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how to make money online without investment

0:00hello i'm john webster and i want to tellyou about this great new 0:04opportunity called pays forever and ifyou've got two dollars 0:08you're gonna love this because that'sall it cost to get you started and you 0:13can earn up to 18,000 384 dollars that'sa lot of money yet eighteen thousand 0:20three maybe four dollars and to startoff it's going to cost you $money to 0:24dollars and you can use the money thatyou make to do all the upgrades there's 0:29six levels altogether but you can actuallyuse you two dollars and some 0:34money and then use money from the moneyyou've made to upgrade to the next level 0:38which is only four dollars0:40we're talking small money here to get

you going to get you started get your0:43experience and then at the second level you're going to start to make a really0:48good money and i'm going to show you a way to actually double the money as well0:52this is a fantastic opportunity it's got everything inside the other thing you0:56really need is traffic may even help you with traffic it's basically it's newbie1:03friendly its low risk high income you get member to member payment so when you1:09earn some money from someone in your downline when they upgrade below you and1:13they pay you x and your new commissions you have to get paid direct from their1:18account to your account you know like savior in paypal days are they'll pay1:23you from their pays our account to pay

czar account or paypal to paypal so you1:27get your commission your earnings immediately more or less ok and all you1:31have to do is confirm that you were paid that's your job to do that confirm that1:36you received the payment then that person gets upgraded to the next level1:40and everybody's happy and i'm going to show you how this works let's just go1:44down this is when you click my link or anybody else's link that money you're1:47gonna go to a page like this and it's going to tell you all about it i'd1:51advise you to read it read this page and also click on the faq use frequently1:55asked questions and how it works 1:58that's what i'm doing right now so basicallywhen you join this system you

2:04pay $money to dollars and go is two dollars2:07this is the first level you play two dollars and as a member now you can2:12recruit 2:13people on the first level on level oneyou can recruit for people on level 1 so 2:18the maximum you learn is to dollars timesfor eight dollars and then you can 2:24keep on recruiting and anybody else thatyou include or four five six seven eight 2:28nine ten all those people just passeddown to your downline so it helps to 2:31fill up your downline quicker which youwant to happen you want everybody below 2:35you to fit all their levels as quicklyas they possibly can so don't stop at 2:40recruiting for go for as many as you possiblycan i was in one of these

2:44systems into the year ago and that 1irecruited over 200 people personally 2:51through my affiliate link and it was workingreally really good again so what 2:57i suggest you do is get your for you canget that by just telling for friends or 3:01four people you know their affiliate marketersjust a risk for dollars when 3:05they see the concept i didn't understandit and they'll know how it works and 3:08this is really really good because intotal you see here number of referrals 3:12you only have to recruit for 1664 84 peoplein total to fill your system and 3:20if everybody's recruiting for each andit's not going to take longer and this 3:25could happen quite quickly depending onthe members how serious they are if you

3:29seriously want to work at this and makemoney at this and easily earn your $18 3:33join me3:35ok and i'm going to show you how but you must work hard at this all these little3:40two dollars and four dollars and eighty dollars they add up to five hundred and3:44eighty dollars but they give you the facility to go to the next level and3:49then the big money 3:51you see when you include these peopleon the first three levels those 84 people 3:56are actually going to be the same 84 peopleon the second phase and what 4:02happens is your keep earning money hereand what you're doing it for two dollars 4:06or by some traffic and you also buy somedownloads for e-books and what you pay

4:12four dollars you get some more ebooksand you'll get some more traffic and 4:14when you pay eight dollars you get somemore traffic than ads and text ads and 4:19you'll also get some ebooks they're verygood ones but then when you start going 4:23to the next levels that we excellent ebooks4:26and began a lots and lots of traffic for banner ads and text ads so you are4:31selling traffic and you are selling ebooks so there is a product just to4:36make that point clear there is a product and you use your money after you've4:41earned this all this money on the first phase you're going to go on to the next4:46phase 4:47level four five six you'll pay fifty dollarsit's only one time just one time

4:52fee4:53yeah each one is a one-time fee and it's fifty dollars we're going to come from4:56well he learned 580 dollars 85-84 dollars you got there so you'll use5:03fifty dollars to upgrade and you can have four members will pay you fifty5:06dollars each 5:08they'll get ebooks and lots of trafficand advertising and takes advertising 5:12and you learn four times fifty dollars5:15you'll get two hundred dollars they getting their money's worth for their5:17values believe me now you can actually once you got this way when it does you5:22can actually upgrade to all three levels one after the other must get confirmed5:26before you can move on that by the person

you paid but that's quite5:30straightforward so there's no reason why if you get down there here you're5:35halfway down here and you've got a few hundred dollars no reason why and you5:39don't say this to me you pay whoever is in the downline because we'll be in5:43different positions and we're just looking at three levels and the same5:47three levels will actually fill the system for for you and that's where is5:51your money now the beautiful thing is what happens when you're burned you're5:54eighteen thousand dollars is that it 5:57no it's not because you're actually allowedto have more memberships you can 6:01have a second membership in this systembut you can't join on the next level

