so how do you getfree products to review on your youtube channel? in this video, i'm gonnashare seven of my top tips. coming up. (fun music) - hey, what's up, guys, seanhere with think media tv helping you go further faster in media and on this channel wedo tech gear reviews, video gear reviews butalso strategy videos
just like this one. so if you're new here,consider subscribing and hey, at any point during this video, check out links and show notesin the description below. i'll put a summary of this episode as well as the resourcesthat i talk about as well. let's get into the video. so one of the super cool things about building your influence on youtube
is that you can get free productsto review on your channel and this is powerful becausesometimes those product reviews don't just get you free stuff and there is not just the ways to monetize those product reviews but also they can build your brand because if you pick a good product, it can attract an audience that would be interested in your channel.
they don't know you yet butthey are looking for products so they end up finding you. so product reviews are very powerful but how do you get free stuffto review on your channel? well, my first really big tip is i think the most important thing and that is to really picka niche for you channel. i found that even ifyou're just starting out or you have a smaller youtube channel,
if you have a focused niche then you can get free stuff really well. on the other hand, if yourchannel's really general, it's sometimes a lot harder. for example, one of themembers of our course, video ranking academy, his name's jaben and he has a barbecue channelso it's everything barbecue. how to barbecue meat, ribs, chicken, barbecue accessories,all those types of things
and when his channel was onlya few hundred subscribers, he was already getting freeaccessories from companies. he got a free meat sponsor. he got a bunch of cool stuff as far as barbecue accessories, spices, rubs, all those types of things. why? because his channel hadsuch a focused niche, right? so one of the mostpowerful tips i can give
when you're trying to get products is actually to start with your branding and to try to really pick one area. that way, companies at a snapshot within five seconds can say, okay, i get what this channel's all about and i can see that this wouldbe good alignment for us to work with this person. tip number two is to thenstart researching companies.
so where do you findcompanies to work with? so a couple things that i like to do is first go to google, right, to spend blocks of time anddo some research on google. another way is hashtags. hashtags on instagram,hashtags on twitter. it could be a good way to seewho is in different spaces, finding companies to work with and one of the big tips here
is that no matter how big your channel is, whether you're just startingout, a few hundred subscribers or even if you have 100,000 or more, typically companies likemicrosoft, apple, huge companies, those usually aren't the companies that work with youtubers as often, right? it's usually gonna be thoseb or c level companies that are gonna be moreopen to working with you so that's kinda just a caveat.
and so doing the researchand another huge tip here is you actually could lookat other youtube channels that are a similar size to you and look at what videosthey're potentially doing that are product reviews orsponsored videos or brand deals. what that'll tell youis that those companies are open to working with a youtuber that has 500 subscribers, 700 subscribers. makes sense.
so when you see the peopleyou're following in your space, if they're gettingbrand deals at that size and you're a similar sizeor maybe a little bigger, you could probably jump into that same conversation if that was a product thatyou are interested in. tip number three isthen to create your list of ideal companies you wouldwant to get free stuff from and so in this case ilike to do google docs and on there you wanna put their website,
put their twitter handle. that's a great place to reach out and we'll talk about that in a bit and also if you can figureout who the contacts are from that company, like who'stheir director of marketing or who's their social media manager and one hack that i likehere is i've actually and i've done this successfullyfrom start to finish is i actually go to linkedin
and i type in the company name and then you can see whoworks at that company, right, and it'll say their jobrole and their job position so that way i figured out who the social media marketing director of one particular companythat i worked with and then i found them on twitter and that's where istarted the conversation and so that's why youwanna get all of this data.
this is the data that you're gonna use to reach out to different companies to start the conversationto get free stuff. so at this point, you'veclarified the branding on your youtube channel, you've began researchingcompanies and creating your list but tip number four isto actually make sure that you already have someproduct review videos done or some videos reviewing products
or creatively showing off products done before you reach out to the company and the way to get started with this is to just spend the money, review something that's around your house, review, if you're in the beauty space, to review some beauty products even if you just buy them from the store. this is huge because what you wanna do
when you give that first impression is show that you actually already have a history ofvideos that they can reference, a body of work, a littlebit of a portfolio. you maybe only want maybeone to four examples but it's good to get those on your channel so you have momentum evenif you're just starting out. you're probably not gonna get any yeses if you send a link to your youtube channel
but can't show thatyou have a body of work and some examples that they could expect you reviewing their product to look like. so make sure to upload oneto four product reviews ahead of time before you reach out. so now tip number five is toactually email the company. so if you go back to your list, you figured out what their email is and sometimes the email's better
if it's maybe their press email, it's maybe their marketing email or maybe it's just their general email and you can reach out to them and so you wanna put togetheran email that's professional, that's mentioning that youhave a youtube channel, mentioning that you do review products, ask them if they ever workedwith youtubers before, give a couple links to yourwork and here's the big thing.
