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- gracie jiu-jitsu, the gracie diet and today, it's amazing,i have rorion gracie here, his father, who is actually right here is the man who createdbrazilian jiu-jitsu, and his son here, rorion,brought brazilian jiu-jitsu to the united states, wasa cocreator of the ufc in 1993, which is now everywhere you go, you've got mixed martialarts, and it really comes back to his family, so he was niceenough to come by the house

and i wanted to just share with you some very important things,not just about diet, but about philosophy on life,overcoming stress, worry, how to discipline yourself,how to create a daily routine, you know, really howto transform your life, so thank you for coming. - my pleasure, thank you very much. - he's a ninth degree redbelt, this belt right here is the highest beltyou can get, his father

is a tenth degree, onlythe founders of jiu-jitsu, the brothers here, and sothere's only a few people that have the red belt ninth degree. - that's correct.- yeah. - a handful of people around the world. - and your sons, rener, he's a black belt. - yes, yes. - to become a red belt ... - you have to be at least 50, so they have

a ways to go. - yeah, 'cause the coralbelt comes in between. - that is correct, yeah. the black belt goes up to six degrees, and then seventh andeighth are coral belts, and then ninth is red.- is red. - oh, okay, yeah, they'vebeen doing jiu-jitsu, there's a cool picturehere, he had his gi on before he was even old enough to remember,

you probably don't remember that picture. (men laugh) awesome, i got the jiu-jitsu flag here, brazilian flag, the usone on the highest there, so this is where i do brazilian jiu-jitsu, i am a blue belt, so i havea long way to go, but ... - but you're advancing, you got a red belt in other subjects, i figure. - no, not a red belt, nota red belt, maybe a brown,

in some other areas. the gracie diet, i'm herewith the founder of the ufc, mixed martial arts, rorion gracie, his father is also the founderof brazilian jiu-jitsu, a lot of you have seen onmy social media and snapchat that i do brazilian jiu-jitsuand he was nice enough to come here and talk,and we're gonna talk about all kinds of stuff that's important, you know, how to discipline themind, one of the most common

questions i get is how toovercome procrastination, discipline yourself, build adaily routine that's productive and then we're gonna alsotalk about the gracie diet, which is very, you know, the gracie family is in the guinness book of world records for the most professionalathletes in one family. there's i think something like 50 to 70 professional athletes and so this diet not only is, you know, for health

but as part of a whole lifestyle and so thank you for coming. - my pleasure, thank you verymuch for the opportunity. - very honored that you're here. maybe we could start,for somebody watching, the story of how brazilianjiu-jitsu came about, how your father started it, how you, this is a picture, actually,of you, right here, when he was very ...- a baby.

- one years old or twoyears old with a gi on, practicing jiu-jitsu, for those of you who don't know much aboutbrazilian jiu-jitsu, if you watch any ufc fightingnow, any mma fighting, they call it mixed martialarts 'cause they do a combination of boxing and striking, but the foundation of mixed martial arts is really brazilian jiu-jitsu, because your family came to america,

when was it, 94, you started the ufc? - 93, actually. - 93, and nobody couldbeat the gracie family. everybody was doing karate,they were doing boxing, they were wrestling, iremember watching the first ufc one, two, three, and youknow, one skinny gracie family member came and just nobody could, how many did he win? - he won three ufcs.

- he won the first three against people, that was when there was no weight classes. - that's right, no weightclasses, no time limits. - no time limits, people were elbowing, it was vicious, and he was about, he's your, how's he related to you? - royce is my little brother. - that's your brother. - yes.

- okay, so royce came in andhe's probably 170 pounds. - something like that, yeah,75 or something like that. - yeah. - he was the lightest guyin the event for sure. - that was a very good exampleof what proper technique can do, so he went in thereand put on a nice show and ultimately changed the world. - yeah, it's changed the world. now there's your family,your sons have schools,

i mean, there's schools around the world. i train, i was just down in san diego. i just trained, i found agracie jiu-jitsu academy, trained there, almostevery country in the world has something, i was in norway, they're doing gracie jiu-jitsu. - it's all over the place. - so what's the story forsomeone who doesn't know? take us back over 100 years ago.

- (laughs) thank youagain for the opportunity. it's great to be here. - no, thank you. - a former jiu-jitsuinstructor came to brazil about 100 years ago, early 1900s, as an aide to the japaneseimmigration colony. - was he from japan? - he was from japan. - okay, and my grandfather, gastao,

was a very influentialman in brazil at the time, so he helped the japanesegentleman get settled in northern brazil, andto show his gratitude, the japanese instructoroffered to teach jiu-jitsu to my then 13-year-old uncle carlos. who was the oldest of eightkids, five of 'em were boys. uncle carlos was kind of a wild kid, but as soon as he startedlearning jiu-jitsu, he found himself in that andfell in love with the art,

trained under the japaneseinstructors for a few years and when the family movedfrom northern brazil to rio, he then started teachingjiu-jitsu with his friend, and his brothers, my dad,helio, was physically a very frail child. - he was a small one in the family, right? - he was younger than the other ones, also he was 11 years youngerthan my uncle carlos, but still had a very frail health,

he would run up a flight ofstairs and have fainting spells. - wow. - nobody knew exactly why,so the doctors at the time recommended he be kept away from any kind of physical activity.- wow. - so my dad used to watch hisbrothers practice jiu-jitsu. nothing else to do, notelevision, just kind of spend the day watching hisbrothers, until one day when he was 16 years old,a student came for a class

and my uncles are notaround to teach the class, so my father offered toteach the man a lesson, and the guy agreed, okay, kid, let's play, my father stepped on the matand taught the man a lesson. - huh. - when uncle carlosshowed up very apologetic, i'm sorry, i'm late to the class, the student said, listen,i had a class with your little brother, helio, and i liked it,

in fact, i want to behis student from now on. my dad was promoted to bea teacher by his student. - what the old man soonrealized is that the techniques he had memorized require certain amount of physical ability and strength and speed which he did not have.- okay. - so through trial anderror, he started modifying the traditional japanesetechniques that the brothers were practicing and giving more emphasis

to natural body movements,simpler, shorter moves, better timing, betterleverage and so forth and that modifications is what gave birth to what's known today as gracie jiu-jitsu or brazilian jiu-jitsu,so my dad did not invent jiu-jitsu, he just made iteasier for the little guy, like he liked to explain himself as. in order to test thesechanges in a martial art, you can't just theorize about that,

so he started issuing challengesto everybody in brazil and becoming verysuccessful in the matches against different styles of martial arts. - so he would justfight, he would put a ... i heard he would putsomething in the newspaper, anybody come fight meor something like that. - uncle carlos startedwith that, you know, if you're gonna have abroken arm or a broken rib, call me, carlos at suchand such an address.

