s a free 1v1 where you got a tone of items and your opponent’s making a lot ofmistakes, you normally don’t win those matchups. it’s pretty nice to just farm for a bitand it’s probably the best way to go. once you get a few edges in your lead, takethose and roll with them. luckily avoiding that q there…
let’s hit this a little bit more so we don’tmiss it to tower. okay, corki has already backed off a littlebit, not sure where to but we’ll find out soon enough. get ourselves some more minions here. awesome. one thing i’ll mention here, when we’reslow on the gameplay, one thing you might have noticed in my diana and camille gamesposted recently. yes i am very indeed sick, i have a cold andit sucks, my voice sounds a bit different. but then again, a lot of people have toldme in my previous recordings where i have
been sick where my voice has been different,that they actually prefer it. although there’s the occasional cough orsneeze here and there, which i will refrain from doing as much as possible but of coursei’m not perfect and i’m sick so thing might happened, early apology for that. but i will say that some people like it becausemy voice gets a little bit deeper. we’ll see if it ends up being what you guysprefer or not. if it is i might go lick some stranger’shands, get sick all the time. kidding of course. hitting 18 cs to his 17, missed a few butwe are actually in the lead here.
not by a tone. luckily avoiding that. rammus is coming with the gank already. i’m all for it. let’s go ahead and… ooo, actually use the blue card. we are in fact red card, but it’s fine becauserammus didn’t gank anyway. we got some free damage on to corki, can’tcomplain too much about that. i was looking to get the gold card off justto set up the gank for rammus.
couldn’t quite do so but it’s alright. get ourselves some more last hits. we already have a cs lead of 24 to 21. but then again, corki has a lot more minionsto kill than we do in the lane here. he might just catch right back up. i’m missing all of these, what is goingon? it’s okay though. may get some auto attacks in here. ooo, here we go.
nice bit of a combo. we saw that he missed the q, and i knew itweren’t any last hits i needed to hit in that moment of time, so i figured, hey, freeopportunity to get some free damage done and i did exactly that. not too bad. aw, and i missed the siege, that’s a feelsbad man moment. rammus must have ganked but yeah, he’s right,he’s under tower. sick beats? i don’t know what he’s talking about.
is thresh dancing and making some music orsomething? that would be cool. i think we can get a ward down here, i’mthinking volibear can gank from bottom side but it’s most likely from top side. so i’ll put a ward in this brush here. just so i have a warning in case he’s ganking. unfortunately i’m going to miss two of thoseminions, i was hoping to get one of them, but ended up messing up just because i wastrying to get a different one. alright, 29 to his 22.
the thing with twisted fate as well is youdo want to build a cs lead, just like you would with any other matchup, but being downon minions is kind of expected because he’s not that threatening in lane. it’s very likely that you miss some becauseyou’re just not threatening the opponent. i wonder if we can get a gold card on corki… he’s not going to let us have it. you see, there wasn’t any last hits i neededto get at that moment so i was hoping to get a nice trade for us. didn’t quite happened but that’s okay.
he’s getting aggressive here all of a sudden,i wonder if he got volibear around. let’s just get this minion here, pop a potion. one thing as well that i will mention is,not really a big thing to mention but i figured i may as well because it’s not really alot to say right now, is that they have actually changed on the pbe quite recently the iconof when a champion have vision on you. so if you ever see corki hit his q on me andit gets him vision, check out the little icon. they have changed the eyes from what theyused to be, same thing will be there if a caitlyn trap hits you. it’s not like a big change or anything buti think i like the step they have taken here,
it looks a little bit nicer. i just wanted to mention that because we areon the pbe here of course and i do like to mention those things. we are level 6 and rammus is ganking bot lane. i’m thinking if i could join this, thatwould be awesome. let’s get our gold card ready and ult onin. i’m going for twitch here, i want this kill. give me your life, yeah see you later. alright now le blanc is here, looks like shewill die to the jhin.
fourth shot, nice job. okay not too bad of a roam. let’s return to the mid lane here, we aregoing to miss some minions because they have gone to the tower. i’m hoping i can get back to lane in timeto maybe get this siege? my wildcard will not be in range so yeah,we’ll miss those. let’s get a ward here though. maybe get some of these. maybe the first melee minion here.
this is okay. 44 to his 48, but i have a kill. i’m very okay with this. not a bad start for us at all. let’s just get back to farming here, i thinkcorki went back to base. it’s what i would have done in his shoes. let’s go ahead and try and push in. going to mess up some minions here but nottoo many of them. we’ll get the majority, now we’ll havea one cs lead.