6:06underneath you6:07because then you it's it's breaking up the system its defeating the object of6:11the system and everything 6:12what you do is you join the third leveland you'll have a chance because the 64 6:16people filling up on this level and you'llsee which one is recruiting who's 6:20doing the right thing and that's the sortof person you want to join on that 6:23was stationed in theory help you spillover again like are we so yeah what you 6:28do is it says inside i'll tell you insidethe system but you can actually 6:31join under the third member there andyou can have a second account you have 6:36two accounts running side-by-side6:39and you can basically when you got the

one working well and its really folio6:43just start filling the other one yeah so you don't stop for this is this secret6:47to success with this you don't stop at for referrals you get as many as you can6:52but hopefully good quality people that want to work hard at it and make it6:56succeed they must recruit and they must increase the people below them in the7:00downline direct route and it's it's only three levels deep because the same7:04people work 7:05ok so i told you there is a product thismanner and service banner advertising 7:09here this is members in this system replacingbattery adverts for other 7:14products in other systems and they getcredits every time you are great you get

7:19more this money as you pay it to upgradeyou have to get more traffic banner ads 7:25and so on like these take stats here okayand runners and their work i've 7:29only been in this system is only a weekold have been it for a week and i've 7:33seen that these banner ads here they'reslow coming through 7:38slow and steady but they're not crap they'rereally good quality because i'm 7:42getting sales in other products just bybeing on this site as a member so the 7:46advertising is really good too7:48this is a new product and people are coming to this page to see it so it7:52getting all these opportunities here and i really recommend this system putin ok7:57so lots of potential you can earn money

good money8:02it's very fair to everybody it's not just the people at the top because8:05there's only three levels 8:06ok so it's only three level so every thirdlevel is going to be new members 8:11so there's no girls involved in this8:12it's all about you and you take an action so it's a fantastic opportunity8:17so go to this click on the link and go here and take a look at the link is8:21underneath the video 8:22ok so go and have a look at it go to thehow it works page there it's going to 8:27explain more about it how it works8:29okay then it's going to tell you how it works it's going to show you that8:32there's these downloadable products they'll

come across the page so they are8:35waiting for that they'll come across there and putting these adverts on here8:41is so easy you just click on the left-hand side of your page when you8:44remember it'll be a different color but it's so easy and the most important8:48thing when you join this 8:50let's go inside and click on the faq frequentlyasked questions it will tell 8:54you all the things you need to know youdidn't need to have to payment systems 8:58out of three8:59they've got solid trust pay pay czar and paypal which is great that everybody's9:04got paper almost people have got it i'm going to log in here and so first thing9:12you do when you got your new account is

you click on the link you become a9:17member so you're free member underneath me9:19ok but then you need to put you need to upgrade just a two dollars to your first9:24level that's all you need and it will tell you how to upgrade you just take9:27down here on upgrade account and you'll go to the first level you submit your9:31poem payment and has to be approved explains it all down here and when you9:36click to upgrade account it tells you how to do it there is a little system9:40that you must follow it's very very important to follow the system you see9:45basically if you pay somebody in my downline and you have to just copy the9:50code and paste it into the payment system

maint a pout9:55so we've got that code and then you have to send them the receipt from for9:59example paper together see if there's an id receipt number you got just send that10:03to them and then they approve it for you10:06it's just a system that's in there and it works very very well in many systems10:10like this so just follow the instructions instructions will come up10:14as you upgrade you pay two dollars 10:16yes we have to pay just need two dollarsto get started and then use the system 10:20i'm actually upgraded to other levelsas well before any money because i'm so 10:25confident in this here you can clickon ads at banner ads and text and things

10:29all that but the first thing you mustdo is go to my payment info when you're 10:34inside and you remember why payment infoi've put that woman pays are solid trust 10:41pay and paypal you can also use bitcoinyou need to be in really paypal is good 10:47solid trust pay days are two of thoseand to assist you must be at these two 10:52of these 360 million pays our paypaland solid trust pay you spends three of 10:57those and then no do misses out on upgradesand parents everybody gets 11:01their paid11:01ok 11:02it's really great challenge anybody tofind a flaw in this fantastic system 11:07it's very fair is very low risk and youtwo dollars and don't move on unless you

11:12weren't money back11:14simple as that but don't stop at four people get as many as you can11:17now one last little thing i'm giving a great offer for you from the fifteenth11:22of august anybody who joins through my downline i'm gonna give you a pdf which11:28is going to tell you lots of ways to get traffic lots of ways to promote most of11:32them are either free or very low-cost ways to get traffic to your offer and11:37anyone who joins through my affiliate link john webb 63 will get this from the11:43fifteenth of august if you've got it off me then you can give it to someone else11:47as well so they won't have to join through my link they can join through11:50yours

11:51i just want you to feel your downlineand use this information my downline is 11:55your downline and we're a team and weshould work like a team helped everybody 11:59was a member underneath you12:00okay thanks very much click on my affiliate link the link underneath the12:05video go there and then click join now just be a free member you must upgrade12:10within three days or else you will be eliminated from the system12:15what would be called the time waster don't waste time start now take action12:21do this 12:22have a look at my pdf that you're goingto get from the fifteenth of august ok 12:282016 and take a look at that trial themethods you will find something that

12:34works for you12:35thank you very much for listening and good luck to you and don't forget you12:38can also email me ask me questions as always don't waste too is good just as12:44many questions but you will find faq is here are the top of the page there's12:48lots of things that help you out 12:51thanks very much try this and do takea look at the earnings disclaimer because 12:56nothing is guaranteed in this world onething i will guarantee is if you don't 13:00take action13:01nothing's gonna happen so you must take action i'll try to show you some ways13:05that work for me and i know they work for me too13:09so anyway thanks very much for listening

and good luck to everybody

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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