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internet survey advantages and disadvantages

elearning: student perspectivelanguage learning with the support of online resources will be standard in the future.the only question will be how much of the material is available online only or is anextension (supplementary) to the class or is a review of the class.for students, the biggest challenge is learning that takes place completely online. thereare some students who truly thrive in an online environment, but the majority of studentsstruggle with online classes. there are numerous advantages to online classes,and now, i am talking about online courses for adults, and those advantages often outweighthe disadvantages, but that does not mean it makes it easy for students.what are some of the advantages? well, the

main advantage that is consistent regardlessof the subject or the professor or the institution is that the learner has freedom to accessthe class whenever it is convenient for them. class statistics indicate that most onlinecourses are accessed sometime around or after midnight. the anywhere, anytime advantageis the single main reason students study online. another advantage is that students can spendas much or as little time on a certain topic as they want. in class, the teacher controlsthe time spent on a particular task, but online, the student takes over that role. it alsomeans that learners do not have to suffer through long, boring lectures that merelyregurgitate the textbook – at least, not if they don’t want to.also, students can spend more time thinking

about responses they post on discussion boardsor other assignments. some students are afraid of saying the wrong thing in the classroom,so being able to take extra time in order to be confident of their comments, can beappealing to many. online classes (if designed properly) provideopportunities for input from every student whereas some learners can hide in face toface classes. interaction is an important key in learning. when i took online classes,i did not always enjoy posting responses to the discussion board, but i always knew itwas helping me learn the material because i was interacting with it and my classmates,instead of passively receiving it face to face.disadvantages? the exact same freedom that

allures so many to online is an enormous disadvantageif you are not a self-starter, self-motivated type.some students may not even realize howdependent they have been upon the instructor to keep them on task until they suddenly donot have that constant external push anymore. for such students, waiting a couple days foran email to be answered by the instructor seems like an eternity.another huge disadvantage is the lack of face-to-face social interaction. now, it is certainly possibleto get to know your professor and online classmates better in an online environment, but thereare many people who are â€Å“people-persons,” and they thrive best in face-to-face settings.sure, online classes can include synchronous interaction, but synchronous online learninglimits the biggest advantage which is student-controlled

learning at anytime anywhere.there is a technology coming that may be able to help those who crave social is called â€Å“telepresence” and it essentially projects a 3d holographic image of the teacheror students or any object. in the picture, a teacher talks about going on virtual fieldtrips with students and the teacher being telepresent . several companies are workingon this type of technology, including apple, so you likely will see it in the not too distantfuture. the question will remain though how effectively that meets social needs.there are other disadvantages to online learning that i could mention, but in my opinion, thetwo i have mentioned are two that cannot easily be corrected through course design, whilemost other disadvantages can be designed around

or will be different depending upon the | 1

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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