- you know that's gonnaget men, men are macho, they're gonna show up andbe, like, who is this guy? - but ultimately my dadstarted challenging everybody and defeating everybody andbecame the first sports icon in brazil's history.- wow. - now back in the 30s,pele the soccer player wasn't even born, so there was nobody else in terms of sports thatthe brazilian youth had to root for, and likei said, the old man became

this iconic figure that'sbeyond anything else. - and he's, for peoplewho know the belt system, you see him and hisbrother and the brothers are the only red belt tenth degree. - yes, that's many years later. - that's the highest. - the highest. - and you're a ninth degree. - i'm a ninth degree, yes.

- red belt, which is thehighest you can get because ... - because i'm not the founder. - okay. - yes, anyway, so my dadstarted challenging everybody, becoming this huge guyin brazil, very popular, the family became very, youknow, defeating everybody, stuff like that, very successful, and then fought thelongest fight in history, one round of three hours and 40 minutes.

- wow, who was that against? - volda massentena$, aformer student of his at the academy. - was he japanese ... - no, not japanese, a brazilian guy, 25 years old, my dad was43 years old at the time and the fight was justcrazy long, anyways, so ... - wait, who won? - ultimately, the guy won the fight.

- but it took three hours. - three hours and 40 minutes,and my father basically lost through exhaustion, eventually, he eventually was just sotired he couldn't take it anymore, but anyways ...- wow. - there was a very impressivefight and both of them and stuff like that, so mydad becoming this huge guy in brazil, for me wasgrowing up as if i was living with superman.- right.

- you know, everybody knewthe old man like a movie star, wherever he goes, he's verypopular, that kind of stuff, and it was great to be bornup in a family like this and just everybody knows,it's a very convenient stuff. when i was 16 years old, i decided to come to the united states, soi saved money for a year, teaching my private class,which i started teaching very young and in thegracie family you don't have much of a choice of how earlyyou start doing jiu-jitsu,

you're pretty conceived for this. (laughs) - you have a grandson that's how old? - i have 10 grandchildren. - 10 grandchildren, andthey start when they're ... - he just started.- one year, six months. - there's a diaper, andthen there's a kimono to hide the diaper, you know, anyways, so i start saving money byteaching classes, stuff like that and then at 17 i came to the united states

to spend a month's vacation,i found that right before i came that if i was a member of the ymca, i would have a one dollar discount, which for me at thetime was a lot of money, so i was saving my moneyand stuff like that, i stayed at the ymca in hollywood. - oh really.- yes. - so you mean to sleep? - to sleep.- oh wow.

- at the time ...- not to go to the gym. - no, no, no, to sleep,they were like a hostel at the time, peoplewould come in and sleep, so i joined the ymca inbrazil a month before i came so i could get the id and become a member, so i came here and stayed at the ymca and for security reasons,i didn't wanna leave my cash and my return ticket in my room, so i gave to the receptionistto put in the safe

of the company, which she did. a week later, when i wentto get some more cash, i found out that thereceptionist had stolen my cash and my ticket, so i calledthe manager and he said i'm very sorry, i'm gonnagive you a couple of bucks to buy a sandwich, but i'mnot buying you a new ticket, call the airline company, which i did. they told me that it'sgonna take 'em six months to make sure nobody used myticket so they could give me

a new one.- wow. - so i did not want toleave my father, you know, worried about it, so icalled my dad in brazil, say, dad, guess what, i loveamerica, i'm gonna be here for at least another six months. (interviewer laughs) - so fate, fate. - i didn't tell the oldman that, fate indeed, yes, i didn't tell the old man thati had no money, no ticket,

didn't speak english, didn't know anybody, he would have a heart attack,so i learned very early on in my life ...- how old were you? - 17. - you weren't even 18, andyou were in a new country. - that's right. - no money. - no money, no nothing, yeah. i learned very early on in my life

that all bad thingshappen for a good reason. no matter what ...- huh. - 100%, no doubt.- you think all ... - no doubt, i'm a living example of that. - but do you think youhave to recognize that and turn it into good,because sometimes people, something bad happensand they get so depressed they never learn from it. - that's right, that's the trick.

if they can turn things around and say, wait, what's the good in itfor me, it changes immediately. always, look at alldifferent, how do i say, crossroads in your lifewhere something very very bad happened, ultimately it's for the good, it will create some new opportunity, that's what i see hashappened to me many times. - anyways, but just thequestion of looking at things, a person can see a glasshalf-full, half-empty,

depends on the way you see the things. for me, worked out wellto understand and accept that mindset, okay, soi find myself eventually looking for work and findmyself flipping hamburgers at a place called white castle. doing the burgers.- yeah, yeah. - and then my trip that wasgonna be a month-long trip stretched out to be a yearlong trip, that's 1970. find myself for a fewdays really struggling,

no money, panhandling on street corners, asking for spare change so i could eat, sleeping on newspaper on the sidewalk, all that is part of growing up. and ultimately after oneyear, bought the ticket, went back to brazil,everything worked out fine, but all i could think about is america, i got hooked, i lovedthe idea of, you know, land of opportunity, beingable to support myself

at 17, 18 years old for a year, and it was fascinating, you know. saw jimi hendrix inconcert a couple of times. - wow.- yes. and so anyways, a greatexperience, made some good friends, and then i spent two yearsafter returning to brazil, i spent two years savingmoney so i could come back to the states, which i didin 72, visit some friends for a few months, andthen went back to brazil,

went to law school inbrazil, graduated law school, i'm an attorney, i never practiced law, but i have a law degree, andthen after finishing law school in '78, i decided it was timeto come back to united states and share the jiu-jitsuthat my family had perfected with the rest of theworld, it was my dream. so i came back, i first stayedwith this friend of mine whose mother was an actress,so i would stay, you know, she would go to work in the studios

and i would be home alone. - but i can't be doingnothing, i had to do something, so i'm washing the windows,i'm cleaning the bathrooms, i'm cooking dinner, cutting the grass, anything to show appreciationfor her letting me stay at her place and before you know it, i start looking for work, and she said, what do you want to do, i said, anything, do you wanna clean other people's homes,

i said, of course, so istart calling her friends, she starts calling herfriends, saying hey, my friend rorion is a great cleaner, send him over here, overhere, so i'm cleaning everybody's house, right,a whole bunch of ladies, everybody in the business, and eventually i land on the house ofa woman whose husband was the assistant director of a tv show, starsky and hutch.- yeah, yeah.

- and 35 years ago, she says, hey, you're not a bad-looking guy, how come you're not in the movie business, i said, that's right, how come i'm not in the movie business, soshe said take some pictures and my husband will takeyou to our casting office and you'll start doing extra work, and i said done.- oh wow. - so i got my broom and istarted doing extra work,

fantasy island, hill streetblues, heart to heart, rockford files, quincy, you know, love boat.- from brazil to hollywood. - right to hollywood, sonow i'm doing extra work in the movies, having fun with that, and at the same time ileft the lady's house, rented a house with some friends of mine, put some mats in my garage, and every person i metinvited for a free class.

