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Showing posts from June, 2017

make money from home answering phone calls

i'm sanna garrett-smith executive vice presidentwith myecon. today we are going to talk about the business tax advantages of owning a homebased business. in this example you have three couples, they all make $70,000 piece and theyall have two kids. if you don't own a business, the government is not going to allow you totake advantage of the tax deduction, max amount of tax deductions, your only going to geta few deductions with the government because you don't own anything. we going to be ableto show you how to plug all those holes. couple number one, and they all have their standarddeductions of $28,000, so their paying taxes on $42,000, couple number one. couple numbertwo decided to get them a part time job. see as a society we were conditioned that if youwant more money get you another job. the acronym "job" stands for "just owe broke" becauseyour busy jumping out of bed. so they put themselves in a higher tax bracket but theyhave all of these holds i...

make money fast animal crossing city folk

matt: welcome, everyone, to this thursday's episode of critical role, where a bunch of us nerdy-ass voice actorsget together and play dungeons & dragons. this will be our 10th episode, i think, which is awesome. for all the classic folksthat have been coming every week, good to see you again; for a bunch of newcomers out there as well, welcome and thank you.i hope you enjoy. we're going to cut to some videos here.probably the last time that we run the character backstoriesat the start of the show. we usually use itas partially a stall method when some of our playershaven't gotten here on time. (clears throat) i.e., scanlan.but he's on his way, i'm sure. but also since we havea lot of new people watching, and we figured it would be coolfor them to actually get an idea of the character backgrounds, as well, but going forward, we'll just be playing themfor the intermission break. so we'll be back herein about 10 minutes or so. in the meantime,enjoy the ...