yeah, he’s back with items. i’ll go ahead and do the exact same thinghe just did which is going back and getting items. as far as our itemization goes today, i’mthinking that at some point today i want to get a rapid firecannon as one of my firstthree items. i’ll definitely be doing that at some point. before then, our itemization kind of dependson our match up. lich bane is almost always good so i’llbe getting this. i think i’ll also get cooldown boots becausethey’re amazing on tf.
a control ward and potions. so yeah, we’ll go lich bane first, passedthat luden’s echo could be really good if you’re really ahead and want the burst. rabadon’s is good if you want that extraap. hourglass could be good if you want that extraarmor and the active that it has. even abyssal is not too bad if you need themagic resist but normally you don’t need it, on tf it’s really uncommon you’llneed that. i think we’ll probably go with luden’ssecond, but we’ll see. didn’t miss the siege, that’s a feelsgood man moment.
i like it. let’s get some of these minions here. 53 to his 62 so he’s definitely got a leadon us now but we’re doing okay. going to miss that one, but i think we’llget all of these. i was wrong, but most of them. the score is 3 to 4, we’re actually in thelead by one kill, not too bad. corki is missing but i think he’s goingto get his package right now. i think what we want to do is push is rightnow, make him miss minions if he is back getting his package.
i think that’s what he’s doing. i was hoping to get a blue card there butthen i missed the chance so i’ll guess ult’s on a timeout. a control ward’s here so i’ll guess imay as well put mine on the top side. volibear hasn’t been doing much. volibear’s usually one of those championswho ganks the overextended lanes and gets them really far ahead early. but i guess our team is playing really wellagainst that because he hasn’t been getting anything done.
he’s been farming and volibear is not afarming jungler. he can farm, it’s not like he can’t, anyjungler can farm, it’s the entire purpose of being in the jungle. normally some champions are more gank heavyand some are more farm heavy. he’s normally one of the gank heavy one’s. it’s looks like corki is going bottom here. my ultimate is almost up so i’ll be ableto match that pretty soon. looks like we got a kill on volibear, nicejob. yep, there’s the corki.
if he goes in i’m here. let’s get the gold card ready, ult rightin. i’m going for corki, i think. come on. there we go, we got him. let’s pop my ghost here, i think we mightbe able to get twitch too if we got our team’s help. is he going to kill us? okay not quite.
i was thinking if i got the gold card we mightget some follow up but i think our team is busy killing minions, that’s okay. we’ll have another opportunity in a second. i will tax bot lane because i did help themand i want some minions for myself too. okay, managed to kill corki. we didn’t get the kill but he died and wegot the assist. can’t complain too much about that. we’ll go back and get ourselves the aetherwisp, and also i think… i kind of want to get refill-ables but i likehaving the…
actually no, this is a mistake, i should getthe refill-ables. i like having biscuits. if you have the biscuits you mash it and ilike taking advantage of that, but refill-ables are better for us this game, it will allowus to not buy potions anymore. we’re only going to buy 2 anyway, so we’resaving some money this way in the long run. blue buff! i’m definitely interested in that, let’sdo that. let’s get a blue card, i think. i was thinking of gold card, but blue cardis more damage.
the less cc a card has, the more damage itdoes. that is the way it works, so blue card doesthe most, the aoe slow from the red card has the mediocre damage… or not mediocre, that’s the wrong word. the most median damage. and then the gold card, the most cc so itwill have the leat damage. we have rammus coming in here, i wonder ifwe can make anything from this. holy crap, he went so deep. come on!
we got him. rammus tanks the tower just long enough forme to follow that up and get ourselves a kill. le blanc’s here, uhoh. she’s only level 6 though. i’m just going to wait… oh, nice ult. oh god, rengar’s here though. i think i’m dead regardless of what i dohere, so i’m just going to let it happen. it’s not much i can though about that one.
volibear was on the way, rengar ulted on me,le blanc was there… i think my best bet would have been to all-inle blanc and then run up one of these two directions, but even then i don’t thinki would have done it in time. i would have died regardless. feels bad man, but that’s okay. we still got a kill one corki, so that’sgood. i like how his name is diddy kong too, that’sa cool name. let’s look at the other names. testing rengar, well you’re doing prettywell, 6 and 2, he’s having a good game.
tsm tyler2, 0 and 5. broken god, yeah well break you, that’sfor sure. ero maniac, cool name. i like diddy kong still. and yeah, we have our team that we listedoff earlier. okay, corki is going to push us in here, ourghost is almost up though, our ultimate is available. i think we are all set. rammus is coming in, let’s pop our ghostand just go ham for corki.