- so i'm working in moviesas an extra five days a week and teaching class saturdays and sundays. - as my schedule got busyand i started working more and more here, i startedcutting down the hours working in the movies andteaching more classes. - right. - so first class is on the house, i happen to be an amazing teacher, people are gonna fall inlove with the class for sure,

and then if you likeit, you bring a friend, you get you another free class. if you bring 10 friends,i get you 10 free classes, and that's how the wordwas spreading around. it was not uncommon, istarted teaching class in my garage in 1979, early '80s, that somebody would say, hold on, my former kung-fu instructoror karate, tae kwon do or wrestling or boxingor judo, does not believe

in jiu-jitsu, he thinksthat i'm wasting my time training with you, he wants to challenge, he wants to challenge you to a fight, would you accept that, isaid, of course, bring him in, so the guy would bring theirmartial arts instructor to challenge me to a no-holdsbarred fight in my garage in third street, hermosa beach. - hmm. - and of course, i'll tell my students,

on tuesday night, at eighto'clock, some kung-fu guy is showing up. - so you have everybody watch. - everybody come in and watch. - some of those are on youtube,maybe, is it your brother, rickson, is rickson your brother? - yeah, rickson's my brother, yes. - 'cause i've seen some challenges. - there's some challengesfrom the old days.

- the kung-fu guy always loses. (laughs) - kung-fu is like othermartial arts, they're all good, they're just limitedon their possibilities. you know, it's not my fault. - [host] they're notcompletely rounded out. - that's right, it's not myfault, somebody had to be number one, i just happened to be it. so the bottom line is this, so these guys from different styles of martial arts

kept coming to thehouse and challenging me over and over and over, hundreds of times, in a 10-year span. - wow, really, that many times? - yes, hundreds of times,i'm bringing someone tonight, great, bring him. - did you win every time? - it's not me, it's what i know. - the sport, not the sport, the skill.

- as we say in brazil,in a blind man's land, he who has one eye is king. - [host] right. - you know what i mean? because the striking martialarts, karate, kung-fu, boxing, tae kwon do, theyrely on punching, right, and it's okay that you can punch someone if the guy's bigger,heavier, and stronger, you can knock him out, great,but if you are fighting

someone who's bigger heavierand stronger than you and you rely on the punch,even if you punch him in the face and break his nose, that doesn't mean he's gonna stop. - he cannot get a hold ofyou, throw you on the ground, then if you don't know howto deal with the grappling aspect of it, you're very limited. - and the realism thatmy father had adapted and implemented on thejiu-jitsu techniques that we do

is to deal with a personwho's bigger, heavier, and stronger and wants tocrush you on the ground also. - [host] 'cause that's usuallythe most dangerous situation. - of course. - you get attacked bysomebody, for women, too. - of course, that's therealistic situation, you don't want to fight alittle five year old kid, it's the kid's father thatwill have you worried about, you know, the guy is big strongand wants to beat you up,

so you have to know how todefend yourself from that. it's not even a questionof beating them up but knowing enough thatyou won't get hurt. - that's the science. - of jiu-jitsu especially, anyways, so the guys would come and challenge me and we had a bunch of challengemats and stuff like that, and like i said, after10 years it dawned on me that i could not be in agarage challenging one person

at a time to show the world about it, that's not the way togo, you gotta, you know, and then we rented a littleschool in torrance, you know. - [host] the school that's still there? - no. - [host] in torrance. - it was in torrance also, yes. and people say, gosh, howcome you stayed in torrance, you know, and i said ihave so many cop friends

that were coming to haveclass with me on the garage, you know, and i said, you know,these guys are my friends, sometimes my left foot igo faster than i should at a stop sign, and theysay, hold on, go slow, see you in class tonight, andi say, i'm not getting out of this town, so that'swhy i kind of stay around the neighborhood, anyway, soafter hundreds of challenges and things like that, itdawned on me that i could be doing this with one-on-onein a garage or even

a small school intorrance, that's the videos you were talking about, the ones we have of the academy in torrance, the first one, some challenge matches, andsome of the gracie in action dvds that we have, sowhat happens after those, it dawned on me, i can't do this, so i came up with theconcept of creating the ufc, where you can showcase to the world different styles of martialarts fighting against

one another in a three-fightelimination round, eight fighters, they fight each other, the losers get out, theykeep fighting each other until we have one guydefeating everybody that night. - and that was when therewas no weight classes. - no weight classes, no time limits. - how many years was that? - that was the first five ufcs. - first five ufcs.

- yes, that's when i wasinvolved in ufc, those days, and because for me it wasvery important to allow different styles ofmartial arts to do anything and everything they wanted,you couldn't have rules, you know, the idea ofthe octagon, for example, i've seen, i've been in enoughfights that you can't see if the guys are getting beatup, he wants to run away between the ropes in aboxing ring, but the idea of the cage is so the guy can't run away,

in fact, movie director john milius who was a student of mine at the time, invited me to be a creative director and john and i came up withthe concept for the octagon, you know, we thought ofa moat of alligators, shark tank around, so ifthe guy want to run away, he would get chewed upby sharks and stuff, but ultimately we settled for the octagon, it turned out to be a greatidea, still happening today.

- they still call it the octagon. - yes, yes, so it worked out great. so with that said of course,i think i mentioned to you i was ... - how old were you, so this was in 1994 when you started ufc? - '93. - '93, sorry. - the first one, yeah, i was47, 48, something like that.

so eventually the thingof course exploded, it caught on big time, it wasa very successful experience, you know, and it just turnedout to be a great showcase opportunity for jiu-jitsu, and the message and the dream i had ofmaking people realize the importance of knowingjiu-jitsu was done, i mean, after the first event,the us army calls me up and said, mr. gracie,we saw the little guy beat the big guy, we need to learn this,

and asked me to createthe program for them, which i did, that for the last 25 years has been the officialhand-to-hand combat program for the us army. - really, that you created. - yes, the fbi, thesecret service, the dea, border patrol, every majorfederal law enforcement agency in the country and awhole bunch of pds ... - [host] secret service, imean, and special forces.

