can you make money online with amazon mechanicalturk? that's what i'm going to be discussing today. this is a two-day review. i have onlybeen signed up with this, with amazon mechanical turk for two days. this is a crowd sourcinginternet marketplace, where programmers, universities, really anybody just looking for a task willpost them, and then you can fulfill that task. so, what you'll need is an amazon mechanicalturk account and an amazon payments account, which is just like paypal, this way you canget paid. i'm not going to show you how to do that today, this will be a quick reviewรข€”idon't want to waste anybody's time. so, what you do is once you're signed up you will goon look at the hits, its human intelligence tasks, some of them can range from $40 allthe way to pennies, depending on your skill.
you can transcribe videos, answer surveys,pick best picturesรข€” i've seen several things on here. you're going to have to go to hitsavailable to you because some of these you may not be qualified for, it takes time andyou getรข€” it's kind of on a rating system. when i go there to hits available to you cansee some of these, now this is not going to be a get-rich-quick type of thing. what youcan do really is how i see it, is if you just want spend 15 or 20 min. out of your day doinga simple little task like answering surveys, if you could make maybe two dollars a dayyou might pay your cell phone bill or your electricity bill. i think that's the logicalway to look at this, i mean spending maybe an hour or something like that unless youcan do like the $40 tasks. but i don't want
to spend five hours and as you can see someof these are two hours 60 min. that's the time allotted. i've clicked on some of theseand the time allotted has been way more than what it's taking me to do the task, so thesearen't really accurate. anyways that's what you can do, you can make money, and it's nota get rich scheme or anything like that. now it has been a couple days and i've done 17tasks and i've made $2.03 here, and i still got six that are pending that i haven't beenpaid for because, they can reject them if you didn't do the task right, which i justdid surveys and simple things that wouldn't take too much of my time. because, you knowyou want to add this to something that you're, like diversifying just a little bit as waysto make money online because that, that way
you can write. like something that i do, ifi'm going to write blogs or work on some videos, or whatever then i can just take a break fromthat come over here make a couple dollars, and hey my cell phone bill is paid every monthjust by doing a simple little task. i think that's probably the best way to go about it,that way i don't have to go and get a real job. i try to make my living solely from theinternet. i think that's the probably the future. you are going to see a lot of brick-and-mortarbusinesses or commercial buildingรข€” they're just going to become dinosaurs of the futurebecause everything is going to become basically online. automatons will be working the factories;i mean that's pretty much the way it's probably going to go. it's really futuristic outlookbut hey, this is my review on amazon mechanical
turk. you can make money but it's not a getrich scheme. alright guys, thank you.
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