sorry corki, i think you’re a goner. but he might actually kill us. got him. i almost died, it was very close, but we domanage to survive the corki assault. rammus is looking for a fight against bothvolibear and rengar. i’m not really a fan of this. we might be able to kill volibear though,he’s just so weak. yeah we will, nice! let’s pop a potion and continue to see ifwe can pursue rengar.
rammus is going for it… oh nope, change of heart. probably a good one. i’m really tempted because he have thatblue buff and i really want it. if i can land a gold card i think i mightjust have the damage to do it, but he’s just a little bit out of range. rammus is going for it, he did ping it. i am willing to follow up. nah, let’s just go for the tower.
i don’t have a gold card for a few secondshere. maybe we got it? please. we got him, nice. i was really worried that rammus might getthe kill there, he already have a blue buff, he doesn’t need another one. oh god, corki’s here. if corki pursues us i have gold card. i don’t think he’s going to do it.
he’s not that manly. his manly years has passed, he’s an oldman now. now we’re super low and i don’t want togive blue buff to corki. i think i’ll just leave, i’ll take thewiser option here and go back. we don’t have to be old to be wise, we canbe a young, hot tf with a blood moon skin. that’s a weird thing to say. let’s get lich bane. for our next item i’m thinking… i don’t know, i kind of want to get hourglassbecause it would solve the problem of rengar.
but then again we’re doing well, and i kindof want to go with the movement speed build. lich bane movement speed, luden’s echo movementspeed, rapid firecannon, i mean it has other things as well but it also has movement speed. i want to go fast, going fast is fun. looks like rammus will 1v1 the corki, doingsome nice damage. i wonder if going bot lane makes sense. we did lose our tower. maybe we should go mid lane and get the towerhere as well. i’m not sure.
we have options, that’s definitely the mostimportant thing to keep in mind here. we have options, we just have to decide whichone is the best. that’s the thing a lot of league of legendsplayers disregard. yeah, skills are important, but what’s moreimportant is making good choices. i wonder if we can get this. there’s three of them in the river here,and i want to help but i feel like he’s in over his head on that one. corki has package. i’m kind of scared now because if corkihas package and i’m all alone, he could
just out of nowhere use that and kill me. our team’s here, but our team is also likean 0/5 yasuo, who stole red buff from our jungler. i don’t know. looks like they will get the kill here. jhin snagging that one, probably for the best. i think we’re okay though. i should probably get a ward over here, ithink our control ward got taken out too. i’ll buy one of those soon.
i’ll let them push in mid here, and theni’ll catch the wave as it bounces towards me. here we go. that was a very awkward amount of hp the minionshad but luckily my red card does seal it. alright, corki’s still here with package,almost timed out though, i think. no that is it… i thought that was something else. like an elixir or something like that. it kind of looked like the iron elixir, buti was like: “wait, why would he have an
iron elixir? it’s like 15 minutes, that doesn’t makeany sense.“ it’s also corki, he’s not going to getthe tanky elixir. i wonder if i can ask my team if they canhelp me with blue buff. rammus is nowhere around, he’s top lane. my bot lane is here, bot lane leashes earlygame, so they can leash later on. what’s the difference? there we go, thank you very much. rengar is around, probably looking for thattasty tf booty.
we’ll just go back mid lane and catch thewave again. oops, messed up those. but i think we can get these ones. nice. now i’ll use that refill-able. we have enough wards around so… ooo, actually, i’m on my way, i have myultimate. i’m going to the brush here because thenthey won’t be able to see me as easily. oh, i missed the card.
i think we still got him. let’s go this way, come this way with me. no, this is a bad way! this is where the rengar is. we don’t want to go this way. we want to run away from their team entirely,just ditch it. oh no, le blanc showed up! but i had the right idea though, running backthis way where i knew rengar and volibear would be was not the right idea, we neededto go this way and have rammus take the turret,
kind of escort our ways out. yeah, we might have run in with their botlaners but we are rammus and tf with ghost, we would have outran them, gotten away beenin a better spot. it’s okay though, we still got a kill oncorki. looks like bottom lane killed twitch. we died to… was it rengar who got us? or was it volibear? i mean le blanc got me, but who got rammus?
i think it was volibear, because last timei checked rengar he had 6 kills. nice kill bot lane though, good combo. let’s get ourselves these two items forour luden’s echo. we’ll head back to the mid lane. i think i need to be pressuring this tower,that would open up the map so much for us, give us more plays to be made. uhoh, volibear’s there. i wonder if they can outplay this though… it’s very doable.