- everybody, yeah, allof the trained jiu-jitsu, the whole thing's official,it's all over the place, which is great. - nice group of friends tohave, you know? (laughs) - great group to have behind you. - that's right, so oncethis stuff exploded and kind of the dream isfulfilled, i'm like this, you know, now what, so afew years ago, as you know, the boys came up, ryron and rener, came up

with the idea of gracieuniversity, which now has ... - [host] it's an online school. - it's an online school thatyou can learn jiu-jitsu online, it has reached, you know,ridiculous amount of people, the united nations has 193nations affiliated to it, gracie university has 196 countries. - more than the united nations. - we're welcome in morecountries than the united nations which is an amazing idea, brilliant idea,

was a very dedicated pushing that button to make it happen andso forth, but for me, it's, like, jiu-jitsu is onthe fast track, now what? - [host] yeah. - and one day, about five years ago, i had this epiphany, it's the health. - [host] the health part. - the health part. - because one thingpeople should understand

is that is jiu-jitsu,people who practice it, it's not just fighting,it's a whole way of thinking about life, a discipline ... - yeah, jiu-jitsu does impactyour level of confidence, and when you're confident, itchanges a lot of the aspects, or the prospects thatyou have in life, i mean, the whole thing changes,one thing is you walk around insecure, the other one is a businessman, if you are confidenton your possibilities,

you deal with that meeting ina way that is very different. - so the confidence aspectof jiu-jitsu is really impactful in one's life,so there's that side to it, and of course the exercise and the fitness and all that good stuff,but the diet is beyond that. - yeah, and so you wrote this book, how long ago did you write this? - four and a half, five years ago. - five years ago, the graciediet, and i've read this before

and you brought me another copy. - and the key thing, and oneof the things for people, there are so many diets outthere, the unique thing, one of the unique things about this diet is it's big on food combinations. - because a lot of diets say,don't eat bread, you know, if you're ketogenic, don'teat fruit or eat lots of fruit and yours is much moreabout you can eat it but not together.

- the concept of theidea of the gracie diet, developed by my uncle carlos, by the way, as soon as my dad and hisbrothers are getting involved in the early days in competing, fighting, pretty much running the academy, uncle carlos was the firstone to learn jiu-jitsu in the gracie family, took a step back, became the manager for the brothers and started studying howto keep everybody healthy.

they are not big strongguys, they couldn't afford to have a headache beforea fight or a toothache or a stomachache, youknow what i'm saying, or heartburn, if you're gonnafight, it's gonna impact your performance, herealized very early on the close correlation between good health and good performance, if youhave to do a speech tomorrow and you have one grainof rice on your shoe, it's gonna mess up your speech,

because that little grain ofrice becomes a distraction. - let alone an ulcer or aheartburn or a headache, so you can't just wonder ifthat's gonna happen or not. people are so accustomedto feel good one day and bad on the other, good one day, they don't know theingredients of their food, therefore, if your body's alkaline, you feel great the whole time, there's no headaches,there's no stomachaches,

nothing, every worksperfect, by some drives, people are just guided by the pleasure of what they're eating,and pleasure becomes the determining factorwhy they eat this or that 'cause they like to eat, now remember, food is a very cultural thing. great grandma taughtgrandma, grandma taught mom, mom taught us, and we'regonna teach our kids what we like to eat, bottomline is not everything

you like is good for you. - yeah, especially with modern food, they put so many thingsand trick your tastebuds. - yes, 100%, absolutely right,so people like to smoke, but doesn't mean it's good for them. the people who like to usedrugs, it's not good for them, so the fact that you likeit doesn't mean it's okay, so the concept of the graciediet is to learn to like what's good for you, fortunately,i was born in a family

where my uncle carlos,who was not a doctor, spends 65 years studying food combining, he literally using thefamily as guinea pigs, we had a very big house ina place called terrazop, which is an hour from downtown rio, 21 bedroom and 18 bathrooms.- wow. - we counted one time, 37 children, all relatives stayingthere for summer vacation. - it's crazy stuff,but the bottom line ...

- that must have been fun, actually. - it was a lot of funindeed, crazy times, yes, wonderful times, so allthe meals are prepared according to the gracie diet,so the kids would just eat what we had, this is it,this is lunch, right here, they have no choice, so there'sno, i don't want to eat this there's no such thing, that'slike a little army, you know, a very spartan lifestyle,training jiu-jitsu, eating right, that was avery unique environment.

- [host] and you sawpeople's health change as they started doing that, this diet. - we just grew up like this. - you grew up.- there was no choice. this is it. - how about the other kidsthat were just visiting for the summer for the first time, did they notice a difference? - those 37 kids were all relatives,

they're all family. - okay, so they were all ... - but if every time we had people out, they would just fall into thegroove and eat like we ate. there was no choice of taking junk, no coca-cola in the fridge ever. you know, there's nosodas and stuff like that, it didn't exist, andeverybody just ate right and learned to eat right,and that was the bottom line,

so when i wrote this book, myidea was to share with people, because when i was teachingclass out of my garage, a lot of people came andsaid, rorion, tell me about what you're eating now,what kind of meal is that, you're preparing this andthat, and i kept giving them some tips, but it wasnever enough, so i decided to write the book, explain toeverybody how to fall into it and then literally impacttheir lives in a positive way. - let me read some of the,there's a lot to this,

go out and buy this book,they can get it on amazon? - amazon, yes. - so the gracie diet in a nutshell here. for juicing apples, melons,pineapples, carrots, use a juicer, oh, this is,sorry, this is the juicing, it's big on juicing, fasting,you fast once a month. - well, i fast once a month. - food combinations is the main thing. actually, here's my breakfastthat i was gonna eat

and then i ate a littlebit, but i felt guilty, so we had bread was okay. - bread and butter and thekale, the eggs and the kale was great. - kale was great, buti had this and you said i shouldn't have this at the same time. - [rorion] that is correct. - what's the reason? - the reason is this, becausethese are the citrus fruits,

you know, the strawberriesand the blueberries are acidic foods, acidicfoods should not be mixed with anything else. - so you eat that alone. - strawberries, you have abucket of just strawberries, make a meal out of that, same thing with the blueberries andblackberries, all acidic fruits ... - can you have blueberriesand strawberries together? - no, no, only one kind ofacidic fruit per meal, that's it.

- okay.- nothing else. - because what happens then if you eat them at the same time? - it brings acidity to the system, yes, that's what you wanna avoid. - but how come if you just have one it doesn't bring as much acidity? - because it's not mixedwith anything else. - oh, okay.

- we all need gasoline. - we all need fire. - don't put 'em together. - you know what i mean?- yeah. - but it's important to have gasoline, it's important to havefire, so divide 'em, so different fruits isgreat, have a variety of fruits and vegetablesand stuff is great, the trick is how to combine them right.

this should not be called a diet. should make a point ofsaying that, clarifying this, because it's not limiting,right, look at the list. - yeah, you can eat almost anything. - anything. - so no pork is one thing not to have. - the only thing we don't eat is pork. - pork.- yes. - some things you eat a little bit less,

like you said, like,dairy, have some cheese but not a lot of milkand things like that. - that's right, you don't need milk, the less milk you drink the better, but if you like to drink milk, it's okay. - you're not forbidden from eating it. - drink your milk, it'sjust, i don't drink milk, i don't need milk, youknow, the idea of, you know, a good-looking lady in a bathing suit

or a strong-looking guy in a bathing suit, a little milk mustache,they wanna sell milk. - that's a commercial, yeah. - of course, it's notsomething that you need. - and this is kind of a quick overview of the groups of food, right? - so you have, we'll takesome closeups of this, we have ... - vegetables, right here, vegetables

- group a, so group a you cancombine all of these things with ...- one of group b. - with one of group b, which is here. - or it can be grouped with itself. - of course, all groupcombines with each other. - so for example, in group a you have ... - vegetables and greens. - green beans, kale, mushrooms,so you can have, like, a salad with one meat orseafood, like chicken.

