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how to make money online from home for free

hey there travel bug this video is onhow you can find online work one that can be done from home, on the road, orwell, anywhere in the world. it's time to make money while sure to give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe for more videos on howyou can become a digital nomad - a location independent professional. today i invited a special guest kate the blogger known as the remote nomads and founder of wifly nomads. hi travel bugs! thanks for having me! hi kate, so happy to have you here. together we are going to

show you eight different ways to find an online job. let's go! many great sites that post remote onlyare mostly remote job positions. one of my favorites is flexjobs. there is a fee but i do like flexjobs because it goes beyond posting developer roleswhich are the most popular types of remote jobs. just make sure that whenyou're looking for a remote job and you're doing the job search on there, that you're looking for the world icon and that will mean that you can workfrom anywhere in the world! other great websites include we work remotely, working nomads, remoteok,

stack overflow, and powertofly for all the ladies out there. freelance! fun fact: the term freelanceactually come from medieval times when a knight didn't have sworn allegiance to aking or a lord so therefore his lance or sword was free! today freelance means you're self-employed or hired for particularprojects for different companies or different clients. for example, afreelance developer or freelance graphic designer. but know that if you have a skill thatpeople need you can absolutely sell that skill. be a freelance seo consultanthelping companies get their products to the top of search engine results. you can bea social media manager, you can be a

virtual assistant helping others performadministrative tasks. so that can be anything from answering emails toscheduling instagram posts. a lot of tasks and skills you have from let's say, a corporate job, can be translated into a freelancing job. for more resourcesthere's a section on freelancing in my how to become a digital nomad e-book, which you can get by clicking the link in the description below. another way to find a remote job is toconvince your existing employer to let you work remotely. especially if you've been with thecompany for a few years.

the best way to go about it is puttogether a proposal and in the proposal talk about how you plan on going aboutthis. what the challenges will be and be honest with the challenges and howyou're going to overcome them. also make sure you look at it from your employer'sperspective. how is it going to benefit them? book a meeting with your boss andtake them through this proposal so that they know that you're serious. it usually helps to request a six monthsor 12 months sabbatical where you'll be working remotely because it's lessoverwhelming and it's a less of a commitment so that your boss can get a feel for how this will work and see how

things go. starting your own business. i recentlyjust started a business remotely called wifly nomads. it's a two-week retreatin bali where we teach people how to work remotely while traveling the world. so we covereverything from how to find the remote job all the way into the logistics ofbeing a digital nomad. if you're planning on starting a business remotely justkeep in mind it's gonna take a lot of time and patience and it might be alabor of love at the beginning. your income might fluctuate a bit but youwill have the freedom and flexibility of

being your own boss. you can essentially make anything abusiness remotely just pick something that you're passionate about to get youthrough those highs and the lows of running the business and being anentrepreneur. dropshipping is kind of a mystery to a lot of people but what it is is it's a retail fulfilment method where the seller or the merchantnever cease or handles the product. the only difference between standardretail and dropshipping is that the merchant doesn't own or stock inventory.dropshipping is an e-commerce business that is relatively easy to set up. think setting up a web store front

compared to a real store. so imagine an online store. you sell avariety of products about travel when a customer orders from your website thecustomer pays you for the product they order. you then order that same productfrom your brand supplier for lesser price. and brand send it directly tothe customer. you keep the difference as profit. i want to say this now. this is not a quick way to make money at all! it takes a while tobuild up readership or viewership for your blog or your channel. to choose thismethod as your job you really need to

pick a topic where you are passionateabout to build your blogger channel about it. and combine this with adiscipline to create videos and write blog post every week and to create morecontent for your peeps. a starting blogger or vlogger always has a side job sothey're either a freelancer or they're working full time job and doing this onthe side. when you do build up your audience you can start making money bypartnering with different brands or companies to create content for them oryou can put ads on your blog and on your video or you can... create a product! you can create an informative product

marketed through your blog or yourchannel. for example, an e-book on tasty indian cuisine, spreadsheet templates toplan social media campaigns, a video course on how to start a fashion blog, you can create your own merchandise and put your brand name or your brand mottoon it and then sell it. there's a lot of different products thatyou can create that people would need and want to buy. you can also find remotework through word of mouth and networking. make sure you tell everyone you knowwhat your expertise is and what your skill set is and that you're looking forwork. that way

if someone hears of an opportunity, they'llkeep you in mind. it also helps to go where digital nomads go whether that isa co-working space or online forums or facebook groups, because the chances are that they're going to be the people that know of these remote positions. coincidentally enough i met my bossthrough networking and word of mouth i was working at a co-working space and i mentioned what my skill set was and thati was available for work. one of the locals at the co-workingspace new friends that was looking for someone to fill in some more roll

so we met up and now i'm still workingfor that person till this day ok you also have to create youropportunities so by networking and word of mouth you'll see where the needs areand where you can fill the gap and where you can offer assistance. yes! reaching out and getting your skillsets out there is so important in building a successful remote career. all right travel bug, that was eightways to help you find remote online work so that you can start making money whiletraveling. thank you so much kate for joining ustoday!

thanks for having me! alright you, you're one step closer to becoming a location independent professional. be sure to subscribe to this channel formore videos and goodies on the way. i will see you next time!

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