maybe… oo, i was thinking maybe a flay to the turretwas possible. with this extra ap i think i would be ableto… yeah i can wipe out the back minions now,that is so great. i love the way the cards look with this skin. they look so cool. let’s just get somethings in the river here. i probably should have gold carded it. actually, rengar’s here.
i think his ult is here because he did justult us. we got rammus with us, let’s do this. where is he at? okay, twitch is here, he just cleansed mygold card. maybe not the best one to go off, but that’sokay. i think le blanc is looking for an opportunityof some sort. she will take some wildcards to the face though. ooo, and she got hit by jhin! see you later, that’s a lot of damage.
that lich bane is so strong. i think with us three bot lane we should beable to get our first tower in the game. we are winning in kills but we’re not pressuringthe map as much as we should be this game. there we go, got ourselves this tower here. now let’s go mid lane and see if we canget this one. they are going after yasuo and if he’s gettingtheir attention we could use that to our advantage. yeah, he’s feeding, yeah he’s kind ofuseless, but he’s not actually useless because he’s getting their attention. their attention is diverted from mid laneand we can use that to get ourselves the mid
lane tower. that’s the thing with solo q especially. yeah, maybe you have a feeder on your teamand that kind of sucks, but at least he’s getting their attention and you can go andmake plays in other places. nice try, got the corki’s valkyrie at least. volibear’s around. going to blue card actually, i need some manaback. if anybody tries to stop us we can just divebecause we have the cc to do it. i’m going to blue card it, i think.
oo, nice hook. yep, she’s gone. let’s gold card this guy. pop my ghost here just to kite around a bitmore. alright, he’s done. come on corki. he’s very low but i don’t have the abilityto follow him up. oo, the jhin snipes. rengar is just going to body block them though.
that should still allow us turret. boom. maybe two towers? oh god please. oh, so close. oh, rengar. there we go. i was thinking if i should need a gold cardbut then i realised that any card is going to kill this fool.
let’s do it, there we go. two towers puts us at 8 and 2. i’ll ward this because the trap doesn’tgive us vision but it definitely helps. dragon’s here in 15 seconds, we’ll definitelytake that. i think our team doesn’t need our help,i’ll go back here. my throat is getting a bit sore. sick feels, but it’s okay. we’ll get ourselves the luden’s and thezeal towards our rapid firecannon. i want to get it this game, i think it willbe a lot of fun.
a lot of lcs players have been getting themin their games. it’s not actually good good, but it’skind of good so you want to do it anyways because it’s fun. it’s an attack speed crit item, but it increasesthe range which you can utilise with your pick a card. that combo ends up being really fun. it also adds burst, so if you add that withlich bane… the two of those together is just really good. doing some nice damage to volibear.
i think his passive’s down, so yep he’sa goner. let’s get ourselves the dragon. i think we should have this as long as wehave smite. yep. alright, sorry about that. had to cough and i figured i may as well mutemy mic, to make it a little bit less cringe for you guys. surrender!? hell no.
tsm tyler2, fuck off. okay, i think with that, i’m going to dosomething i haven’t done in a recording before. i’m going afk to get a glass of water. i think i really need it right now. i’ll be right on back. okay, and we’re back. that glass of water is definitely going tohelp, sorry about that guys. let’s go ahead and drink some water…
and see who we can take out. i think i’ll also plug in my headset, justto avoid the possibility of it beeping at me for no reason. well it has a reason, it’s low on battery. hello corki, what do you think you’re doing? i like how i missed my wild card but it stillworked. rengar’s here, let’s get this guy. okay, maybe not so much. oh god, i got really scared of that bear.
alright, there’s one. what else can we do? nice snipe. i think twitch is going to slow down enough. the taunt coming in here. can i just gold card this guy? yep, see you. the rest of their team is scattered. can we just get this le blanc? please?
not quite in time. i know rengar’s in our jungle here somewhere. i’m just not sure where. we found le blanc. we could use my ultimate but i’m more concernedwith just killing le blanc to be honest. nice juke, 10/10. i wanted to put it in all chat, but i don’teven need to say it. she probably knows that was like the bestjuke ever. alright, let’s just kill the minion wavehere.
i think we should be able to get this towerhere too, it’s pretty low. i actually just noticed we’re tied withcorki in farm… oh, now he’s ahead of us. but he’s 0 and 5, we’re 11 and 2, we’rehaving a good game. i wonder if volibear is going to have backuphere in a moment. let’s just finish the tower. get the tower first. and gold card… oh blue card.