- two or three or four. - two or three, or you canalso have fat and oily foods like avocado. - almonds, avocado, cashews, all that. - melted cheese, and you cancombine it with one starch. - with rice, not riceand beans, or with pasta. - so you could have rice, butnot, you wouldn't have this with bread and rice. - correct, only one of each.

- now group c. - those are the sweetfruits and cheeses, yes. - so these can combine with a starch. - [rorion] as long as youdon't have fat or the starch. - which one's fat, there? - [rorion] butter, yeah,oil or butter, yeah. - so you could have,just say, lentil soup? - if it's not with heavy fat. - no fat.

- no oil, no butter, no nothing. - then you could have an apple. - right, you can have watermelon juice, you can have dates, you can have papaya, and you can have some crackers. - d is also acidic fruits, right? - d are the acidic fruit group, right. - what was c? - c is the sweet fruits.

- oh, sweet fruits, soyou separate sweet ... - from acidic. - what about this, greentea, what do you think? - it's okay, tea is neutral. - tea is neutral, goes with everything. - everything you want, yes. - just like water. - so you can have waterwith a, b, c, there's e, there's a, b, c, d, e.

- so then d is your ...- f is right here, the milk. - so d things, acidic fruitsdo not combine with each other, so this, like for example,mango, you should just eat a mango.- only a mango. not a mango, a whole bunch of mangos. i ate 15 mangos in a meal. - really. - yes, but that's only mango. - grapefruit, same thing.

- same thing. - just have some grapefruits.- that's correct. - group e is interesting, is just bananas? - no, this is the raw bananascombined with these foods, do not combine with these foods. - so you're big on bananas,people should eat bananas. - yeah, is great food. - you know, it's interesting,when i track my diet in my fitness pal, almostall, and i eat pretty healthy,

potassium, you don't getenough, bananas give you that potassium, so does coconut water. - most people, if you track your diet, you don't get, potassium's oneof the major things you need, so you can have raw bananas- with this group. - with cheese, apples, but not with honey. - yes, or bread. - and you're not big onsugar in general, like ... - i eat so much sweet stuffalready from the fruits

that you don't need toput the sugar, you know? - so get the dessert from some fruits. - not dessert, there's no dessert. - okay, 'cause there's no dessert, 'cause you wouldn't eat ameal and then have this. just have it as a meal. - that's right, have it as a meal. - now the other thing thatyou talk about in the book is that every, you should only eat,

actually, let me dothis, so group f is milk, what you can have with milk. - [host] so don't have milk with fruit. - avocado and fruits and stufflike that, that is correct. - what about milk, so youcan have milk with ... - you can have milkand cereal if you want, though we know a lot of them are junk ... - this is homemade granola,bread should be made from whole flour, andshould not be consumed,

oh, you should wait ... - 24 hours before, usuallywhen you buy bread somewhere it has been there for 24 hours. - so that's good, avoid sweets,canned food, pepper, clover, cinnamon, pickles, and don't eat pork. - correct. - now the other bigthing is you should eat every four and a half hours. - well, you should space your meals

at least four and a half hours. not that you have to eatevery four and a half hours. - but you have to havea space in between meals - without snacks in between. - no snacks, only water. - and then fasting, youwere telling me about nobel prize winning ... - this year, 2016. - 2016, won a nobel prize along this,

what your father knew anduncle knew 100 years ago. - well, we've been sayingthat for a long time, the idea of autophagy,so the japanese scientist explained that when you fast,you literally help your body by not consuming, to cleanhouse, it has to eat ... - so it eats old cellsand things like that. - yes, it's a great cleansingprocess for you, it helps you. - [host] so do you do that? - yes, once a month, i do fast.

- just 24 hours.- 24 hours. don't eat or drink anything. - [host] but just water,you're allowed ... - i don't drink water. - yeah, just take a day you'regonna rest and just chill. - huh, but for someone newmaybe they could just have ... - yeah, drink water in the beginning, but it's not that bad. - you can do without water,that's pretty impressive.

- just rest on a day thatyou don't have to go to work, anything like that, justkind of chill a little bit, get a book and relax. - huh.- yeah. - now for somebody watching,you were telling me how sometimes it's too overwhelming to go from the moderndiet to switch to this so you created a system withthe belt-ranking systems where you do it in levelstil you're a black belt.

- that is correct. - each one about two weeks. - so you start out with white belt. - which is just drinkwater first in the morning, it's also big onsanitation, wash your hands before a meal.- it's important. you have to wash yourhands before you eat, it doesn't hurt, the amountof contamination and bacteria that you're gonna avoid byjust simply washing your hands

is ...- yeah. - it's staggering, so you shoulddo that, no reason why not. - i actually read, there'san interesting book i read years ago on, they just did an experiment with the average person, and they said, not only when you washyour hands but put soap under the nail 'causeit's thes nail that carry most of the, so and thenokay, so then get in the habit of writing down what you eat.

- on the first week, only,you don't have to do it every week, so wash your hands ... - what's the idea, why do you think, what's the benefit,just people start to see how much crazy things they eat? - that's right, if youwrite everything down that you eat during the week, it helps you keep you accountable.- yes. - it's like the person whohas no idea how much money

they're spending, if they writedown every penny they spend at the end of the month,they're gonna see wow, i wasted so much money onthis and this and that. - and the same thing withfood, if you start writing down what you eat, you're gonnarealize that i'm eating more than i need and whatever. - you can use, if you like to use apps, there's a great free appcalled my fitness pal that you can enter yourfood, that counts, too,

right, just keeping track? - of course, keeping track of it, 100%. - so then after a week ortwo you go to blue belt, which you continue todo everything you did in the white belt, washingyour hands, drink water, except you don't need to write down. - you don't have to write it down. - then you start eliminating desserts, sweet or fruits after a cooked meal.

