i'm sanna garrett-smith executive vice presidentwith myecon. today we are going to talk about the business tax advantages of owning a homebased business. in this example you have three couples, they all make $70,000 piece and theyall have two kids. if you don't own a business, the government is not going to allow you totake advantage of the tax deduction, max amount of tax deductions, your only going to geta few deductions with the government because you don't own anything. we going to be ableto show you how to plug all those holes. couple number one, and they all have their standarddeductions of $28,000, so their paying taxes on $42,000, couple number one. couple numbertwo decided to get them a part time job. see as a society we were conditioned that if youwant more money get you another job. the acronym
"job" stands for "just owe broke" becauseyour busy jumping out of bed. so they put themselves in a higher tax bracket but theyhave all of these holds inside of their paycheck. their struggling because they wanted moremoney they are away from their family even more. couple number three decided to get thema home based business. folks let me tell you, if you own a business, there are over 400tax deductions you can take advantage of with the government. lets cover a few. if you havea car, you get to drive your car and get to write of $.56 and a half cents for every onemile you drive your car. you get to write off your expenses or your mileage but youcan't do both. the mileage changes throughout the year so if fluctuates based upon the gas.meals! if you talk your business to someone
you get to write off 50% of your meal youwere going to eat anyways. communications! got a cell phone, using the internet rightnow, guess what, if you own a business your able to write that off. so couple number threeare able to write off over $25,000, but they make $12,000 from their business. their ableto change their w-4 forms from their employer and increase the amount of allowances thatthey are claiming because they own a business. now they have sheltered their hard earnedmoney. here the difference between how poor/middle class people think verses wealth people think.poor/middle class people they earn their money, first. their taxed on it, second. then theytry to invest or spend what is left over. but wealthy people, they earn their moneyfirst, they spend it second because they get
to shelter all their hard earned money, andthen they get to be taxed on anything that is left over. there is a difference, it'sa mindset, it's a culture. if you want to learn more how to shelter your hard earnedmoney from your employer and increase your income from your job anywhere from $300 to$1000 a month, click on the link below and we will give you the key to access three videothat show you how to increase your income, tnt, "tonight not tomorrow". i'm sanna garrett-smith.i'll look forward to reconnecting with you. have a fantastic day.
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