always be focused onwhat is the win for them. you never would wannastart an email and say, hey, i really love getting free stuff and will you send me some free stuff? more like, i love to promote products that will addvalue to my audience. i'm super passionate about this arena and i would love to spreadthe word about your product. always just take yourwhole kind of thinking
and have it be around the win for them, what's in it for them? try to put yourself in the shoes of the person receiving the email that would say, man,this is a cool person, it sounds like i'd wanna work for them and that they're passionateabout our success, they're passionate aboutgetting the word out about our product.
so the next thing is to email them and then number six is tofollow up with social media and so my favorite platformfor this is twitter and i found that mostbrands and most companies are on twitter so typicallyafter i've sent off the email, i tweet their account and say either, sometimes i start theconversation there and i just ask, hey, do you ever work with tech youtubers? that's my niche so insert your niche.
do you ever work with beautyyoutubers or beauty influencers or do you ever work withbarbecue youtube channels, right, and insert that and thenshare a link to your channel but the other thing thati would do is with twitter is i'll say, hey, i just sent you an email about possibly collaborating on a project. just wanted to giveyou a heads up, no rush and that tweet is just another signal 'cause you gotta remember
just because they don'tnecessarily even respond is maybe because theydidn't see it, right? a lot of times, companies,people, they're so busy and so i found out that following up in multiple ways on multiple channels could be a great way of gettingthe attention of a brand and it's probably importantto add a caveat there that again persistence is powerful. the reason you have that list
is 'cause maybe you wannago through the list once, maybe you feel discouraged. you're like, nobody really replied. leave a break, add somenew things to the list, create more videos and thengo back to the same list and reach out again. persistence is powerful. so just because somebodywas silent one time doesn't mean that they won'tpotentially work with you
and send you some cool stuff to review. just have kind of a rhythm. i like to maybe once a quartergo back through the list and re-reach out, re-ping thepeople that i'm interested in working with and i've seen that then maybe a quarter later, half a year later that then something ends up happening. so don't get discouraged. keep persistent andyou'll get great results.
and tip number sevenis once they reply back and send you some freestuff is make the video and then after you've put out the content, always follow up with anemail saying here's a link 'cause sometimes they justmight not see it, right, and even if you post on social, they might not be aware so follow up and also ask them if they would want to potentially work with you again
and a lot of things that you can do especially if you're just starting out is maybe you have to putextra hustle in upfront but once you've proven yourself, you can kind of level up, right? so they might say, man,that was a great video. we wanna give you thismore expensive thing or take things to the next level. so once it's done, let them know about it.
and then one extra power tipthat i found to be really cool for starting conversationsto get free stuff for your youtube channel to review is to go to live events so whatever event. i mean, whether it's a wedding convention, a tech convention, a beauty, it seems like every niche, fitness, every niche has conventions, right, and so when you get faceto face with people,
that can be some of the best ways to start conversations withbrands and companies in person that you can then take online and you can get hands onwith the products there and then eventually they might say, sure, we'll send these to you. we'll comp these to youif you do a review video. so that's one thing to also look into for getting free stuff toreview on your youtube channel.
question of the day. what is the focus and nicheof your youtube channel? remember, that's the most important thing. so post exactly what youryoutube channel is about in the comment section. so hey, i hope thatthese tips were helpful and if you're interested ingoing a little bit deeper, i just put together anexclusive video training. you can get it at
and it actually breaks down a case study and some tips of how iwas able to build a side, part-time and eventuallya full-time income getting free products and doingproduct reviews on youtube. so i'll link that up inthe description below as well as on the youtube card. so thank you so much forchecking out this video. definitely subscribe formore videos just like this and share this video with maybe somebody
who's trying to build their influence and their income on youtubeand wants to get free stuff and do brand deals andsponsorships and things like that. definitely check out that training at createawesomereviews.comand until next time, think media tv is helping yougo further faster in media. keep crushing it and we will talk soon. hi. we're going?
okay. oh yeah, that was a bad idea. (dog barking) (beep)
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