- yeah, after cooked meal, notthat you shouldn't eat fruit. - so you can have fruits,but just as dessert. - as dessert. - as their own four anda half hour later meal. - exactly. - and then you can drinkwater, carbonated water, coconut water, veggie juice,iced tea, but no lemon or sugar then after that you dothat for a few weeks, then you go to purple belt,which is the third belt,

you do everything thatyou were doing before and now you start to do the combinations. - you implement the combinations. - but now you've already been a month of changing your habits,so it's not so hard. - not so hard at all, that's the idea. - and you eliminate pork. - and you eliminate pork, theconcept of combining foods is the most important,though, because i know

a lot of people sayonly eat organic foods, eating organic is an importantstep that you are becoming aware of what you'reeating, it's very smart, but if you don't combinethe foods properly. - doesn't matter.- doesn't matter. - yeah.- the reaction is still gonna be acidic in your system, and that's gonna bring unwanted results. - now the next, you go to brown belt,

where you continue to doeverything you've been learning but now you start spacing the meal. - at least four and a half hours. - and you only do this six days a week and you get one day cheat day. - that's right, six days a week. - yeah, so you can take saturdays for, i always do saturday for my cheat day. - and the reason i recommend you do that

is that if you spend six daysof the week eating right, spacing your meals, combiningyour foods properly, and on the other day, theseventh day, you mess up, you feel so sick thatyou're gonna say wow, what the heck.- you'll stop doing it. - you'll stop doing it, then automatically you evolve to the blackbelt and you start eating every day correctly. - so then when you do a black belt,

then you start doingthis seven days a week and teaching others. - well, you'll feel so good you just ... - so this is about two, it's interesting, it takes for those of you in my 67 steps, it takes about two and a halfmonths to change old habits, scientists have found.- is that right? - yeah, university orcollege, london, came up with a study, they used to say youcan change habits in 30 days,

you know, quit smoking, change your diet, but they said, you need about 67 days, and this is interesting, thisblack belt is right around 67 days.- interesting. - so you kind of found out ... - you were ahead of the scientists. now question for you, whatare, let's say somebody watching this buys the book,starts implementing the diet, what type of results haveyou seen, weight loss,

getting a six-pack, feelingbetter, disease going, what have you seen ... - all of the above. - any stories you can thinkof that are just stand out to you of people ... - yes, i have a studentwho's a gastroenterologist at torrance memorial and had a patient who was morbidly obese, she wasdoing an eight month program to have the stomachreduction procedure done.

she was diabetic, shehad high blood pressure and high cholesterol.- yeah. - he gave her the gracie dietbook, six and a half months later, he was in his officeand the woman came to thank him and give him a hug, which hedid not know who the person was - didn't recognize her. - didn't recognize her,she lost 52 kilograms, over 100 pounds, shewas no longer diabetic, no longer high blood pressure,no longer high cholesterol,

she canceled theprocedure, she didn't have the stomach reduction done.- wow. - happy 53 year old woman, soi was very happy to see that and for me it's nosurprise, if you eat right, you will be fine, you knowwhat people should not do is forget that eatingshould not be something that you live for that,eating is something to nourish your body to keep you going.- right. - if you're driving a car on the freeway,

and a little red lightstarts blinking on the panel, do you put a bandaid and keep driving, or you pull over to a mechanic and say what the heck is that? - of course, so if you have a heartburn and you take a medicine orzantac or whatever it is to stop the heartburn,don't think life is good. - this is a bandaid. - you're just covering, you'rejust putting a bandaid over.

for somebody who's watching, you know, what about combining, let's say somebody wants to start doing jiu-jitsu, do even professional athletesfollow this type of diet? - they should.- yeah? - the ones that are notshould be doing this. - but i'm saying, in jiu-jitsu,are there some people that practice this?- yes, yes, 100%, of course. - 'cause of your brothers.

- yeah, all of them do that, you know, all of the whole graciefamily's been doing this. - and rickson gracie.- of course. - rickson is one of the,did he ever lose a fight? - i think he's like ... - rickson's impossible to deal with, man, the guy is too much. - did you spar with him at all? (rorion laughs)

was he the hardest? - when he was young, you know,of course, i'll play with him but as we get older, youknow, i'm the older brother, that kind of thing. - who was the hardest person you ever ... - it's always in the family. - really? - yeah, those guys are just, eventually, somebody's gonna catchyour foot, you know?

- yeah, part of the traditionis there's always the change of the guard, as an old man, you see that, a little baby's born so benice to him, 'cause one day ... - 'cause one day he'll beat you. what about things like, i sawa documentary on jiu-jitsu and it had rickson graciedoing some yoga and breathing, do you think that typeof thing has worked? - that's wonderful, yeah. - very good stuff, rickson's really good.

- and stretching, all ... - and stretching, uncle carlos used to say that as long as you're flexible,you're young, you know, so make sure that youstretch and keep, you know, exercising, like isaid, is very important. but more important thanall that is eating right. - 'cause i don't carehow much you exercise ... - 'cause so many people goto the gym all the time ... - and eat junk.

- but they never, so, i'm gonna tell you an interesting story,i never told you this. my dad was one of the firstprofessional bodybuilders in the world, and so when he was born, he had i think it was rheumatic fever, something with his heart,when he was one year old and so the doctors told my grandparents, this boy will probablylive to 12 years old, he's probably gonna die, this is in,

my dad was born in harlem in new york, and they were poor, andthey said, whatever you do, don't have him do hardexercise, it'll hurt him. well, my dad just sat inside'til he was about 12, 13, and then he found anarticle on bodybuilding and he started to liftweights and his diet, my dad always had a great diet, my dad didn't have a sweet tooth at all, never ate sugar, and he went from this kid

who was supposed to be dead at 12 or 13 to by the time, he becamemr. canada, mr. puerto rico, he had the world record bench press, so control, so many times in life we have things outside of our control. who you're born to, whereyou're born, poverty, you know, abusive parentsand things like that, and if you just focuson what you can control, a big one's diet.- of course.

- and i don't care if you're,you can diet, lifting weights, you can do if you're in prison. when you control everythingwithin your control, i tell this for entrepreneurs in business, people say how can they make more money, i say, well, are you optimizingwhat you actually can, because some people go, ifi could just get an investor to give me a milliondollars, i'd be able to grow my business, but i say, if icame to your office right now,

is it optimized with what's around you, and we all, humans, we,i think, at least myself, there's a natural bad habitto look outside for the answer when you realize, it'ssimple stuff like diet. - which everybody knows, but nobody does. - for somebody watchingthis that's worried about willpower, what are somethings you've found, because we live in a world,i go out, there's pizza, or you go to the movies,there's no good food,

even if you wanna eat healthy, how do you build the discipline? is it by fasting once amonth, is it just long enough doing this, do you havetricks, do you bring your own food with you? - a lot of the times,my traveling a lot to do with what i'm going toeat when i get there. - [host] okay. - so eating for me is amajor aspect of any project

that i do, what am i gonna eat? worse come to worse, i'll just fast, i won't eat anything.- oh really? - if it's bad stuff, i just don't eat. i don't have to go to a movie and eat, i have dinner, and then i go to a movie. don't have to have foodthere, don't have to eat any popcorn and soda,you know what i'm saying, i mean, why should i have to eat,

people are justacculturated, you get used to certain things and the trickis to reeducate yourself and learn the good habitsbecause they are as difficult to break as the bad habits. - right, so if you canget in a good habit ... - get in the good habit,you're in good shape, and that's the trick. - what about, one thing that i've found, who you're around matters too.

