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of all the mysteries to come out of nintendo’s development, including the enigma of the nx, no account since has nintendo been so adamantly dedicated to keep information regarding zelda wii u to an absolute minimum. however, recent information might just wipe away that initial thought. as far as anyone knows, eiji aonuma along with his ead team, took on a daunting prospect. to create a new iteration of the zelda series that would challenge the franchise’s conventions. but what came out of this? well to understand the situation, let’s start at the beginning. it is fall 2007, phantom hourglass was just released for the ds. early development for spirit tracks

is underway. and curiously, skyward sword also begun its development. eiji aonuma along with his team would simultaneously work on both projects up until 2009, with the completion of spirit tracks. at this moment, aonuma focused to complete the wii’s true zelda iteration. however he faced a brand new hurdle. nintendo was developing a brand new handheld, the 3ds, which was dropping in 2011. in order to get an understanding of the hardware, aonuma along with the developers over at grezzo, oversaw the creation of an ocarina of time remake. with its release in the june of 2011, aonuma along with grezzo immediately begun work on a much anticipated remake for majora’s mask. as you can imagine, eiji aonuma had his work cut out for him, but through it all, skyward sword saw its completion in the 4th quarter of 2011.

with skyward sword finished, aonuma and his staff immediately went to work on a brand new zelda iteration on the 3ds. this project will eventually become a link between worlds. however the powers that be at nintendo faced a daunting challenge. their latest console at the time, the wii u was about to drop in 2012. the console demanded a new zelda installment to be a part of its library. as a result, a brand new zelda project for the wii u likely begun sometime in 2011. since eiji aonuma did not direct the upcoming link between worlds, nor has he directed any zelda game since twilight princess in 2006. aonuma faced the challenge of working on multiple projects, on both handheld and console devices. a challenge he ultimately turned to his advantage. in order to create zelda wii u to its fullest potential, aonuma wanted to test the conventions

of the zelda franchise. conventions that were challenged by men such as hiromasa shikata, who directed a link between worlds. additionally, aonuma also wanted to test the waters of the wii u’s potential. what better way to do this than by working on a title for the console, this became wind waker hd. it was during this time that aonuma faced a realization. he had a hand in the majora’s mask remake, a link between worlds, and wind waker hd. aonuma not only wanted to merge existing zelda conventions, but to challenge and innovate them. with wind waker hd releasing in fall 2013, and link between worlds following afterwards. aonuma sought other ways he could expand on the zelda project for wii u. a radical idea took the shape of hyrule warriors, which likely begin development in early 2013. the title is a crossover

between the zelda and dynasty warriors franchises, and brought forth a curious package. at this point, aonuma had a potent mixture of majora’s mask, link between worlds, wind waker hd, and now hyrule warriors to drive inspiration from. it would seem likely that all was going well. on e3 2014, the zelda project for wii u was finally revealed to the public. showcasing an unorthodox perspective on zelda. this unconventional vision was further supplemented with the release of hyrule warriors later that year. and to everyone’s delight, the majora’s mask remake was revealed in the november of 2014. with the remake’s release in early 2015. another curious package came into being in the form of triforce heroes, which is co-developed by the same team known as grezzo. notice a pattern here. since zelda wii u’s inception, aonuma has been drawing from a wide pool

of different interpretations of zelda. what originally was a daunting task turned into an opportunity, with aonuma absorbing ideas from a variety of different conventions. more footage of the zelda project for wii u was revealed at the game awards. as expected, the title expressed elements from a variety of past installments. there aonuma delivered his reassurances for a 2015 release of the project. however, something was amiss. not only has the project not received a permanent title, but not too much information was revealed to the public. perhaps it was the prolonged development of the majora’s mask remake that awakened something within aonuma. or perhaps the possibilities of hyrule warriors spawned new ideas, whatever the case, aonuma has fostered an ambition. to create nothing less than speculator, to strive nothing short than perfection.

the zelda project for wii u is the culmination of his passions. to ultimately change the zelda franchise, the zelda project for wii u is the instrument to meet that end. however, such an ambitious task required time. hence, the delayed in 2015. to bring hyrule warriors to a wider audience, a new version for the 3ds is created. this project along with triforce heroes was revealed in e3 of 2015. so based on all the information gathered. what comes next? well nintendo’s latest console the nx is on the horizon. which makes all of this very curious. technically speaking, it is possible that zelda wii u was in development longer than the entire lifetime of the wii u so far. which is why i am positive that this new zelda project was made for the wii u in mind. but what about the lack of information?

from my perspective at least, the development for zelda wii u is not a normal one. if anything the development is an evolutionary process. in which aonuma constantly drew from a wide pool of projects he has worked on over the years. which would make the pieces of footage we have seen of the project, somehow outdated. but aonuma, is not done with his multi-tasking approach. there there has been talk of a twilight princess hd remake, if this remake is in development. it would begin right after the completion of wind waker hd in late 2013. with aonuma working on a twilight princess remake, zelda wii u’s pool of inspiration just became that much more vast. aonuma certainly is a hard worker, based on these series of events he would be working on multiple projects, under the stress of zelda wii u since 2011.

furthermore, the development of the zelda project for wii u is not isolated in the scheme of the franchise’s longevity, but a part of an evolutionary process which seeks to challenge the prior restraints on the series. but what else can we say about this? we have the legendary zeltik, the regal commonwealth realm, and the hectic hmk to discuss this perplexing mystery. now out of curiosity, why do you guys think why there has been such a lack of information regarding zelda wii u? more information about the nx has been revealed, which has some sort of a mobile unit along with utilizing industry leading chips, what do you think about a duel release for zelda wii u? so what can we take from all the information presented?

well in a recent interview with eiji aonuma, he has given us one clue. in other words. aonuma wants the zelda series to both constantly evolve and most importantly surprise. perhaps this could reveal partly on why there hasn’t been much information regarding this topic. that aonuma wants us to keep on wondering and speculating. with the nx on the horizon, the future does seem a bit turbulent. but i do want to make one prediction. i am certain that there is another zelda title in development besides twilight princess hd and zelda u. this new project may be on the nx. the reason why i say this is just by taking a look at the ead’s development history. if anything they are excellent multitaskers. but what do you guys think about zelda wii u?

rylan chapman says “i think it’ll be on both. it would be a great launch title for the nx and it would keep wii u owners appeased.” and guz says “unless the nx is radically different from a traditional console. i think it’ll be a dual release, like twilight princess.” these are interesting inferences, perhaps nintendo has something similar in mind. will we see more info at e3 2016? or perhaps a future nintendo direct or something of the sort? if zelda wii u is truly hidden away in its own ambition, just waiting for the right moment to be revealed. then eiji aonuma wishes to surprise us at just the right opportunity. however, this story of this enigmatic project is only one in the grand scheme of things.

there is another tale out there, but it is infinitely darker. and it is tale that will be told next time. special thanks goes to zeltik, commonwealth realm, and hmk for being a part of this video.

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