it’s fine, we still got him. we can actually get a rapid firecannon now. i really want to make sure i do that thisgame because if they surrender before i get my rapid firecannon i’ll be very sad. le blanc is not going to be a problem, isshe? yeah, i want this cannon, here we go. i’ll sell the refill-able’s and work towardsour next item which i think will be the rabadon’s. you really can’t go wrong with that. i mean, their team is just not strong, theyhave the rengar but i can easily just juke
him around. so yeah, i’ll just get this. corki got himself his first kill of the gamebut then again he got it on the… 0 and 8 now, yasuo. it is what it is. you know what’s kind of funny too, is thatthis guy told us in pregame chat that he’s a yasuo one trick. i have nothing else to say, i think i’vemade my point. let’s just go ahead and push up the minionwave.
that rapid firecannon is just so fun, i lovethis item. it’s so troll yet so great. okay, rengar’s pushing botlane. i’m kind of worried of doing this but ithink defending this tower is doable for us, it’s probably the way to go. we’ll see. we have thresh support with us soon. explode a plant to get over the wall. rengar did back off, i wonder if he saw thetf presence on the way.
maybe he’s in brush. no. if i was him i would be looking for the killon tf… yep, see, there we go. he’s going to cleanse that, well played. but, we have friends soon. ooo, you just outplayed yourself friend. you really messed that up, he could have actuallykilled me there if he used his mechanics correctly. but he messed up, so free kill for us.
feels good man. alright let’s go back, sell the doran’sring. “tisk†is right. “just when 2 came†that’s why i stayed,friend. i have that… what’s the word i’m looking for? not instinct but, reconnaissance of wheremy teammates are to make plays accordingly. le blanc is probably just going to juke back. no she didn’t?
oh, she did juke back, just not in the wayi thought of in my head. let’s get ourselves tp here. i want blue buff. gimmie your… the damage! rapid firecannon and lich bane together isso fun! i love it. i was going to get our blue buff, that waswhat i was planning to do before i tp’d in, but we already have one now because wekilled le blanc.
let’s get rid of this, and just go mid. also, the luden’s proc did a lot of damagetoo. all the burst. alright, more water. down to bot lane we go. looks like our team is winning the fight withoutus being there but once we show we might be able to get ourselves a kill on volibear. he’s probably going behind tower here soi’ll just wait for him. what’s up bro?
that damage, see you later. okay, the tower here next. i mean, rammus is tanking it which is unnecessary,we can probably just get it anyways. i shouldn’t have gold carded it, it’sless damage. this le blanc is… oh i messed up, we still get her. i tried to time the wild cards but i couldn’tdo it. there we go, rammus lives as well, we gottower. all is going as planned.
all is going well, i like it. corki’s got package, but is he doing anythingwith it? let’s put a ward in the corner here to makesure i’m not making a mistake. see where he goes. i should sit in this brush. i really want to rapid firecannon, i wantto see how much my gold card will do… with maybe twitch? oh, holy shit. no!
god damn it volibear. holy shit though, we basically just one shottedthe twitch. our gold card does so much damage. yeah, that’s going to make them surrender. come here! please! before the game ends! no!!! so close.
alright that’s the game here guys, hopefullyyou guys liked it, you know what to do if you did. leave that like rating and subscribe for morevideos. let’s check out the post-game stats. holy shit though, that was such a fun game,i’m so glad we had that. alright, s on twisted fate times 3. i went 17 and freaking 2. what a great game. most gold in the game, but we are tf, we havethat passive, so that’s a factor.
most damage though. rengar had the third most damage, rammus wassecond. that’s impressive that rammus was second,he’s of course our tank. went 7/4 and 12 though, really good scoreline. pretty much full tank items. cinderhulk is kind of like sunfire cape, ithas that burn. iceborn has the spellblade, so yeah, somedamage. i’m kind of surprised though, with the cinderhulkyou normally want some hp items, but he didn’t, he went just armour items.
like no hp, so he wasn’t actually that healthy. he was just more tanky from the armour. let’s look at all the stats that are here. like damage dealt. this also considers what damage you do tominions and monsters, so of course the junglers are going to have a lot. uh, damage taken. yeah, we had very little damage taken, theirvolibear had the most, no surprise there. that rammus, that rengar.
that makes sense. i mean, rengar died… 6 times. which isn’t a tone, but still, a decentamount. but yeah, that’s the game here guys, hopefullyyou guys liked it. you guys know what to do if you did. like the video, subscribe. and of course, if you want to follow me onsocial media. facebook, twitter, twitch, instagram.
all those links are in the description below. i’ll see you guys on the next one, peaceout. if you enjoyed the video here today, and wantto make sure you’re not going to miss any new videos coming out, make sure to turn onall notifications for the channel. that way you miss no content. have a good one guys.
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