- so if you hang out with people that go to a gracie jiu-jitsu school, it's gonna be easier becausethey might be following the same diet, i've always found it hard to 100% rely on willpower ifmy environment is messed up. - yeah, the environmenthas a lot to do with that, but sometimes you'rethe one that influences and change the environment as well. depends on how convincingand how much conviction

you have in what you're doing,there have been many times in environments that i say, you know what, this is the way it should be, and before you know it,there's people following and learning and doing this.- yeah. - i came here, started in agarage, nobody knew anything about jiu-jitsu, look ateverybody does jiu-jitsu now, so i just was able to, youknow, because of my convictions and my beliefs and theway i handled the thing

literally changed the world. - was there even, back in that time, was there even anyjiu-jitsu people in america? - no, there was somepeople doing jiu-jitsu, but the japanese jiu-jitsu. - not brazilian jiu-jitsu. - not brazilian jiu-jitsu, yeah. in fact, that's why i started. - when did your other familystart to come, other gracies?

- after the ufc, 20 years later. - oh, so in the mid '90s. - mid '90s, yeah. - so you had already been here 20 years. - huh, so you're a pioneer. - kind of, yeah. - that's good, well this has been awesome, so i want to just kind of close by saying, one thing that i've found in life,

whoever experiments the most wins. so this might be somethingyou haven't heard before, experiment with it, you canfollow this simple thing, it's two and a half months,now if they buy the book, this has all these inside it. - that's correct.- all this information. - this information. - so if you buy this book,it's not, how expensive is it? 20 dollars, and try it, just try it

because so many people,there's something called the hexical personalityscore, you take a test, it tells you 25 thingsabout yourself, okay, this is the newest scientifictest, it came out in 2000, and one of the factors in your personality that predicts your success,it's called openness to new experience, so manypeople miss out on life 'cause anything like yousaid that they haven't heard growing up, they'll belike, i don't wanna try.

- and one way you make aheck of a lot more money, if you look at everybody whomade money, a lot of money, billionaires, they didsomething, they experimented with something when otherpeople thought it was crazy, bill gates, you know,people doing computers, elon musk starting the car company tesla, even some, charlie mungerand warren buffet told him he shouldn't do it, but he saw something and was willing to experiment,so try something new,

i mean, diet is at the end of the day, if you don't have health,i know a guy that's got a billion dollars, but he'sso overweight he can't even get out of bed, allthe money in the world, you wouldn't want that.- you wouldn't want that. - if you could have, if i couldwire you one billion dollars now, but one condition,you'd be so fat and unhealthy that you couldn't getout of bed and you'd have to lay in a hospital bedthe rest of your life,

nobody would take that deal.- nobody would take that deal. - even for a billion dollars,'cause you can't use the money if you can't move. - i often tell my kids thati'd rather be on a crossroads, on a dirt road in chinain the middle of nowhere, a pair of shorts, shirtless,in the rain at night, completely lost, with good health than being in a castle withall the money in the world at my disposal with bad health.

with good health youcan take any situation, you can handle anything,there's no stopping you. - that's what it is, that's the trick. - one last thing i was gonna ask you, you said earlier that stuff with me, if somebody watching, yesterdayi posted on my snapchat, have you had somethinghappen to you in life, something bad recently, andi do that about once a month, i post on my social media,and every time i'm surprised

by the literal, i wouldsay, it's hard to count, but 10 thousand or morepeople write me in one day with sad stories, i mean, ican't even look at 'em all, the last one i was lookingat, you know, it's mom died, sister has cancer, son'sdying, all this things, and you were saying earlierthat in your experience with jiu-jitsu, diet, and just your life, there's always ...- all bad things happen for a good reason.- always something good.

- there's always something good. - but how in the midst ofthat, when it's so hard and so painful, how do youhave the faith to believe that? - i guess you said it all right there, having the faith to believethat, that's what it is. i believe, it's comfortingto me to see it that way. - so you don't think it'srandom and it's just ... many years ago i took aballoon trip, okay, you know. - [host] you mean up?

- yeah, in a balloon, andi drove two and half hours to get to, like, lake perryor something like that, had to be there at sixo'clock so you could see the sun rise at 6:30 on the balloon, so i drive two and a half hours, and i get there, and the balloonis filling up with helium and i hop in a little basket,which is like pretty much very small thing, there'sa couple, me and a friend and the pilot, and they turn on the gas,

and in three minutes you are at 3000 feet. - very quiet up there,and as i'm looking at, i'm looking down fromthe balloon, very silent except the wind and stuff like that, i see the freeway is likea little line like this, with thousands of carsgoing towards downtown, and i looked like a little ant, you know, and i'm looking, gosh,little ants are the cars, i'm thinking wow, eachone of those little cars

is like the size of anant, has a person in it which is smaller than that car. each person has a headthat's smaller than them, you can barely see it now at that point, and each head has a brain in it, and each of those people in those cars, thousands of people, has the worst worry, the biggest, aah, morestress than anybody else. each one of them thinksthey have the worst problems

on their shoulders,everybody thinks, oh my gosh, my life is this, every single one of them, and i'm looking over there, ittook me two and a half hours to drive to that location,the lake that i drove around is nothing but a little puddle of water, the mountain i drove aroundis just a little pile of dirt and looking from over there, i said gosh, each one of those, a little tiny thing, so worried about everything,it made me realize

that we don't have the rightto worry about anything. we're too insignificant on a big scale in the scheme of things thatwe don't have to worry about, each person has oh, my gosh, i got a list, everybody has worries all the time, don't worry about a thing,just relax, let it cruise by, wait, do the rightthing, try not to cheat, deceive people and whatever,do what your heart tells you is the right thing to do andthings will just fall in place

100%, i came back from theballoon trip a different person. realizing that i could notworry about a thing in my life, never worry about a thing,my son, my youngest son, told me one thing, veryinteresting, a few months ago, that i kind of, he reallycaptured my way of looking at things, he said, whengod pushes you off a cliff, he's either gonna catchyou on the way down or give you wings andteach you how to fly. - yeah, well, whathappens if you feel like

it's your fault, likegod didn't push you off, like you did something stupid? - well, learn from that.- yeah. - if you learn from every stupid thing, i try to learn from the stupid things so i don't do them again and again, but if you learn from everystupid things you made, you did a mistake, you learnedthe lesson and move on, that's what life is about,it's not a question of falling,

as we know, it's a question of getting up and moving on again,that's what the whole thing is about, falling isokay, are you gonna get up and keep going, or are yougonna quit on that fall? ultimately, that's what it is, i mean, it's been a very interestingexperience for me to believe that thingshappen for a reason, that alone has opened so manyexperiences, opportunities i've had to see that,and when things all fail,

everything is about to collapse, you just say hey, i did whati could, did the best i could, is it gonna happen or not,and if it's meant to be, it's gonna be, if not,i'll try again next time. when i was creating theacademy a few years ago, i brought a guy to do thestucco outside the building, have you been to the academy in torrance? - [host] yes, yeah, i've been, yeah. - so i had a big hugeopen door 'cause it was,

before it became theacademy, it was a car parts storage location.- okay. - so it had the big rollup doors, the metal doors, and it was cinder block all around, so it was a big cement square like this, and the guy came in to dothis stucco on a thursday, he said, i'll be here saturdayto cover the whole place, what are you gonna do for a door, i said i'm gonna put a glass door,

which is what we have now, he said, if you're gonna put a glass door, you have to put a beam, a wood beam so that you can then screwthe metal frame of the door and then put your glass in there. i had no idea we needed that,so i said i'm gonna find a beam, that's on a thursday, on friday, i call, call, call, nobodyhad the beam available because it's a three-dayprocess, you have to order it,

takes three days, the industrial size, it's 16 for four, not alittle two-by-four that you by at home depot, so i hadto call a lot of people, nobody had it, finally, someonesaid, hey i have one here, somebody ordered a month and a half ago, they never picked itup, i said, it's mine, i'm on my way up, so i wentthere and picked up the beam. in order to secure thebeam, you need a shoe, a metal shoe like thisthat you screw to the wall

and then the beam sitson top of this, you know what i mean, two, however,if you put the cement frame, if you put the beam here,the shoe, both of them, there's no way you can put, i mean, if you put the shoes against the wall, you can't fit the beam inthere, do you understand? - you need one shoe thatyou can screw this way, put the beam, and theother shoe have to be able to screw from the outside'cause it's gonna come

to hold it, do you follow me? - yep. - but this reverse onedidn't come with the beam, i had two that came with thebeams that are like this. - okay, so you had two of the same. - yeah, two of the samethat wouldn't work. - so my friend said, rorion,we need to get this reverse one so we ran to home depot, and we get there and i ask the lady, do youhave one this size, 16 by 4,

she said no, we don't carry that, i said, where do you carry the beams, she said, we don't have this kind, go check out aisle eight, butthat's, we don't have that, so i go to aisle eight, istart looking, and i find one beam like that.- huh. - the big one.- yeah. - only one, i brought to the front and she said, wow, you found one,

i said yeah, found one,and she runs the bar code, the reader.- bar code, scanner. - she said it's not from here. - huh, somebody left it.- somebody left it. - huh.- isn't that interesting? she said, i can't even chargeyou, you can take it for free, so i took it home, put itin there, the next morning, the guy was able to putin the whole stucco. - huh.- the leftover one i had,

i left it on the wall and i framed it and i said somebody must betraining jiu-jitsu in heaven. (host laughs) in other words, it wasthe last thing for me, a week before the grand opening, everything was already happening, if i didn't find that shoe,now go to any home depot in the country, you're not gonna find one. isn't that interesting,that when everything for me

was just like aah, the last thing i needed was a thing to supportthat stuff a week before the grand opening, they don't carry it, but somebody left one in there for me, i mean, for me, it's like, hey,keep doing the right thing. - all right, so me being hereis a special blessing as well. - for me and you watchingthis video, you know, i say whenever you see something like this if you've watched this far, you know,

things happen for a reason, so ... - check it out, it'llchange your life forever, there's nothing like this. - leave a comment below ifyou've done the gracie diet or questions you have. - let me tell you something else. - yeah? - i know it's a lot ofpeople that watch your stuff. - this is how confident i am on the book.

get the book, try it for two weeks, follow the guidelines ofthe book for two weeks. if you don't feel better- yeah? - i'll buy the book back from you. - home depot wouldn't, nobody does, i'll give the moneyback, send the receipt, the book in good condition,i'll buy the book back. - nobody gives you moneyback and return your book, only i do that, do it for two weeks 100%

and i'll let you know. - i like that you have here, by the way, "if you're at the cheesecake factory, "what you should order."- yeah. - so that's pretty practical,cheesecake factory, some things you shouldn't, soyou think the orange chicken is okay, deep-friedchicken breast in a sweet, so deep fry is tolerable,here's the problem, sweet and spicy.

- i'm gonna give you the tipson how to order the food. - okay, what do you do on orange chicken? - it says, "deep fried,served over white rice "and garnished with vegetables." - what does it say? - so you should pass on the wheat bread. - oh. - since you ate rice, don't eat the bread. - that's good 'causei've always been skipping

orange chicken, i loveorange chicken. (laughs) my weakness, that's awesome. well, this is such a coolbook, tips for losing weight, which you have manage carbs. - if you eat right, losing weight is just a natural consequence of that, you know, that's a trick, like theheadache, why should people have headache, 'causeyou're thinking too much? come on, your head was made to think.

- yeah.- you know? - take, this is interesting,take a 15 to 30 minute nap every day. - i try to do it every single day. - that's important,man, when i take a nap, it changes your life. - i know. - that's something,even a five-minute nap, if you can't, don't have the time.

- and here you have somemeal plans that can actually be followed, so, like,breakfast you have oatmeal, raisins, apple juice, lunch,you'll have looks like a salad here, olive oil ... so this is just a vegetarian right here. - no, this is salad thatshould precede your entree, so this is a meal, whereyour lunch is this too. - okay, so you think three meals a day. - that's all you need.

- now what if somebody's watchingand they're a bodybuilder? so just eat more? - the question, you caneat as much as you want within reason of course,you don't wanna feel sick after you eat so much,the question is this. do you wanna get big ordo you wanna be healthy? - that's the plan. - so some people you think are too big. - i don't think it, they haveto decide for themselves.

- it's not me telling them how they feel. - sometimes the guy is huge,but he feels sick all the time. - or they're not that athletic. - whatever. - dinner, i like this,watermelon juice, cottage cheese, rye bread, raisins, dates. so is this ...- a meal. - dinner.- that's a meal. - that's all ...- that's a meal.

another meal, anothermeal, each one of them, you can have as a meal. - so not necessarily, youdon't have meat, it looks like, at night. - at night, no, i usuallyhave fruits for breakfast. - and i have a cooked meal during the day 'cause your metabolism is more active, it's easy to digest, and at night i usually have fruitsor some veggie juice ...

- or some cottage cheese. - something like that, yeah. - avocado. - you sleep better if youhave a lighter meal at night instead of having cooked food. - yeah, i love cottage cheese. - yeah, just try this ... - oh, this is week two. - awesome.

- do that for two weeks andthere's no stopping you. - and sun, you're big on, get enough sun. - come on, born in brazil.- brazil. - have to go to the beach if you're there. - man, if you've never been to brazil, has some of the prettiestwomen in the world. eggplant quiche, i'm gettinghungry actually watching this, has it been four and a half hours yet? well thank you so much.- thank you very much.

- this was awesome.- i appreciate it. - thank you.- all right.

Just got my check for $500 

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

 So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.



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